; Phantoms and Monsters: Pulse of the Paranormal

Saturday, October 26, 2024

UPRIGHT, STINKING, 'NOT DEER' Encountered in Sullivan County, Indiana

Indiana teen boy encounters an awful-smelling 13-foot-tall white-tailed deer standing and walking like a human in the woods near his home!

The following account was forwarded to me by my friends & colleagues Kyle & Cam at Expanded Perspectives:

"The encounter I had didn’t last very long, but I will never forget it. Let’s get into it, shall we? I grew up in a small town of about 4,000 in Sullivan County, Indiana. I lived in the country, outside of the city limits with my parents and two older sisters. We lived on about 20 acres. Half being open fields, and the other half wooded. The wooded ten acres were full of wildlife. Deer, rabbits, coyotes, skunks, squirrels, and turkeys all lived or made their way through the area frequently. Not much around, but nature. You get the idea. Growing up there was paradise. My best friend Josh who lives about 3 miles down the road would ride his bike down to my house, and we would spend hours in the woods exploring and swimming in the creek. We hunted and explored those woods every chance we got.

One day when we were about 13 years old he showed up at my house, but not on a bicycle. No sir, he had a YZ80 2-stroke dirt bike. For the next several days he would come by and we would take turns running the hell out of that old 2 popper. Cutting trails through the woods and finding natural launching points in the field. So, naturally, the next step was for me to grind my parents down and convince them to get me something to ride as well. After a few months, they agreed to purchase me a little 4-wheeler. Now they didn’t just give it to me. It was summertime, and there was a lot of work to do to maintain the property. So, they would wake me up when they went to work, and leave me a list of chores to get done before they came home. This is how I paid them back for my “new to me” ragged-out 4-wheeler.

My buddy Josh and I had noticed that there seemed to be a lot less wildlife around. At least not as many turkeys, rabbits, and squirrels as we were accustomed to running across. We just wrote this off to it because we had turned a once peaceful place into the junior Evil Knievel motocross track. One day around 12 o’clock I happened to be riding alone when I was supposed to be doing my chores. Now, I was not allowed to ride alone, and definitely not when I was supposed to be working. I was a 13-year-old boy, sue me. I had just made a new trail that went up a very steep, but not very tall hill. Once you hit the top of the hill you would pop out into a little clearing in the woods. It was a half-moon-shaped clearing in the woods, along an otherwise straight wood line. At some point it had been cleared, as someone had planned to build a house there way before my family owned the property. Once I popped out into the clearing I was hit with one of the most awful smells I had ever been around. I can’t even explain what it was like. I have never smelled anything like it before or after. If I had to give you an idea it was like the smell of death, times ten. I immediately took a hard right and followed the semi-circle shape of the wood line staying in the clearing.

Something caught my eye as I was coming around to where I was able to see the top of the trail I had just exited. I stopped the 4-wheeler and took a double take. Where I had just exited the woods was a deer standing on its hind legs. Now, I have seen deer stand on their hind legs before. It’s not uncommon. They will do it when reaching for leaves, fruits, or berries if they are high up in a tree. What was uncommon about this is that the deer was at least 13 feet tall. It was a towering sight to see. I had already stopped and turned the 4-wheeler off. 

Disgusted by the smell, but amazed at what I was seeing, we were in a stare-down for what seemed like an eternity. I finally mustered the courage to say something. I was scared but intrigued. The word “Hi” was all I managed to squeak out. The moment I said the word “Hi” the “deer” took a step towards me. This is when I went from being scared and intrigued to being absolutely terrified. I scrambled to turn the 4-wheeler back on and get the hell out of dodge. The deer, although slowly, was walking towards me the whole time. One back leg in front of the other. Its walk is hard to explain. It was walking on its two hind legs like a person, but also kind of floating towards me? I don’t know how else to explain it. It was not natural. The deer's mouth was also different. It had a longer snout, and its lips were pulled back like it was smiling at me. The eyes looked like human eyes as well. Not the all-dark eye you would typically see on a deer. The image of that smile and the way it looked at me with those eyes will haunt me forever. I still, as an adult have nightmares about it from time to time.

I got the 4-wheeler started and took off at record speed to about 100 yards away. I turned back to the clearing and saw nothing. It was gone. I just sat in that spot in the field for about 10 minutes, watching. After waiting I rode back to the clearing and the smell was gone. I decided it was best to go home at this point. I have no idea what made me go back after seeing that. I think it was because I knew it wasn’t actually a deer, even though it had to be a deer. Right? I spent the rest of the day inside looking out the windows from time to time. I didn’t go back out and do any of my chores. I got in trouble for that. I didn’t care. There was no way I was going back outside that day.

Anyway, that is my story. This is the first time I am telling it. I have never told a soul about this. Not even one person. ln fear of being called a crazy person. I’ve debated about sending this to you guys for years, and am so glad I did. Getting it out just by writing it down is like a small weight lifting off me. I now know that I most likely had an encounter with a “Not Deer”. This encounter gave me a different outlook on things that we think can’t exist, but if you have seen them you know they do. There are a lot of BS stories on the internet, but because of this, I know at least a fraction of them are true." J





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Hey, folks. Thanks for the congrats on 'The Mothman Revisited' episode on Unsolved Mysteries. As a result, we are receiving more sighting reports and are very excited and grateful for the new information!

I sincerely thank the Unsolved Mysteries team and Netflix for allowing us to tell the world about this phenomenon.

If you have information about this or any other cryptid or unexplained sighting or encounter, please feel free to contact me by email or at 410-241-5974. Thanks again! Lon


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Hey, folks. Please feel free to share your thoughts & comments on the recently uploaded video of the CHICAGO MOTHMAN.
I'm interested in what you have to say. Thanks. Lon




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Thanks. Lon

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