; Phantoms and Monsters: Pulse of the Paranormal

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

MYSTERIOUS EXISTENCE: Reader's Lifetime of Hauntings, Thoughtforms, & Unexplained Phenomena

I received the following email from an anonymous reader who describes various odd events throughout his life. I'm sure some of us could detail a litany of personal experiences though I doubt many people could recall such an array of variations:

"When I was 11 years old I had a cousin Patricia, my best friend. We played together and my sister played with her younger sister Betty. Patricia got sick and went to Grady Hospital in Atlanta. One night Mom and Dad went to visit Patricia in the hospital and my sister and I stayed home. I was asleep in my bed and in a waking dream Patricia came and kissed me on my right cheek and told me she loved me but had to go. I remember wondering how she did that when my bed was up against the wall but she kissed me on my cheek with a cold kiss. When my parents came home my dad stood in the doorway of my bedroom and said “Son, wake up. I have to tell you that Patricia died tonight.” I said, “No she didn’t Daddy because she was just here and kissed me!” My dad said you were just dreaming son and turned out the light. I’m 76 now but I remember this like it was yesterday and I believe I will see her again someday!

When I was walking in the woods one day in the 100-acre woods behind our house I saw a dinosaur. I was probably 10 or 12 but I was walking along the path to the creek thinking about dinosaurs as I did a lot in those days. I was a child fascinated by history and fossils and dinosaurs.

I believe that my focused thinking created the dinosaur in front of me as I stopped suddenly in my tracks and saw a long-necked dinosaur eating leaves off the top of a small tree. I stood there not believing what I was looking at all the while knowing I was seeing it! I bolted back home and told my mom I had seen a dinosaur in the woods and she laughed at me. I believe today that my focused thinking created something out of time and space and put it in front of me because I was thinking about it so hard.

When I was serving in Thailand during the Vietnam War I was stationed in a little town on the Thai-Laos-Cambodian border. I was living with my soon-to-be-wife in a bungalow in town when our neighbor, a Laotian girl became possessed by an evil spirit, or so I was told. She was so bad they had to call in special monks in white robes to pray over her.

My girlfriend/wife wanted to go over there and see the exorcism but before she went over she told me, “Don’t come over there for any reason.” Instead, since I was on a day off I sat on my porch drinking whiskey and getting drunk as I used to do in those days, as there wasn’t much else to do. Later, a friend of hers came by and asked for her, and forgetting what I was told, I went over to the house where the exorcism was going on. As I went up the steps to the upper floor bungalow I walked up to the screen door and looked in and heard the girl, who was standing naked on her bed screaming, stop screaming, and point to something just inside the door! She said, “There it is!” In perfect English! I was standing there with my face to the screen door and suddenly I felt as if my face was stuck in a freezer and something was standing there looking at me! The hackles rose on my neck and arms and my wife who was sitting just inside the screen door screamed, “Run!” To this day I know something had left the possessed girl to come to take a look at me and I was stone-cold sober when I got back across the street. This happened in Korat, Thailand in 1969. I had a lot of strange things happen to me in the three years I was in Thailand!

My wife’s second husband died on Dec. 22, 2002, and we didn’t go to the funeral because my wife was badly treated by her second husband of 15 years. His name was Carl.

One night approx two nights after his death, at 3:00 am we were awakened by a horrible bloodcurdling scream that came from our bedroom door! We both sat up and switched on the lights and looked around and the dogs were looking at the door. The one dog who slept on her bed just inside the door had run downstairs and was looking back up while the other two dogs were standing up and staring at the door.

We sat there on the side of the bed after looking around the house and finding nothing we both realized we were thinking the same thing. It was Carl who was faced with the realization of how he treated Phyllis and he had to feel the way he made her feel and it hit him all at once. Even though he was dead we heard him scream that night!

My wife and I sold two houses and bought one big house in Douglasville, GA in 1982 and we moved into it expecting to live there the rest of our lives. It was built on the corner of the main street across from the fire station which came in handy when my wife’s mother moved in with us and needed emergency care. One night I was sitting in my rocking chair in the master bedroom watching TV and my wife was in the baby’s room rocking him to sleep. I sat there watching TV and dozed off, I woke up to see an Asian or native American woman standing between me and the TV wearing a burlap bag dress and looking at me with hate as if “I would kill you if I could” look in her eyes! I blinked once, twice and on the third blink, she faded right in front of my eyes! This is the same house where my wife and I spent all day putting up shelves and putting stuff up on the shelves in the garage and that night while watching TV we heard a huge loud crash in the garage as if everything we had put up on the shelves and the shelves themselves had fallen. We went rushing into the garage expecting to find a huge mess! Instead, there was nothing out of place at all.

This house doesn’t exist today as the county condemned it, burned it to train firemen, and tore the rest of it down. I guess the ghost got her wish. Nobody lives there now!

I have been finding a penny a day for years and years! I have found pennies in the strangest places and at the strangest moments. When it first started I was working at the railroad and I had gone about 45 days finding a penny every day until one day I got sick at work and had to go home with the flu. I walked in my front door thinking I hadn’t found my penny today and I knew I was going to bed because I felt awful! Because I get too dirty working at the railroad I had to take a shower before I got in bed even though I was sick, so I took off all my clothes and got in the shower all the while thinking “ I haven’t found my penny for today”! Suddenly I heard a coin drop behind me in the shower and I turned around and there in the bathtub with me was a shiny penny! My wife’s explanation was there was a penny on the bed and when I sat on the bed it stuck to my naked butt and when I got in the shower I washed it off! I told her that may be so but all I know is when I asked for my daily penny it fell into the bathtub with me! I have been finding pennies every day since and I take it as God’s notice to me that I should trust in him every day because it says on the penny “In God we Trust! The penny is God’s way of reminding me every day to trust in Him!

My wife and I worked at a real estate company whose office was an old plantation house during the Civil War known as the McAdoo House. It was understood that the house was used as a hospital during the three battles that were fought around the house and that the house was haunted. I used to work there late at night on the phone or computer and I and others smelled cigar smoke numerous times. One of the agents also took a picture of the whole team and staff and there on the outskirts of the picture behind the group was a lady dressed in the 1800s dress with her back to the camera. By the way, we had constant trouble with the phones and the computers, as they didn’t seem to ever want to work!

My mother lived in a trailer in Dawsonville, GA and for three months in 2008, I went and stayed with her to look after her and cook and clean. I had to sleep in one of the back bedrooms and every night after I went to sleep I was awakened by a dog barking behind the wall behind my head. Also, many times while I was on the phone someone would knock on the back door and when I went to the door to see who it was there would be nobody there. My mother’s second husband and his dog Missy haunted the place. I am sure of it." G




POLL: WHAT DO YOU THINK? Vote & comment on paranormal, cryptid & unexplained mysteries!

Have you had a sighting or encounter?
Contact me by email or call the hotline at 410-241-5974
Thanks. Lon

Bigfoot and Other Cryptid Videos on YouTube






Hey, folks. Thanks for the congrats on 'The Mothman Revisited' episode on Unsolved Mysteries. As a result, we are receiving more sighting reports and are very excited and grateful for the new information!

I sincerely thank the Unsolved Mysteries team and Netflix for allowing us to tell the world about this phenomenon.

If you have information about this or any other cryptid or unexplained sighting or encounter, please feel free to contact me by email or at 410-241-5974. Thanks again! Lon


Chicago / Lake Michigan Winged Humanoid Regional Interactive Map

Hey, folks. Please feel free to share your thoughts & comments on the recently uploaded video of the CHICAGO MOTHMAN.
I'm interested in what you have to say. Thanks. Lon




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Beck Lawrence owns and operates the Serpent's Key Shoppe and Sanctuary in Hanover, PA. Having practiced witchcraft since their teenage years, Beck is proud to offer an inclusive space filled with sustainably sourced metaphysical items, and art from local artisans. With various products, events, and services, The Serpent's Key is committed to being a resource to the witchy community in southern Pennsylvania.

Beck Lawrence went viral in Fall 2023 after being warned by Hanover’s police chief that they could face charges over an arcane law from 1861 outlawing fortune telling for profit in Pennsylvania.

The Hanover Police chief saw Lawrence’s tarot shop — billed online as a “witchery and apothecary” — featured in a local magazine and visited the business to inform Lawrence that offering tarot readings was illegal, even though Lawrence has a sign that states “for entertainment purposes only” displayed prominently in the shop.

To save their business and insulate themselves from further legal trouble, Lawrence has sued the police chief and the Borough of Hanover, challenging the law's constitutionality by arguing it violates their First and Fourth Amendment rights.


Are time travel theories credible? Are UFOs used by evolved humans from the future who want to change or manipulate history?

People from the future know that they have had a long evolutionary history on this planet. Obviously, our technology will be more advanced in the future, and people from the future certainly want to preserve the chances to get to this step of our human evolution. They certainly want to preserve their own time and control their destiny.

Some theories state that evolved humans are operating UFOs, returning to our time. They would time travel to gather information in a manner impossible with today's technology. Some claim that the supposed time travelers were trying to save us from ourselves.

Documents released in recent years reveal that time travel and anti-gravity technology could be possible and that it was a part of priority research inside secret US programs. So, could this secret technology be harnessed by humans to visit other worlds and other times?

The documents were obtained as part of a Freedom of Information request into the Advanced Aviation Threat Identification Program (AATIP), which is the Pentagon's supposed secret UFO program. One file described how to use anti-gravity technology to produce spacecraft. It stated that the effects can be implemented by manipulating spacetime. The report stated that there is research on different ways of controlling gravity. This concept might be possible to produce exotic phenomena such as faster-than-light travel, and time machines.

I believe that if time travel becomes a reality these future humans will move through time and space using wormholes or portals, not necessarily with the use of specialized craft.

Do you think that it could be possible? Should we give credence to this theory? Even if it were technically possible, we must keep in mind that changing the past means we change our present. Would we benefit from that?

Please feel free to comment on the accounts and let me know your opinions.


Have you had a sighting or encounter?
Contact us by email or call the hotline at 410-241-5974
Thanks. Lon

Noted UFOlogist Dr. Raymond Keller believes the idea of extraterrestrials and even ultra-dimensional beings from many different planets and alternate realms living and working among us clandestinely is more than just another conspiracy theory.
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San Francisco Book Festival Honorable Mention
New York Book Festival Honorable Mention

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