; Phantoms and Monsters: Pulse of the Paranormal

jeudi, février 27, 2025

BLACK WOLF-LIKE UPRIGHT CANINE Sighting Near Stuttgart, Arkansas

An Arkansas man encounters a wolf-like upright canine while driving on I-165 late at night. He was in the vicinity of Stuttgart.

I recently the following account:

"This is my encounter with what I believe to be a dogman. This happened in July. I was working at a very big factory in Stuttgart, Arkansas in pretty much the east-central part of the state.

One night. I got off of work at around 8 pm. I went to one of my coworker's houses and proceeded to indulge in plenty of beer. But it was well after midnight when I left his house to make the half-hour drive to my house (don't drink and drive kids) but I was on the main highway that connects Stuttgart to England and was cruising around 65 mph and really had no oncoming traffic as everyone is either heading the same way as me or has already turned off elsewhere. I had a car that had a light bar on the front bumper. I had my light bar on and it really shined up the road a good way.

I went around a curve and noticed something dark off to the passenger side of the road in a ditch next to a rice field, walking the same way as I was heading. As I got closer to the object I could tell it was covered in black fur and was walking on 2 feet. As I got close enough to see the complete look of the creature it turned and looked at me. It felt like it peered into my soul. I could tell it had a wolf-like head with a muscular build body. I don't know if it was the alcohol I drink that made me see it or what but I didn't stop. I know I probably wasn't seeing stuff because the car that was behind me slammed its brakes and backed up to get an angle of the field with its headlights.

I kept driving and drove the rest of the way home doing over 100+ mph. I made it home to which I promptly ran in the house and slept with my gun in my lap. That night I kept hearing things walk around the outside of my house and my bulldog would cower in his kennel and would not get out of it. I have not drunk more than 3 beers in a single sitting since." C



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Thanks. Lon

Noted UFOlogist Dr. Raymond Keller believes the idea of extraterrestrials and even ultra-dimensional beings from many different planets and alternate realms living and working among us clandestinely is more than just another conspiracy theory.
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