; Phantoms and Monsters: Pulse of the Paranormal

mercredi, janvier 15, 2025

ALIEN INVASION at Military School Near Omaha, Nebraska?

A series of events at a military school near Omaha, Nebraska seems to suggest that there had been a possible 'alien incursion.' Uniformed officials question the school staff.

The following account was relayed to me:

"I'm a military school teacher near Omaha, Nebraska and one year we had a man from out of town come and take a position as a teacher. He was allegedly a Gulf War Veteran and a doctor. I'll just call him Dr. Smith. Now in a military school, in addition to many of the same classes you'd have in regular schooling, we also run drills like marching, rifle cleaning, mess cleaning, tending to the grounds, etc. Thus, making his credentials extraordinary (our school rarely gets out-of-towners to apply, and almost none with Dr. Smith's experience).

Since we're an on-facility school (meaning the students only go home for certain holidays or emergencies and the staff live on school property) many of the staff bring their significant others to live there during the school year. This man also brought (what we initially believed) to be his wife, but their relationship seemed to be more of a "professor/intern" type. Nobody really saw her much but my friends would sometimes recall strange sightings where they'd see her duck off into a nearby cornfield at weird hours of the night.

So the "extraterrestrial" part of the story kicks in now. So about a month or two into the school year, everything's normal. Dr. Smith is a competent teacher and great at leading some of the military exercises we run, and he was a nice guy if not a little odd (he was always mentioning a great war while looking slightly confused as to what he was talking about (I just chalked it up to some form of PTSD).

One day I was overseeing the pupils tending to the cornfield (one of their nontraditional school duties) when Dr. Smith's companion appeared out of nowhere from the field and came up to me and started asking very nervously "What are you doing, how far into the field are you going, have you seen Mr. Smith?" I'm a bit taken aback because before this encounter I had only ever exchanged small hello's with this woman. I explain that my students are performing their duties and she just says one word. "Caution." She then runs off. I was more baffled by the fact that she was running everywhere but I shrugged it and went back to overseeing the kids.

A week later I woke in the middle of the night to our school alarm. We have unannounced "combat drills" quite a bit but usually, the staff are pre-warned. I figured it was a troubled student performing a prank but I jumped into action nonetheless. As I met up with other teachers it's becoming clear that this might not be a drill or a prank at all. Nobody knows who pulled the alarm until Dr. Smith's companion comes running in (always running), and yells that we need to prepare the students for an invasion. Of course, we are all pissed that this crazy woman woke us all up but she points to some scarecrows coming out of the cornfield. We realize that some of the students or some local kids must be playing a prank. So our "principal" goes out and tells the "scarecrows" to immediately leave and that they were on private property. They just all shouted they wanted Dr. Smith and they wouldn't "harm us" if we handed him to them. Now Dr. Smith was with us and claimed to have no idea what these people were or wanted. His companion keeps pleading with him "We need to get you back, we need to get you back, you need to trust me!".

Then before I could hear any more of their conversation, all hell broke loose. Our principal rips off the bag from the head of the "scarecrow leader" and it's just hay. Then a little confused he grabs its arm and realizes it's all hay too and rips it off. Probably a midget hiding in the body? Nope. He takes apart the whole scarecrow THAT WE JUST WATCHED WALK OUT OF A FIELD AND SPEAK and all he could find was hay and cloth. Now everyone's starting to get confused, and one of the other teachers quietly suggests that we should assemble the students for conflict. I'm still skeptical until one of the other scarecrows walks over, puts his hand on the neck of our principal, and seriously injures him. Everyone starts freaking out, and in the chaos of us prepping for a fight, Dr. Smith and his companion sneak into the field without the scarecrows noticing.

They keep repeating to hand over Dr. Smith and we won't have any further harm done to us. Amongst all the scrambling we see a giant light in the middle of the cornfield shoot up into the sky for about 10 seconds and then disappear completely. I've tried to explain this many ways and can't. I went to the spot later on and didn't find any signs of lights or even damaged crops. The scarecrows all start to head toward the light when Dr. Smith appears from the complete other end of the cornfield. Many people will say he just ran there but there was no way he and his companion could get from where he entered to where he exited that fast, and without damaging any of the crops.

Only it wasn't quite Dr. Smith. I mean it looked like him, but something was different. He shined a small blue light (it looked like one of those key chain LED lights but I was far away), and the scarecrows all dropped. He turned to us and said that there wouldn't be any more trouble and that he was so sorry for the injury of our colleague and that he never meant to put us in any danger. He ran off into the cornfield again (always running) and none of us ever saw him again. We were still all too panicked and busy running the students into positions to truly process the sheer weirdness of what just happened.

Now in the hours that followed I was ready to believe most reasonable explanations and "aliens" weren't reasonable in my book. It wasn't until morning when soldiers in uniform arrived claiming they were from a UN task force (but not in any UN uniforms I had ever seen before) and asked us questions that I started putting the pieces together. They asked about things like "Did you see anything unusual in the sky before and following Dr. Smith's arrival?", "Were there any words he mentioned that you didn't recognize?" "What was his companion like?" "Did you ever hear anything about his past?" "Did he always look the same or did his appearance ever change?" Random questions like that. Real Men In Black type stuff. I half expected to be brainwashed. But they just relocated all of the teachers to other schools and had us sign confidentiality agreements." T

NOTE: A very interesting narrative, to the point where it seems to be fabricated. The eyewitness answered a few questions that I posed to him, and I am somewhat convinced that much of his account did occur. I haven't found much evidence on my own, but my interest is piqued. Lon





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Hey, folks. Thanks for the congrats on 'The Mothman Revisited' episode on Unsolved Mysteries. As a result, we are receiving more sighting reports and are very excited and grateful for the new information!

I sincerely thank the Unsolved Mysteries team and Netflix for allowing us to tell the world about this phenomenon.

If you have information about this or any other cryptid or unexplained sighting or encounter, please feel free to contact me by email or at 410-241-5974. Thanks again! Lon


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