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Thursday, October 10, 2024

REPTILIANS DRAW BLOOD From Experiencer During Harrowing Home Incursion!

A pre-teen girl encounters several reptilian beings at home who have come to take blood from her. After a scary ordeal, she discovers that her mental aptitude and gamer skills have dramatically increased!

I received the following account from a reader:

"So I’m minding my business one day after school on a mid-November Friday in 2006. I was just an 11-year-old girl minding my own business. All my homework for school on Monday was done so I could enjoy some anime. Big weeb here. Have always been and always will be. I was watching Blue Dragon on Cartoon Network at the time. A family-sized bag of Doritos in one hand and the TV remote in my other. I had the whole house to myself. Dad was still at work at the bar he owns. My mom wouldn’t be home until tomorrow as she worked overnight as an RN. My big sister was still at drama club. And my big brother and brother were still at wrestling practice.

Out of nowhere, I feel this incredibly strange relaxed feeling wash over me. Like someone had just given me a full body massage and a shot of that stuff they give you before surgery to relieve anxiety and put you in a relaxed state at the same time. So I’m just now slouched back in the recliner in a good mood and feeling all good vibes as Mega Man Star Force comes on.

I thought nothing of it. Thinking I might just be super pooped after a long week of school. I looked out the window for a bit.

The weather was a little crappy that day. It was super cloudy like it could torrential downpour at any moment. I looked up at the sky and the sky was flashing white in one place. I thought it was like lightning. There was no thunder though. The flashing light was as long and wide as a whole high school football field. It wasn’t moving at all. It was just in that one spot.

The longer I looked at the light, the more tired and relaxed I got until I completely zonked out. Now what happened next I passed off as a dream. I awoke later still all relaxed, groggy, and not able to move much.

Surrounding me and the recliner on all sides were five reptilian beings. Everywhere I looked there was one. Each one of them is short and rotund with smooth, scaly green skin. Their heads looked like chameleons in a way. They even had those big creepy eyes like chameleons have. Jaws filled with super scary-looking pointed sharp teeth. Crazy-looking claws on their hands and feet. Each one was also wearing these weird super shiny yellow suits that looked like skin-tight hazmat suits but they didn’t cover their heads, hands, and feet.

Internally I’m freaking out. But the only thing I can force my body to do is slink back further into the recliner and weakly grip the sides in silent terror. I had read about alien abductions before and my mind now racing with countless horrific possibilities I was about to endure. And like I said before. I’m just a puny scrawny 11-year-old human girl. So there wouldn’t be much I could do against these reptilians even if I could move.

One of them stepped forward and mentally said back to me assuring me they weren’t going do any of that but they were here for my blood. Apparently, human blood was their captain’s favorite snack. They promised they wouldn’t take all of it. They had also said they’d make up for the sudden intrusion by helping me with the new game I had just gotten for my birthday a month ago and was having a hard time with.

I fought as hard as I could to stay awake but something forced my body to go back to sleep. I awoke later to my siblings all freaking out at how sickly I looked. Now I’m an absolute sight at this point. I feel like I just have the biggest blood donation in my life. I also look the part. My color is all gone. A bad case of nausea, sweating, trembling, and shaking. My left arm felt like someone took a knife and stabbed it in deep. A doctor actually found a couple tiny punctures somewhere on my middle back later at a physical. I forget what the physical was for. But she found a couple. It baffled her but she played it off as I was a kid and must have gotten it playing around rambunctiously somewhere.

Everyone just thought I was super sick. I tried explaining multiple times but everyone just thought I was delirious from being so sick. They did this so much that I even believed I was just super sick and delirious. So anyway I recouped for at least a couple days with my siblings and parents swapping turns at playing nurse. Even had to miss a couple days of school.

So I got to feeling better and was playing the new game Mortal Kombat: Armageddon I had gotten for my birthday. My big brother and brother watching from the edge of my bed as I sat crisscrossed applesauce on the floor. Now I’m usually crap at fighting games and have to check the combo list each time. But for some reason, I had turned into a god-like gamer and I was hitting all kinds of combos. No matter which character I picked. It was like someone had beamed every character’s combo list to me mentally. This even greatly surprised my brothers who usually have to go easy on me when we play fighting video games." L

The experiencer provided more information:

"A little more detail for you. This took place in Morgantown, WV. I actually got a part two of this encounter. I told all my school friends about this. They being kids like me believed every word of it.

You know that Christmas break every one of my friends that I had told said they had been approached around town by these two weirdly jolly teenagers who acted like they were programmed almost to be as friendly, smiley, and charismatic as one could be and who claimed to be my cousins and not to believe my “silly story” as I was just playing around. What’s even stranger is they’d be able to answer any questions asked about me. It was a boy and a girl. Also, every time they appeared they said a black van with tinted windows could also be seen either parked in the area or following them before pulling off to park somewhere.

The boy had fluffy black hair parted to the left. His eyes were described as too blue like someone didn’t know what the actual color of blue human eyes was and just added the whole bottle. He would always appear wearing a black winter coat with a fur collar, some blue jeans, and some boots. He had a sing-songy preppy style voice like he was about to burst into a musical at any moment.

The girl had short, dull purple-dyed hair. Her eyes were described as different colors each time like someone couldn’t settle on a color like a TV channel and kept changing it. She would always appear wearing a black striped beanie with a glittery bobble at the tip, and black boots with dark purple sweatpants. She had a colder too cool school style of voice.

My dad had also told some of his bar regulars he’s pretty chummy with. And he even said there was a weirdo that came in a time or two to decry my story. It was this rather short stocky black gentleman with a bald head, a big bushy beard and always dressed in a Waynesburg University hoodie, work pants, and some work boots. He wore sunglasses he refused to take off multiple times. My dad said he tried to act too chummy with everyone, would drink way more than humanly possible, and would often mispronounce common “basic human” words that everyone should be able to say regardless of language. It started to get weird so I stopped telling people for a while." L





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Thanks. Lon

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Hey, folks. Thanks for the congrats on 'The Mothman Revisited' episode on Unsolved Mysteries. As a result, we are receiving more sighting reports and are very excited and grateful for the new information!

I sincerely thank the Unsolved Mysteries team and Netflix for allowing us to tell the world about this phenomenon.

If you have information about this or any other cryptid or unexplained sighting or encounter, please feel free to contact me by email or at 410-241-5974. Thanks again! Lon


Chicago / Lake Michigan Winged Humanoid Regional Interactive Map

Hey, folks. Please feel free to share your thoughts & comments on the recently uploaded video of the CHICAGO MOTHMAN.
I'm interested in what you have to say. Thanks. Lon




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Have you had a sighting or encounter?
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Thanks. Lon

Noted UFOlogist Dr. Raymond Keller believes the idea of extraterrestrials and even ultra-dimensional beings from many different planets and alternate realms living and working among us clandestinely is more than just another conspiracy theory.
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San Francisco Book Festival Honorable Mention
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