; Phantoms and Monsters: Pulse of the Paranormal

Friday, October 04, 2024

UNKNOWN 'BEINGS' Encountered in the Peruvian Jungle!

I received the following odd account several years ago. I was laced with obscenities (edited) and seemed a bit frantic, to be honest. I'm presenting it again for comments from the readers.

"Ok. A little back story, I am a reptile enthusiast and until recently I bred, sold, and collected large pythons. In 2015 I saw a Facebook advertisement for a reptile expedition led by some of the world's top herpetologists (reptile experts) for a week in the middle of the Amazon jungle. That was a dream come true for me, to go into the jungle with experts and catch just about everything we could find. I even caught a Cayman (alligator relative). Basically, the first time I went in 2015 I had the absolute time of my life, made friends with some of my best friends to this day and had no reason not to go back.

The trip happened again in 2016, but I missed that expedition. My FOMO (fear of missing out) made me promise myself that I wouldn't miss the trip the following year. So 2017 comes along and I see the advertisement for the trip and BOOM my credit card comes out and I am BOOKED, BABY!

The trip was in October and I couldn't be more excited. The trip started and returned to a city in Peru called Iquitos, a very small town with no road entrance to the city from the jungle, only by boats or planes, and cars of any kind are considered luxury, as everyone drives motor scooters. My plan was to leave Friday, arrive and relax Saturday in Iquitos, and disembark Sunday with the group into the Amazon. Well, my flight got canceled due to Hurricane Irma and now I am re-booked on a flight that will get me there Sunday, just in time to land and get to the loading dock. Then THAT flight gets delayed to the point that I will not get there in time to disembark with the rest of the group.

The way the trip worked is that there were 4 lodges (the first year, only went to 3 the second year because a bunch of school kids were occupying one of them). So this time were going to spend 1 night at the first place, 2 nights at the second, and 2 nights at the last lodge. So since my flight is delayed I now have to spend the first night of the expedition in the town of Iquitos at a hotel and catch up with the group at the 2nd location.

So I arrive Sunday, sleep the night and the next morning go on a 2-hour riverboat to meet up with the group. I arrive and say hello to my friend leading the expedition and get acquainted with everybody, check into my "room." It was not meant to be any type of living quarters that you would want to spend your time in, as the main purpose for it was to sleep, and spend the rest of the day out enjoying the wilderness of the Amazon. The rooms were all the same, maybe an 8x8 foot square with a bed and a dresser. No ceilings (instead there was one big canopy that covered ALL the rooms) and the back wall near the head of the bed, was actually only a half wall, with a curtain to cover the rest of the way up. And the doors only had a latch lock that you would lock from the inside if you were inside, and from the outside if you were outside...but anyone could go in if it wasn't locked from the inside. I guess we were all just supposed to be trusting of the group we were with.

The way the lodge was laid out was that there was essentially one walkway that was elevated maybe 10-12 feet off the ground and went straight by every room. There was a main room in the middle for everybody to eat and meet up before our nature walks, so there were I think 12 or 13 rooms on each side of the big room, with stairs that came up from the jungle right at the entrance to the that room, or if you turned right instead of left, it was the walkway that went by the 12 or 13 rooms on that side.

We mostly lounged and talked during the day or could go off and do our own exploring, with most of our group activity being done at night. Around maybe 9 or 10 at night we all met up and split into two groups to go on seperate paths and search for any kind of critters we could find. Since it was most of their first night in the jungle the night before, they were so excited to be there that they stayed out till 5am searching the jungle, then had to catch the riverboat to the next lodge at 10am, they were pretty tired the second night. We ended up calling it quits the second night around maybe 2-2:30am. A few people went to the common area to have a drink or two before getting to bed, but it was pretty much the end of the night not long after that everyone was in bed.


Now I don't know if this has anything to do with what was about to follow, but the first strange thing that happened, is that as I was settling into bed, there was a persistent knock on my door and the person was calling me by my nickname...which is strange because nobody really knew me by that name, not even my friend leading the trip. But being that it was late and I didn't really want to get out of bed, I ignored it, pretending I was sleeping, and it went away,

So I am in bed, and I realize that the curtain behind me on the half wall has a slight crack in it and that the sun might shine right on my face in the morning, so I get up to close it. When I get to the curtain, instead of closing it, I decide to just get a good reality check of where I am, IN THE MIDDLE OF THE AMAZON JUNGLE. So I open the curtain. Now until this point, I have had nothing but positive experiences and vibes here, but as I was looking out into the jungle, I can only explain it as a sensation that someone was telepathically telling me (or maybe it was intuition) "SHUT THE F*CK UP, CLOSE THE CURTAIN, AND GET IN BED". I didn't know where those feelings came from, but I did exactly that.

Within 5 minutes of getting back in bed, all of a sudden I hear a mechanical beep or boop from nearby. 3 boops, with an echo... "beep(beep) beep(beep) beep(beep)." I wasn't sure at first if it was mechanical or some animal in the jungle making its call. Well, right after the beep, AT LEAST 3 beings were made present on the lodge grounds. They were grunting. At first, I thought it was a REALLY big animal, but then I realized that these 3 beings were communicating with each other, and these aren't just normal grunting pigs, these are INTELLIGENT grunts. They are giving and receiving commands. Then, one of them acknowledges with a reptilian-sounding HISS! At this point I am at full attention, thinking that there is NO WAY anyone would be able to sleep through this and that at least some of the other 20 people in the group are hearing this as well. At this point, the jungle is SILENT except for their communication and movement, which is a VERY EERIE feeling.

I don't really have a very good reference of time but after maybe 30-45 minutes of them walking the perimeter. I don't really know how to explain the sound it made... kinda like a computer R2D2 type sound, but I hear that sound, and it goes RIGHT OVER MY ROOM, all the way to the 1st room along the walkway (I was in the 12th room and there was only one more next to mine). So this thing goes over room 1, and I see that it shined a light straight down into the room, like it was signaling that room. As soon as it signals that room, the WHOLE structure shakes as this creature comes up the stairs from the ground to the walkway, then, the most frightening thing happens. I hear it JUMP OVER THE WALL INTO ROOM 1!

NOW I am FREAKED OUT. I start thinking in my head how this is all going to turn out... imagining the Channel 4 news report of a group of expeditioners going missing in the Amazon.

I don't really know how much time passed.. maybe 10? 20? minutes. Then the sound and the orb signal over room 2 and I hear the same thing as before; the thing jumps into room 2!!!

Quick side note: I have always been a lot more, let's say curious/adventurous than my mother. In her mind, she sometimes chalks up to stupidity. Her biggest fear is basically that I go into the jungle, do something stupid, and get myself killed.

So at this point I get out my notepad as quietly as I can and I write her a letter saying that something is outside of the rooms, but I am going to stay inside and not go check things out for HER sake, and that if I end up going missing, it's because they came and took me, and not because I tried to be brave and ended up doing something stupid.

Anyways, the same amount of time goes by, maybe 10-20 minutes, and AGAIN, orb sound, light signal, thing jumps to next room. This sequence happens maybe 4 or 5 times, and then as it seems it's going to happen again in room number 6, this time the thing jumps in the room and I don't know what caused it. But this thing SHRIEKED like a freakin alien hiss or roar or whatever the f*ck it was. I can only imagine it was looking as scary as it sounded while doing so. I am sitting in my room in complete darkness, complete silence, with no defense, scared absolutely SH*TLESS! It's coming down the pathway, it's gonna eventually get to me....right?

It continues down the walkway and it's in the room DIRECTLY NEXT TO MINE. I hear the process as usual, it jumps the wall, but when it gets in, and I'm assuming it's about to start doing whatever it is doing to the humans in the rooms, my neighbor in her sleep lets out a quick moan "Uhh". Then, almost as if she were made to feel comfortable or something she sighs "Oooh"...and that's all I heard.

Now I am in the next room! What do I do!? I had crawled to the middle of the room in an attempt to find a weapon, or camera to get proof or something, but I was helpless against whatever this thing was. I basically expected that I was next and waited for my fate. Now assume some of you are wondering "Why didn't he scream?" Well, like I felt at the beginning when something told me to shut up and get in bed, I could feel that it would be a bad idea to scream and make my presence and non-cooperation known, so I stayed silent.

The orb went over my room but did not signal. It must have seen that I was not asleep and moved past me to the next room. I actually don't recall if it went into the room on the other side of me or not...but around this time, the guy who prepared breakfast and stuff for the lodge, turned on the generators so he could make breakfast. Right when he does this, I hear the same beeps as I did at the beginning of the experience, and all the beings are GONE. Everyone starts to wake up at the same exact time.

Now I'm wondering...when I go outside, are some of the people in the group going to be missing? Dead? Zombified??

I step outside and go into the group room and most of the group is already in there, COMPLETELY F*CKING NORMAL. Nobody else even realized anything had happened. So I can't just start screaming "WHAT THE F*CK JUST HAPPENED?" They would all think I was MAD! So I started questioning everyone one at a time..."Hey so, how did you sleep last night? Did you hear anything?" EVERY SINGLE PERSON SAID THEY SLEPT THE WHOLE NIGHT THROUGH!!! Out of 20 people, not one person got up to drink water. Not one person got up to go to the bathroom. NOT EVEN ONE PERSON WAS SNORING! The next night I heard people doing all of those things!

The only thing I can think is that they had some sort of trance put on them to keep them asleep, and I somehow wasn't affected.

One person said they woke up in the middle of the night and felt VERY DAZED. They looked at the clock and it was 3am, but out her curtain, she said it looked like broad daylight...and she agreed that something strange took place. The rest of the trip things were completely fine!

I swear this is 100% true. it's the scariest thing I have ever endured." E





POLL: WHAT DO YOU THINK? Vote & comment on paranormal, cryptid & unexplained mysteries!

Have you had a sighting or encounter?
Contact me by email or call the hotline at 410-241-5974
Thanks. Lon

Bigfoot and Other Cryptid Videos on YouTube






Hey, folks. Thanks for the congrats on 'The Mothman Revisited' episode on Unsolved Mysteries. As a result, we are receiving more sighting reports and are very excited and grateful for the new information!

I sincerely thank the Unsolved Mysteries team and Netflix for allowing us to tell the world about this phenomenon.

If you have information about this or any other cryptid or unexplained sighting or encounter, please feel free to contact me by email or at 410-241-5974. Thanks again! Lon


Chicago / Lake Michigan Winged Humanoid Regional Interactive Map

Hey, folks. Please feel free to share your thoughts & comments on the recently uploaded video of the CHICAGO MOTHMAN.
I'm interested in what you have to say. Thanks. Lon




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I’ve received countless inquiries about the Goatman phenomenon over the years, usually referencing 2 well-known accounts from the past and present. These would be the Maryland Goatman and the Pop Lick Monster.

Numerous urban legends exist about the creature’s origins and the methods it employs to claim its victims. According to some accounts, the beast uses hypnosis or voice mimicry to lure trespassers into their lair.

Other legends explain these creatures' origins, including that it is a human-goat hybrid and a circus freak who vowed revenge after being mistreated. Other versions claim that the Goatman is a government or military experiment that escaped from a top-secret facility. There are no limits to various theories and conjectures.

But is there proof that these creatures exist among us? Let’s explore the possibilities together.

Please comment on the accounts and let me know your opinions.



Have you had a sighting or encounter?
Contact us by email or call the hotline at 410-241-5974
Thanks. Lon

Noted UFOlogist Dr. Raymond Keller believes the idea of extraterrestrials and even ultra-dimensional beings from many different planets and alternate realms living and working among us clandestinely is more than just another conspiracy theory.
Available on Amazon.com
San Francisco Book Festival Honorable Mention
New York Book Festival Honorable Mention

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