; Phantoms and Monsters: Pulse of the Paranormal

samedi, décembre 21, 2024


Here are mind-blowing implications revealed in a 2016 speech by the CEO of D-Wave, Geordie Rose. D-Wave Systems, Inc. is a quantum computing company, based in Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada. D-Wave is the first company in the world to sell quantum computers:

"I'm going to tell you a little bit about quantum computers and why people care so much about them. There are literally tens of thousands of some of the brightest people in the world today trying to build these machines and understand them and I'm going to tell you why in my last 15 years of working on this type of stuff I found that scientists divided up into two categories of zealots about this field.

The first half are people who are absolutely entranced by the physics of these things. This quote is from a respectable scientist, in fact, one of the founders of this field that maybe a little bit may look a little strange to you who don't follow theoretical physics. But there is a very clear prediction that our most successful theory of nature makes and that is that there are an enormous number mind-bogglingly large number of parallel realities as real as this one that have different consistent histories.

So imagine a world where all of the laws of physics, as we know them, are obeyed but different decisions were made along the way. Different decisions at the level of tiny microscopic particles. Different decisions all the way up to what you just ate for lunch and whether you chose to come to the session or not. Quantum mechanics makes a very specific prediction that all of those are as real as the thing that you remember and this is bizarre because we don't see those other things. But science has reached the point now where we can build machines that exploit those other worlds and quantum computers are perhaps the most exciting of all of these that we have within, or almost within, our grasp right now.

So people from a physics background love this. They want to understand the world. They want to understand the universe, and how it all works. But science has reached the point now where we can build machines that exploit those other worlds. It gives these computers access to these new resources. Maybe you could call them parallel universes to do something that you couldn't do. That's not the only one. In fact, the one I'm going to come back to and talk to in the context of the story that I'm wrapping this in was recently installed at NASA and Google was the primary interested party that pulled this whole thing together.

This one is really exciting to me because what they're going to do is apply this machine to an area that I think is fundamentally important. It's the crux of our future as humans, building machines like us might be possible. I certainly believe it is. I might be wrong but what I do know is that the types of approaches that people are taking now to build intelligent machines benefit immensely from what this machine that we've built does best. They're doing something completely different than what your computer does. That thing is like flight. It gives these computers access to these new resources, maybe you could call them parallel universes to do something that you couldn't otherwise do.

From the outside, they look like giant black monoliths, big metal boxes about ten feet on a side, 12 feet tall and they are high powered. They have a refrigerator that cools these chips to almost absolute zero, just a wisp of a fraction of a degree above absolute zero, hundreds of times colder than interstellar space. Among the coldest and most isolated extreme conditions that humans have ever been able to engineer. These refrigerators, interestingly enough, which are called pulse tube dilution refrigerators, have a thing called a pulse tube which emits a sound roughly once per second which sounds eerily like a heartbeat. So if you're stat you have the opportunity to stand next to one of these machines. It is an awe-inspiring thing, at least for me it feels like an altar to an alien god. They really are impressive machines.

At the heart of this big box is a tiny chip, about the size of your thumbnail, and on this chip resides all of the wonder and magic that makes this thing go. I'm not going to describe in any mathematical detail how it all works but let me give you an analogy in quantum mechanics. There is this concept that anything can exist in two states which are mutually exclusive at the same time. I'm using those words because the English language was developed before we had concepts to describe what these things actually are doing. But I'm going to give you a roundabout way of understanding us.

Imagine that there really are parallel universes out there. Now imagine you have two that are exactly identical in every respect, all the way out to the horizon, as far as we can see, down to the last little atomic detail of every single thing, with only one difference. That's the value of a little thing called a qubit on this chip. That qubit is very much like a bit of a transistor in a conventional computer it has two distinct physical states which we call 0 and 1 for bit. In a conventional computer, these are mutually exclusive. That device is either one or the other and never anything else in a quantum computer. That device can be in this strange situation where these two parallel universes have a nexus, a point in space where they overlap. When you increase the number of these devices, each time you add one of these qubits you double the number of these parallel universes that you have access to until such time when you get to a chip like this which is about 500 of these bits, you have something like 2 to the 500th power of these living in that chip.

So the way I think about it is that the shadows of these parallel worlds overlap with ours and if we're smart enough we can dive into them and grab their resources and pull them back into ours to make an effect in our world. Now this may sound very odd to you, in bizarre, and, in fact, I am using language that a normal theoretical physicist probably wouldn't use. But this is absolutely correct and in line with the way that these things actually work. We've been doing this for some time now and, in fact, we have our own version of Moore's Law, the doubling of the number of these qubits on the chip has happened a year for the past nine years.

So for the last nine years, every year, the number of these qubit devices has doubled and it will continue to do so. As a point of reference in terms of how fast these things are in one generation of chip the one from the system that was installed at USC to the one that Google and NASA have now. The speed of the device went up by almost a half million. This is the kind of progress that you're going to see with these types of machines going forward and half a million sounds like an abstract number. But I put up a little mental comparison here to see what five thousand, really five thousand five hundred thousand is a big number when it comes to speed. They really are impressive machines. It feels like an altar to an alien god."

NOTE: For many years, I have been saying that quantum computing, as it becomes commercially viable, may help us realize if parallel universes exist and if interdimensional travel is possible. Lon





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Hey, folks. Thanks for the congrats on 'The Mothman Revisited' episode on Unsolved Mysteries. As a result, we are receiving more sighting reports and are very excited and grateful for the new information!

I sincerely thank the Unsolved Mysteries team and Netflix for allowing us to tell the world about this phenomenon.

If you have information about this or any other cryptid or unexplained sighting or encounter, please feel free to contact me by email or at 410-241-5974. Thanks again! Lon


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