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Friday, September 27, 2024

MAGIC & POWER: Lessons From The High Lamas of Tibet

Many of the contactees- those humans in contact physically or supernaturally in one way or another, with extraterrestrials, ultra-dimensional beings, or a combination thereof, have either traveled to remote regions of Tibet or studied assiduously the culture, history, language, religions, and traditions of its largely mysterious inhabitants.  Tibet is a region in the western part of the People’s Republic of China in Asia, covering most of the Tibetan Plateau and spanning about 2,500,000 square kilometers. It is the homeland of the Tibetan people in addition to several other ethnic groups such as the Lhoba, Monpa, Qiang, Tamang, and Sherpa.   It should also be pointed out that in the past few decades, many Han Chinese and Hui peoples have settled in Tibet.  Because of its abundant sources of fresh water (glaciers, lakes, and streams), Tibet has come to be known as the “Water Tower of Asia;” and the government of the People’s Republic of China is investing heavily in the development of water projects throughout this entire region. 

Adamski’s Tibetan Sanctuary in Southern California:  In January 1934, George Adamski opened his Royal Order of Tibet monastery, the Temple of Scientific Philosophy, at 758 Manzanita Drive, Laguna Beach, a property in the “Mediterranean Revival”-style, then so popular in Southern California, with 17 rooms, a lecture hall, and a spacious garden. Meetings were held on Fridays and Sundays, with Adamski’s 15-minute sermons dispensing Tibetan wisdom being broadcast over Los Angeles AM radio station KFOX.  Photo source:  BGA Publications, Netherlands

“We’ve got a friend in Jesus, and Buddha, too!” 

George Adamski lectured at a meeting of the Royal Order of Tibet in Southern California during the 1930s (Era of the Great Depression).  Photo source:  BGA Publications, Netherlands

George Adamski (1891-1965)

George Adamski’s parents (father Jozef Adamski and mother Franciszka, nee Kwiatkowski) immigrated to the United States and settled down at Jozef’s older brother Sidney’s home at 341 Nevins Street in Dunkirk, New York, with their son George and his one-year younger sister Lena, in 1896.  Four years later, young George traveled with his Uncle Sidney, a firm believer in all things esoteric and a member of the Theosophical Society, on a pilgrimage to Tibet.  The young Adamski stayed with his uncle in Tibet for ten years, where he studied and trained at a lamasery, thereby becoming a master of the mystic arts. In one of his early writings on the theme of “Cosmic Consciousness,” as published in one of the pamphlets of his Royal Order of Tibet’s pamphlet, The Invisible Ocean (Laguna Beach, California, 1932), George Adamski recounts one of the more profound lessons he learned at the monastery in 1904, when he was thirteen years old, this being “a rigorous curriculum ending in the mastery of the four universal elements of Earth, Fire, Water, and Air.”  To the ancients, this ability to manipulate the material plane was considered to be a power only within the prevue of a god, an angel or an archon.  But in contemporary Tibet, this power is granted to a tulku, or high lama.  As one studies the life and times of George Adamski, one of the more prominent contactees with the Venusian presence on Earth and in outer space, the lessons learned and imparted by this master come through like the most powerful of beacons. 

George Adamski was certainly an extraordinary man, fated to carry on the most important work of bringing the Venusian message of peace and hope to the peoples of Earth.  Adamski’s parents once told him that while they were waiting on the docks to board the ship in Europe bound for America, “a mysterious man just came up and took me away. A few minutes later they brought me back again and my parents thought I was a different child.” The contactee also explained to Sir Desmond Leslie of the British royal peerage and the co-author of his best-selling book, Flying Saucers Have Landed (New York, New York:  British Book Centre, 1953), that during his journey across the Atlantic Ocean to the port of New York, “a tall man with dark features befriended the family, who became a regular friend and visitor to the Adamski household.”  Adamski never knew who this guardian was, but speculated that he was either a Tibetan or an angel from Venus (see Hebrews 13:2 in the King James version of the Holy Bible). 

Before World War I, George Adamski served as a soldier with K Troop of the 13th United States Cavalry Regiment, in the border town of Columbus, New Mexico, from 1913 to 1916.  Just a few weeks before his term of enlistment was up, on 9 March 1916, the Mexican revolutionary General Francisco “Pancho” Villa and his men raided Columbus and killed eight troops and ten civilians in the process.  Adamski found himself among a group of soldiers taken prisoner during that raid and scheduled for death by firing squad.  But just before the execution was to take place, Pancho Villa personally arrived at the place where the American soldiers were confined and under guard and ordered that all of the prisoners be set free. 

From L to R:  At Hohenfels Castle: “Cosmic Ray,” Anja Schäfer of Venus Spirit, and Omnec Onec, the Ambassador from Venus

Omnec Onec, the Ambassador from Venus

Another individual well-known in the ufology community with ties to Tibet is my dear friend Omnec Onec, the Ambassador from one of the higher dimensional realms of Venus (Tythania).  This summer Omnec and I were presenters at the Ultimate UFO Disclosure Conference in the Memmingen Stadthalle (civic hall) in Bavaria to a capacity crowd of 400 and the Hohenfels Castle, situated about 12 kilometers north of Lake Konstanz, just north of Germany’s southern border with Switzerland, also with a capacity crowd of 80.  At these conferences, Omnec explained her Tibetan connections.

Omnec was a close associate with the founder of Eckankar (the ancient science of soul travel), Paul Twitchell (1909-1971).  Paul met Omnec while she was still living on the astral level of Venus, at a time before she manifested a physical body and before she came to Earth. To be more precise, Paul Twitchell was brought to the astral Venus in his soul body together with his Tibetan Master Rebazar Tarzs for the purpose of this master preparing Paul to become a spiritual teacher on Earth’s material plane. While still on Venus, however, Master Rebazar Tarzs showed Paul the child Omnec Onec with the explanation that he would be meeting her later while carrying out his mission on Earth   In the second part of her autobiography titled “Angels Don’t Cry,” Omnec quotes Paul’s first words after their re-encountering on Earth in 1969: “In Tibet, Rebazar Tarzs was one of my masters. One time, he took me on a soul journey to Retz and to Teutonia. He pointed to you, a small girl at that time, and told me to remember you, as we were going to meet in the future. You would be playing an important role in helping me to establish the teachings.”

Further along in “Angels Don’t Cry,” Omnec writes about reencountering some of the higher spiritual teachings she learned as a girl growing up on Venus, as well as her growing appreciation for the work of Eckankar’s founder and his purpose for being on Earth and coming into her life: “Paul Twitchell was the first modern-day Mahanta (high lama serving as head of a Buddhist monastery or ministry), a living master in the Western world. It means he has received the rod of power passed from the Ascended Masters to the chosen person. These teachings were to be taught by a living teacher familiar to the time and conditions of the people being taught.”  With the passing of Paul Twitchell in 1971, however, the task of bringing these important teachings to the Western world would become the responsibility of Omnec Onec. 

At the conferences in Germany, Omnec explained that “As I was born on the planet Venus (Tythania) in another dimension and came to your planet as a young child, I was able to retain the knowledge and information that I had gathered as a soul through many incarnations and life times. I can keep this information intact, and what I teach people is actually what I know and not what I’ve read about or what I’ve heard, but what I have experienced through many different life cycles on Earth and in other dimensions.”

As to how she arrived on our planet, Omnec informed the German audiences, “I came to Earth as a spiritual leader to enlighten people, spread peace, and help them to feel a unique experience. I flew to Tibet in 1951 in a flying saucer, where monks helped me to adjust to Earth’s gravity. Then I moved to Tennessee in the United States in 1955, where I took the form of a seven-year-old girl, Sheila Gipson, whom I shared karmic connections with and who died in a bus accident.  I was then raised by Sheila’s grandmother in Chattanooga, Tennessee.” 

Before moving to Earth’s material plane, it should be noted that Omnec had lived the equivalent of 210 Earth years on Venus.  Therefore, by our standards, at least, she was already a very old soul when she arrived here.  She made good use of her four years of study in Tibet, acquiring the knowledge of a high lama preparatory for her great work as a teacher and bringer of enlightenment here among us.

One morning at our residence in a rural area not far from the Hohenfels Castle before the conferences began, Omnec told me and our housekeepers to, “Get ready because my Uncle Odin will be coming to pay us a visit.”  We were up on the second floor of a farmhouse and I decided to take the breakfast outside on the balcony to enjoy the sunrise over the beautiful green German landscape.  I relaxed and sat back in a lawn chair, resting my head against the wall of the house in the back of me.  Suddenly, on the empty lawn chair to the right of me, the big cushion depressed itself, looking like some invisible figure was sitting down in it.  The rubber of the lawn chair cushion even creaked as it folded.  So startled was I, that I immediately ran back into the house shouting, “Uncle Odin is here!  Uncle Odin is here!” and then explained what had just transpired with the chair and cushion outside.  Knowing the veracity of Omnec Onec, none of us present doubted that the mysterious phenomenon that had just taken place was her uncle’s quirky way of announcing his presence, and his blessings, for the coming conferences.

This was just the beginning of strange occurrences that day.  As Omnec and I were setting up and getting ready to receive a contingent of some 20 visitors from throughout Germany and some surrounding countries, where we were even going to tap into our Venusian energies and do some individual, private readings for them, there were extremely loud noises heard outside as at least twenty super-high-tech jet fighters scrambled in the southern sky.  Shades of Nena!

Being a retired military veteran, I speculated that maybe something was going on between Russia and Ukraine and that the forces of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) must be on alert, that the proverbial “Big Balloon” had finally gone up. Omnec calmed us, however, declaring, “Don’t worry.  It is not the start of World War III.  The Venusians have arrived in their ventlas (scout ships) to support our appearance at the coming conferences.  The military can’t identify their craft and is puzzled as to what they should do about the sudden appearance of the spaceships.  Odin’s mothership must be nearby, perhaps cloaked.”  Omnec waved her hand across the panorama of the sky, and then all of the jets departed from the area, and angelic shapes formed up in the clouds.  These fluffy clouds then parted as brilliant shafts of light fell down over the farmhouse and the property where we were staying.

When the people arrived for our small gathering, Omnec and I sat in big, comfortable chairs against the wall with an array of windows looking outside over the landscape to our backs.  There we held hands and talked about our individual experiences on Venus and answered questions about our sister planet together.  Omnec explained the astral and spiritual components in her answers (5th dimension and higher), while I handled the material and scientific ones (3rd and 4th dimensions) in mine.  After the meeting, we all mingled, and then about half of us went over to a local Gasthaus, Die Adler or The Eagle, to talk about UFOs and extraterrestrials/ultra-dimensional beings long into the night.  A Gasthaus is a German-style inn or tavern with a bar, a restaurant, banquet facilities, and hotel rooms for rent. Gasthäuser are typically found in smaller towns and are often family-owned, as was Die Adler.  With traditional German food and great company, we all wanted that day and night to never end.

Once back to the farmhouse, which was just kitty-cornered across the street from the Gasthaus, some of us sat out on the balcony and witnessed a very rare aerial phenomenon.  It was a clear night with all stars and the Moon visible except for one extremely dark cloud to the north.  The whole cloud suddenly lit up, with lightning bolts flashing all across it, but none striking the ground or even making any noise.  Omnec told us not to worry because it was Odin creating the cloud through the ionization of atmospheric particles to camouflage his mothership.  Then I remembered that Sister Thedra told me the same thing happening with the motherships that frequently hovered over the peak of Mount Shasta in Northern California, when I visited her home there in the summer of 1987 with my spiritual mentor, Clayton Parker, the boyhood friend and disciple of the Mormon mystic Annalee Skarin of American Falls, Idaho.  At that time, Sister Thedra presented Clayton and me with a special book she had prepared of “cloud ship” materializations over the magic mountain of Shasta.

In December 2012, I had my own spiritual experiences in Tibet, which I wrote about in my first book, Venus Rising:  A Concise History of the Second Planet (Terra Alta, West Virginia:  Headline Books, 2015).  In Tibet, a land so closely associated with the planet Venus and the Venusian presence and mission here on Earth, Adamski, Omnec and I learned quite a bit about the powerful manifestation of celestial magic on both a personal and collective level from the high lamas that guide the Tibetan people and the peaceful destiny of our world.

In the times before recorded history, the Venusians arrived in Tibet and helped the locals to develop a mighty civilization, Thera, with its capital city of Shamballa.  Initially, the Therans wanted to worship the Venusians as gods, but the Venusians, who called themselves Abejans, decided that the time had come for them to return to Abejar (Venus), and thereby appointed wise ones (tulkus) from among the Therans to rule in their stead.  The tulkus, or high lamas, as we know them, taught the people that they should not look to the sky gods for their salvation, but rather to themselves; that one day the peoples of Earth would be equal to the Abejans in every respect, for in the mists of times long past, the Abejans were once as mortal as they were.  Salvation is a matter of spiritual development.  It comes with the possession of knowledge that helps the individual, and as a consequence, society at large, overcome the delusion that comes from living in the entropic material world.  Before the Abejans returned home to the planet we call Venus, their Queen Dordje Naldjorma charged the tulkus with training the Therans in the mystic and spiritual arts to help refine their minds and mental qualities preparatory to their own transition to higher realms.  The high lamas of Tibet maintain this secret instruction that has been handed down orally for thousands of years.

Lesson Number One:  Impartiality to All

The first lesson taught by the high lamas is this: “Regard all beings impartially.”  Regardless of their background or status, all should be treated with dignity and respect.  “Such an attitude,” affirm the high lamas, “denotes a superior mind.”

Lesson Number Two:  Continuing Education

The high lamas impress upon the people the importance of life-long learning: “Study impartially all teachings that are accessible to you, whatever be their tendencies.”  We have nothing to fear from the acquisition of knowledge in all fields of endeavor and research.

Lesson Number Three:  Exercise Laten Powers

It is pure vanity for an individual to strive for a high rank or social position in this world.  Rather, one should apply the knowledge acquired to develop the extraordinary powers that are latent within.

Anyone familiar with the Secret Doctrine (London, England:  Theosophical Society, 1888) of the Russian-born American mystic Helena P. Blavatsky (1831-1890), the co-founder of the Theosophical Society, will recognize in these lessons of the high lamas in her “Three Objects of Theosophy.”  As many Theosophists know, Blavatsky in 1849 made two attempts to reach the Himalayas in Tibet, to converse with the high lamas and some of the Ascended Masters.  She was successful on her second try, upon reaching Shigatse, where she encountered such a mystic group that she called the “Masters of the Ancient Wisdom,” and where she learned their Dharma or doctrine at their very feet.  Upon her return to London, England, and many years in the Spiritualist Movement, in 1887 she published through the London branch of the Theosophical Society her first essay, History of a Planet, which was all about unveiling the mysteries of our sister planet Venus.

In her Secret Doctrine, Blavatsky defined the Three Objects of the Theosophical Society as follows:

·        * To form a nucleus of the universal brotherhood of humanity, without distinction of race, creed, sex, caste, or color.

·        * To encourage the comparative study of religion, philosophy, and science.

·         *To investigate unexplained laws of nature and the powers latent in humanity.

Coincidentally, it comes as no surprise that these objects also encompass the teachings of the high lamas and a mission statement for the purpose of the Venusian presence on Earth, living among us and working behind the scenes for the peace and happiness of all.

Helena P. Blavatsky (center), in the background surrounded by (left to right) Ascended Masters Kuthumi, El Morya (the “Good Thief”), and Saint Germaine.

Check out this beautiful song by Jane Silberry: “It Can’t Rain All the Time” (2001),

This song brings to mind Revelation 21:4 (KJV): “And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away.”





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Thanks. Lon

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Hey, folks. Thanks for the congrats on 'The Mothman Revisited' episode on Unsolved Mysteries. As a result, we are receiving more sighting reports and are very excited and grateful for the new information!

I sincerely thank the Unsolved Mysteries team and Netflix for allowing us to tell the world about this phenomenon.

If you have information about this or any other cryptid or unexplained sighting or encounter, please feel free to contact me by email or at 410-241-5974. Thanks again! Lon


Chicago / Lake Michigan Winged Humanoid Regional Interactive Map

Hey, folks. Please feel free to share your thoughts & comments on the recently uploaded video of the CHICAGO MOTHMAN.
I'm interested in what you have to say. Thanks. Lon




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There is historical documentation of giants living in America. The journal of Captain John Smith describes a 1608 incident when he and his crew encountered 60 eight-foot-tall giants of the Susquehannock tribe while traveling up the tributaries on the Chesapeake Bay.:

"60 of those Susquehannock came to us. Such great and well-proportioned men are seldom seen, for they seemed like giants to the English. These are the strangest people of all those countries both in language and attire; their language may well beseem their proportions, sounding from them like a voice in a vault.

Their attire is the skins of bears and wolves, some have cassocks made of bear heads and skins. The half sleeves coming to the elbows were the heads of bears and the arms through the open mouth. One had a wolf's head hanging from a chain for a jewel, with a club suitable to his greatness sufficient to beat out one's brains. Five of their chiefs came aboard the ship. The greatest of them had long hair on one side of the head and the other shorn close with a ridge over his crown like a rooster's comb. The calf of the leg was 3/4 of a yard around and all the rest of his limbs so answerable to that proportion that he seemed the goodliest man we ever beheld!" - From the voyages of Captain John Smith (of Jamestown, Va) - 1607 - 1609

Please comment on the accounts and let me know your opinions.



Have you had a sighting or encounter?
Contact us by email or call the hotline at 410-241-5974
Thanks. Lon

Noted UFOlogist Dr. Raymond Keller believes the idea of extraterrestrials and even ultra-dimensional beings from many different planets and alternate realms living and working among us clandestinely is more than just another conspiracy theory.
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