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jeudi, septembre 19, 2024

(PHOTO) MYSTERIOUS CREATURE Observed in Rural Texas Community

I have included the media report. Once again, as in similar instances, the report lists this creature as either a skinwalker (shapeshifting tribal witch) or a chupacabra.

A mysterious creature spotted near a rural Texas community in the dead of night has baffled wildlife officials.

The chilling black-and-white footage was captured by a trailcam outside of Dublin, northeast of Dallas, showing what appeared to be a small animal walking on four legs that were different sizes and had lumps down its back.

Michael 'Dumas' Demel, 49, from nearby Schulenburg, showed images of the creature to friends, family, and neighbors who suggested it was a skinwalker, alien, or even a chupacabra – a notorious blood-sucking cryptid from American folklore.

The Texas Parks and Wildlife Department was none the wiser, telling Demel that 'due to the quality of the image a positive identification of the animal is not possible,' adding that it was 'too small to be a whitetail deer fawn.'

The camera captured what appeared to be a small creature walking on four legs. But a closer look shows the legs are different sizes and have lumps along the back. Some have suggested it was a 'skinwalker'

'I have three cameras at three different hunting areas – they catch coyote, deer, bobcats, rabbits, raccoons, foxes.'

'I look at approximately 100 plus pics from the three cameras daily, but that was the only photo it showed up on.

'My first reaction was something didn't look right, so I stopped on the picture to zoom in. 'My first instinct was that it was a monkey.'

The eerie creature appeared to have a long snout, a small top of the head and lumps down its back, which is why some of his friends claimed it was a skinwalker.

Skinwalkers are part of a Navajo legend that states they were once healers and people of medicine who were corrupted by their own power and turned to evil, becoming supernatural beings.

The Navajo word for skinwalker is 'yee naaldlooshii,' which translates to 'using it, it goes on all fours.'

The story, which was told to Navajo children, states that skinwalkers can transform into animals, possess another being, or disguise themselves.

In human form, skinwalkers are reported to have glowing red eyes and animalistic qualities barely concealed behind a human face.

'I showed it to neighbors, family, and friends. I got everything from a skinwalker, a monkey, a chupacabra, an alien,' Demel said.

'You hear stories of chupacabra in south Texas areas.'

A chupacabra, which is the Spanish word for 'goat sucker,' is also a legendary creature and is known for killing livestock.

Sightings began in the late 1980s when Puerto Rican farmers claimed a dog-sized creature with lizard-like skin and a pronounced backbone was attacking their animals.

The first chupacabra report in Texas came from Cuero rancher Phylis Canion in 2017, who described it as having large, fanged teeth, big ears, and bony limbs.

She also said it had longer back legs than front legs, giving it an unnatural arch.

And that description was similar to what Demel captured on his trail cam, which he has had for around 10 years and never captured anything so bizarre.

'It's just out of the ordinary,' he said. 'I've seen hundreds of thousands of game pictures over the years and spent my whole life in the woods hunting – and this was a first.'

The true identity of the creature remains a mystery.





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Thanks. Lon

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Hey, folks. Thanks for the congrats on 'The Mothman Revisited' episode on Unsolved Mysteries. As a result, we are receiving more sighting reports and are very excited and grateful for the new information!

I sincerely thank the Unsolved Mysteries team and Netflix for allowing us to tell the world about this phenomenon.

If you have information about this or any other cryptid or unexplained sighting or encounter, please feel free to contact me by email or at 410-241-5974. Thanks again! Lon


Chicago / Lake Michigan Winged Humanoid Regional Interactive Map

Hey, folks. Please feel free to share your thoughts & comments on the recently uploaded video of the CHICAGO MOTHMAN.
I'm interested in what you have to say. Thanks. Lon




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Are time travel theories credible? Are UFOs used by evolved humans from the future who want to change or manipulate history?

People from the future know that they have had a long evolutionary history on this planet. Obviously, our technology will be more advanced in the future, and people from the future certainly want to preserve the chances to get to this step of our human evolution. They certainly want to preserve their own time and control their destiny.

Some theories state that evolved humans are operating UFOs, returning to our time. They would time travel to gather information in a manner impossible with today's technology. Some claim that the supposed time travelers were trying to save us from ourselves.

Documents released in recent years reveal that time travel and anti-gravity technology could be possible and that it was a part of priority research inside secret US programs. So, could this secret technology be harnessed by humans to visit other worlds and other times?

The documents were obtained as part of a Freedom of Information request into the Advanced Aviation Threat Identification Program (AATIP), which is the Pentagon's supposed secret UFO program. One file described how to use anti-gravity technology to produce spacecraft. It stated that the effects can be implemented by manipulating spacetime. The report stated that there is research on different ways of controlling gravity. This concept might be possible to produce exotic phenomena such as faster-than-light travel, and time machines.

I believe that if time travel becomes a reality these future humans will move through time and space using wormholes or portals, not necessarily with the use of specialized craft.

Do you think that it could be possible? Should we give credence to this theory? Even if it were technically possible, we must keep in mind that changing the past means we change our present. Would we benefit from that?

Please feel free to comment on the accounts and let me know your opinions.


Have you had a sighting or encounter?
Contact us by email or call the hotline at 410-241-5974
Thanks. Lon

Noted UFOlogist Dr. Raymond Keller believes the idea of extraterrestrials and even ultra-dimensional beings from many different planets and alternate realms living and working among us clandestinely is more than just another conspiracy theory.
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