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Thursday, October 10, 2024

WAS IT 'SPEARFINGER?' God-Awful Screams Heard at Mount Sterling, NC

A couple is hiking and camping on Mount Sterling, NC when they hear a god-awful scream. The events leading up to the scream are also intriguing. What did they encounter?

The following account was forwarded to me:

"Truthfully I don’t really know how to go about this story without sounding like an absolute loon but I think there was something not human I encountered with my boyfriend on Mount Sterling in North Carolina.

I want to preface this story by saying that we have tried every logical explanation possible, we’ve looked up every indigenous animal in the area and every kind of call they would make for any situation to compare to the sound this thing made, and NOTHING sounded remotely close to what we heard.

My boyfriend decided to go hiking and camping. Nothing was out of the ordinary except for the fact that we had so many delays which I now think was the universe trying to prevent us from coming to this trail because it seems like it all led up to this very moment. For example, we drove up the road to the trailhead and we found someone’s dog (the whole encounter was good it was some guy's dog that lived nearby) but we got off track with time trying to make sure we got the dog to where it belonged safely.

We went to a swimming hole it was all normal and okay! But here’s where things start getting chaotic and odd slowly but surely. We went to the nearest populated area and grabbed chicken sandwiches from this food truck and it took forever which got us off track with time, they were pretty weird and icky tasting.

Then we try to get back to the trailhead and his GPS starts going CRAZY it ends up taking us 16 miles out of the way from where we were even supposed to go which made us even more behind on time and the reason we hurried was because we wanted to get to the camp on top of the mountain before sundown which was at 8:45.

We finally get on the road that goes to the trailhead and the energy in the forest is just dark and off, it was like the woods were dark at 6:00 but the sky was blue? It was just really weird and eerie. As soon as we get to the trailhead my boyfriend's stomach is hurting so bad he’s hunched over and not even sure if he can do the trail because he is in so much pain and I’m feeling really weird too.

We got going on the trail and it was 2.8 miles so we were in a hurry to get to the top. I don’t know what the hell was going on but literally, he and I both are like getting our butts kicked by this trail. I want to add we are avid hikers and it should’ve been a cakewalk compared to what we normally do so neither of us should’ve had an issue going up this trail. But we both literally were SICK, like I nearly threw up so many times and even put my fingers down my throat to throw up and couldn’t, we both were dizzy and so physically weak it was not normal for us at all. We couldn’t even walk straight on the trail we were so dizzy and disoriented. Mind you it was not hot up there at all. it was fairly cool.

Well, shockingly, we made it up despite feeling like our bodies were shutting down and we even contemplated going back to the car a few times on the way up which I really wish we would’ve done after this evening. Well then, there were no campsites or anything available and we would need to go back to the car. But this nice family let us set up camp by them. It was a mom, granny, dad, and little girl and they camped in a green tent (take note of that).

Nightfall came and we went up to smoke a joint on the fire tower that was up there. We’re on the first flight of stairs and I look above us to the next flight and I swear I saw legs and feet like someone was standing there which threw me off because I thought we were alone. So I shined my light to make sure we weren’t in the way of another hiker going down the stairs and NOTHING was there at all. I was a little alarmed but quickly blamed it on my bad vision at night even though it felt weird to me.

This is where it gets terrifying. If you don’t think it could get worse it does. We go down off the fire tower. We hang my boyfriend's food bag on a bear cable which is just up high so bears can’t get the food or attract bears for those who don’t know. Anyways we are walking back to our camp and we shine our lights around and out of nowhere, something SCREAMS THE MOST GOD-AWFUL BLOODY MURDER SCREECH! It sounded like a woman's scream, but not human? Then it screams again!

I decided to shine my light in that direction and I couldn’t tell if I was shaking too hard or if there was something ravenously shaking next to the family in the green tent. My boyfriend yelled at me saying, “Come on!” So I ran after him and we got in the tent and hid with our gun and it was literally right next to the family’s tent. We never saw or heard anything run from the tent or around us. If it was an animal you’d think we would’ve heard it walk or run. And I know in the Smoky Mountains there are reports of feral humans but still, I feel like we would’ve heard something walking but we never did. That family we were camping with was freaking out too and asked if we were okay. They tossed and turned and stayed up all night talking about this thing that screamed right outside of their tent.

Once the morning came we hoped they would still be there so we could all chat about this but they left as soon as there was light in the sky. My boyfriend has been hiking alone since he was 16 years old and he said he had never heard anything like that in the woods. He said even when he did the Benton McKaye Trail and had to hike through this area we camped in he said, even back then, this place had such an eerie energy to it. He and I both still have no clue what it could possibly have been we have a few theories after some research and we think it could’ve been:

1.) “Flesh pedestrian” (crawler humanoid) if you catch my drift.

2.) Someone on the trail was hurt.

3.) An animal we are unsure of.

4.) It was 'Spearfinger,' which for those who don’t know is an indigenous spirit that allegedly haunts the Smoky Mountains. She targets children and what is so chilling about that to me is the scream was right next to the tent that the family with a little girl was in.

5.) Feral humans.

I, fortunately, found a video on YouTube that sounded nearly identical to what we heard next to us. But the downside to this is that the video is of an alleged “flesh pedestrian” which makes this even more terrifying." Z

NOTE: I'm well aware of the 'Spearfinger' legend, supposedly the spirit of a Cherokee witch. Lon





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Hey, folks. Thanks for the congrats on 'The Mothman Revisited' episode on Unsolved Mysteries. As a result, we are receiving more sighting reports and are very excited and grateful for the new information!

I sincerely thank the Unsolved Mysteries team and Netflix for allowing us to tell the world about this phenomenon.

If you have information about this or any other cryptid or unexplained sighting or encounter, please feel free to contact me by email or at 410-241-5974. Thanks again! Lon


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Hey, folks. Please feel free to share your thoughts & comments on the recently uploaded video of the CHICAGO MOTHMAN.
I'm interested in what you have to say. Thanks. Lon




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