; Phantoms and Monsters: Pulse of the Paranormal

Monday, September 09, 2024


A reader contacts me and describes several unexplained encounters and sightings throughout Southern California, including a possible cryptid canine incident.

I received the following account:

"Hello, Mr. Strickler. I've been watching your show and watching you on Spaced Out Radio for years. I really wanted to be sure I was sending this info to someone who really cares and is serious about the topic I'm going to tell you about here. I want to thank you because I can see this really is a passion for you and things you take very seriously.

I used to live all over the Southern CA area. I grew up there. When I lived in Corona, CA which is in Riverside County. I had an experience that I can not to this day explain. This happened around 2002-2003 on the Southbound 15 freeway by Cleveland National Forest. I was driving in the fast lane and something huge started to run out in front of my car coming from the left. I hit whatever this thing was with the left front corner of my car. I didn't even have time to react! For the split second that I saw it out of the side view of my eye, it looked like it had the fur of a coyote which was a blackish color with white or gray fur. I say fur because it was all covered. 

After I hit it I looked in my rearview mirror and I saw what looked like a very huge coyote. I remember seeing just half of the side/back of its right side and a back leg like it was running standing up. I immediately got to a safe area and got off the freeway so I could park and not only check my car but I was just unable to even think about what this thing was. When I checked the front end of my car there was blood on the corner left (driver's side) of the bumper and a small bit of hair or fur. Since my car seemed to be ok I got back on the freeway in the opposite direction and went home. When I got home I had more light in the garage so I grabbed some paper towels and pulled the hair/fur off my bumper which was lodged in between the crack of my bumper. It really looked like fur to me and not hair. It was similar to dog hair.

Now going back to the area where this happened. If you get a map it was on the 15 freeway going south. The Cleveland National Forest is just on the other side of the fence and across a road called Temescal Canyon Road. That road in most spots at that time was very empty and not many houses or businesses. It's close to Cajalco Road which goes up the hill into Lake Matthew and Perris. I still have no idea what that was.

My ex-husband grew up on George Air Force Base in Victorville, CA which is also in San Bernardino, CA just south of Barstow. His father was a lifelong military veteran and one of those who was very old school. If my ex ever asked questions his father immediately told him to shut up and don't talk about "that sh*t". His Mother was a radiology tech and she was the one who noticed that his dad always had a sticker on his uniform when he got home from work. She confronted his father about it because it was a radiation sticker. His father also yelled at his mother and told her never to talk about it. Now, I was with my ex for over 20 years. We still live together because I am chronically ill and disabled and he is also chronically ill so we help each other. In all my years with him, he always told me he saw a lot of things out there on and around the base that he couldn't explain and there was no way he would ask his dad about it because his dad was very physically abusive to him and his brother. Recently, my ex has told me some of his experiences and you were the only person I could think of to tell.

My ex-husband and his friends grew up in the 1980s. Back in the Victorville, Hesperia, and Apple Valley areas were so sparse when it came to people living there. They didn't even have police departments there. They would have to call the San Bernardino County Sheriff. My ex and his friends also spent a large amount of time in the surrounding areas of Death Valley, 29 Palms, the Mojave Desert basically, and the back side of the San Bernardino mountains on the north side by Silverwood Lake and Deep Creek Springs area and also out in Lucerne Valley. They also went to many of the old mines out there in the Mojave Desert. He said one time they had an old car and pushed it into one of the many holes they found. He said they were all amazed at how long it took for the car to hit the bottom. My ex and his friends were sort of like hellions out there because he said there really wasn't anything to do out there except explore and do stupid things like this. He was in his late teens and 20s at the time of these stories.

Recently, he began to tell me more stories with more details. He said one time he was exploring an old mine and he heard a noise behind him. When he looked he said all he could see was these eyes that were much bigger than a human eye and he got scared and ran out of the mine as fast as he could. There are many stories from others about people seeing Reptilian type creatures for lack of a better way to describe it. Many believe, including the Algonquin Native Americans who have been in that area for who knows how long that the Reptilians who used to live in the tunnels under Los Angeles migrated up to the Mojave Desert and there were also these creatures before that. My ex also spoke about things he saw on the base itself. He didn't get specific on this part at all. I could tell it still to this day scared him. Now, my ex-husband is 6' 1" and weighs around 225 and he was about the same back then except his weight was around 275-300 pounds. He is very strong. I once saw him lift the entire back end of my 2010 Nissan Frontier completely off the ground. I had to ask him if he remembered if at any time he had any missing time or strange things that happened to him while he was on the base as a kid or teenager. He thought about it and he said there was some missing time he couldn't remember and he had seen some very strange things but he said he never wanted to talk about the details. My ex is not a person who tells stories. He is VERY "old school" and he firmly believes and lives by a type of code. Such as you keep your mouth shut, don't snitch on others, etc. To this day he is very respected by people in all of those communities and honestly, some people have told me that they do fear him. When I asked why they said it's because they know he doesn't play games and he says what he means and means what he says.

I'm telling you all of this because it has come to my attention that there are now stories being told about a Dogman type of creature in the San Bernardino area. In that area, there is the old Norton Airforce Base which I actually used to go to frequently as I worked for a company that leased land there for materials we had. I will enclose a video I saw this morning and it really is a huge concern. In this video, there's a man who is saying he has been out to these areas and that the Government and hospitals are "dumping" homeless people out in these areas and there have been witnesses who say there is a creature out there that looks like a dog and man combined and that creature is feeding on these homeless people. I'm very interested if you have ever heard of or have any reports on this yourself?

We know there are so many unexplained things in all of those areas. When we lived by Hesperia Lake in 2013 we witnessed something in the sky we couldn't explain. It was hovering over the San Bernardino Mountain approximately over the Big Bear area. It had no sound. There were green and white lights on it and it would shoot across the sky faster than anything I've ever seen out there and then it all of a sudden just disappeared. Like it was there and then in a second it was gone. We also saw flatbed tow trucks on the 15 freeway heading north and it got off in the direction of Edwards Air Force Base. There was a huge tarp covering whatever was on the flatbed but when the wind blew up a corner of the tarp we saw what looked like some kind of craft. It sound super corny but it did look similar to the classic "flying saucer" type craft we have seen on TV when show talk about the UFOs in the 40's and 50's. There have also been many Bigfoot sightings in and around the San Bernardino Mountains and the Yucca Man out in the 29 Palms/Yucca Valley areas. It's no secret to locals at all. Many of us believe there are creatures out there that none of us can explain. Some people refuse to go back out there in the Mojave Desert area because of what they saw. My ex also said when him and his 2 friends were walking out the the Deep Creek area they were stopped by a San Bernardino County Sheriff's Deputy. My ex and his friends explained that they were walking up past Deep Creek Hot Springs to explore. The Deputy then told them that the point they were at was the furthest law enforcement would go and that if my ex and his friends kept going past that point and something happened to them then there would be no one that would go out there to help them. When my ex asked him why the Deputy said there are people and other things out there that are very dangerous and law enforcement was actually told by their commanding officers not to ever go past that point.

My ex and his friends were teenagers at the time and they were definitely the type with the "whatever" attitude and obviously did not listen to the Deputy. My ex said they continued to walk further and after a while, they started seeing these people popping up from behind bushes and yelling at them to stop. My ex and his friends stopped and before they knew it they were surrounded by these people. The people told them that they were trespassing on their land and that if they wanted to go any further my ex and his friends needed to "pay" them. My ex and his friends told them all they had was a small amount of marijuana, $2 in cash, and some food stamps. Back then they were actual food stamps, not the EBT cards we have today. The people agreed to take all of it and let them pass. My ex is very good at talking to people and that's mostly because he is a Psychic Medium and Empath. He was able to talk to them and ask them who they were. They told him they were "The Manson Family Kids". They said they moved out there after Manson and his followers were caught and they couldn't stay out in Death Valley anymore. They wanted to be away from society and they wanted those from that society to stay away. My ex said they talked for a bit and these people also told them they had sightings of strange things out there. Some claimed to have seen Bigfoot as well as some other creatures they couldn't explain and had never seen before but they did not give details.

It has taken me YEARS to talk about most of this. My ex trusted me with these secrets and told me never to tell anyone and I never did, until now. The reason I'm telling you is because I really do believe there may be something in the San Bernardino area that is doing something to these homeless people who have disappeared and in some cases I do believe some human remains have been found of people who were dumped out there and homeless. If there is any way you could or would be interested in having this investigated I think that would be a very good thing. People out there are scared. They want to know what is really going on out there. We used to take long drives out there within the area of the 15 freeway to the west take the 138 east and make a big loop around that whole area into the Hesperia Lake area. With my ex and I both being psychic mediums and empaths, we always felt a sense that we were being watched out there and it was definitely NOT a place we would drive through at night.

The other thing we experienced was we lived in a very active house. I say "active" because there were things that happened in our house that we were so crazy and there was no explanation we could come up with at all for any of it. We asked the Landlord after my ex, my son, and my daughter all had experiences with seeing a big man in overalls in our hallway by my son's room which scared him so bad he refused to go down the hallway and he stayed and slept in our den which was on the complete opposite side of the house. Our landlord was very devout Catholic and we were kind of worried about asking her but we finally did. She said every tenant she has had in that house has told her about paranormal things that happened to them there. She said the tenant before us had passed away from cancer in the den and when she described him she described the same man that my son said he saw standing by his room in the hallway. He always asked us if he could have a fire in the fireplace even in the middle of summer when it was between 90-100 outside. My ex asked him why in the world he would want a fire and my son said it helped him feel safe and made the man in the overalls stay away from him. My daughter also had an experience when she stayed in the back bedroom across the hall from us which was my son's bedroom. One night she came and woke me up around 3am saying her back was stinging. I lifted up her nightgown and three large scratches were raised up off her skin like welts going down the middle of her back from the back of her neck all the way down to about 3 inches above her waist. I immediately took her into my bathroom to get better lighting and I swear these scratches looked like claw marks. I had her sleep with me the rest of the night and the next morning we moved all of her things into the front bedroom where she felt safer and so did I. Another thing that happened was we had a roommate who we found out was taking drugs. We asked her to move and she refused. We were saving up money to evict her and one night I jokingly said "If there are any spirits here how about helping us get her out of our house". Later that day I was in my daughter's room on my computer and I kept getting the feeling I needed to watch my roommate who was in the kitchen making chili. So I watched her put the pan on the stove with her right hand and she had the open can of chili in her left hand. All of a sudden it looked like something had slapped her hand and the can of chili went flying over the stove and bar area into the den and she came running into the room screaming at me "Did you just see that?" she was terrified! I looked at her and said, "Yes. I told you there are spirits here and maybe they don't like you being here".

That next morning her 16-year-old son came to me saying when he was sleeping the night the chili thing happened, he was woken up when it felt like someone was sitting on his chest and the blankets were being shoved under his whole body kinda like in a way to keep him from moving. They were staying in my son's old room where most of the paranormal activity happened. They started moving out that morning and we never saw them or talked to them again. We did have a paranormal team come in and investigate the house. We have a lot of evidence. EVPs, video of a spot in the middle of my bedroom where it looked like hundreds of orbs were shooting out of this one area and they were moving in a zig-zag direction and just everywhere. I had no windows open and the air conditioner was off. No one was in the room when this happened.

My ex and my daughter had told me they had been seeing a little girl who was dressed like she was Nelly Olson in the old Little House on the Prairie TV show. She even had the tight ringlets in her hair. I actually saw her run across my ex's side of the bed one morning when I was making my bed. When we got the EVps back one of the investigators was sitting on my bed and said "Are you looking for your Mommy or Daddy." We all clearly heard a little girl's voice say "Dada" in another EVP from the den area we heard the investigators yelling profanity at the spirits and daring them to do things then we heard what sounded like a little girl running across the laminate floor in the kitchen crying. After that, we asked the Investigators to leave because we did NOT want anyone provoking anything that was in our house. We literally had to fight to get the evidence they collected because the leader was so mad we ended their investigation that she told me there was no evidence and there was nothing in our house. A short time later two team members contacted me and said they left the paranormal group due to the leaders lying to us and they had evidence they collected themselves. They came to my house and we all listened to the EVPs and watched the videos together. They agreed that there was most definitely spirit activity in our home and they said they believed the spot in my bedroom where the orbs were might actually be a portal. They did give me copies of all the evidence but when I started to send it to friends who were also investigators and psychic mediums my new computer all of a sudden crashed. I took it be repaired and the guy asked me what I did before it crashed. I told him nothing I was just sending emails like I normally do. He said the inside of my computer was completely fried and there was no way he was able to retrieve anything from that computer. When I got on another computer to get into the email I used my entire email account was gone. Like someone just deleted the whole thing. I did back up some of the EVPs on another laptop I had and when I went to check that laptop all of the evidence was gone. I had someone who knew computers see if he could get the evidence back somehow and he never could. My Mom used to work for Dell, Compaq which was then bought out by HP and then she worked for Wyle Computers and she couldn't find the evidence on that laptop either.

I don't normally tell people these stories because I got tired of being called a liar and being called crazy. We KNOW what we experienced and we saw the little girl in other places we moved to for years. I had two psychics who didn't know us and didn't know each other tell me that the little girl was my ex's daughter in a past life and she still follows him because she thinks he is her Dad. They both said her name was Victoria. There was even one night when my ex and I had a fight and he was in the den while I was in my bedroom so that both of us could cool off. I woke up the next morning and my ex was sitting on the couch with this blank look on his face. I was still mad at him for the fight but I asked him what happened because I could feel something was not right. He said the night before after the fight in the middle of the night he came to bed. Our bed was one of those big beds that was high off the floor. He said after he got into bed he was facing away from me and facing the side of the bed and it felt like someone took their fist and came down like a hammer on his cheek. He said he jumped up and looked over at me because he thought I punched him. He said I was asleep and there was no way I could have even reached over to punch him in that way because I am only 5' tall and I would not have been able to reach over him to hit in the position he was hit. I walked over to him and looked at his face and he did have a big red mark but I didn't tell him that. I asked him where the punch happened on his face and he pointed to the red mark. I then told him there was a red mark there and he went to look in the mirror.

I know this all sounds so crazy but this IS our life. We both still have experiences we can't explain and always have since we were children. I rarely have someone to share these things with who doesn't think I'm completely bat sh*t crazy lol Thank you for ALL that you do because you really have made me feel like I'm not insane and you have helped me learn a lot about all different things. I appreciate that so much. I don't expect anything to come out of this email but if you ever do get any reports about things happening in the San Bernardino area I would love to hear about it on your show. I do believe these people are seeing something out there that is definitely a danger to people in that area and I do think people in high places do know what these things are. Thank you again for everything and for your time reading this." K

NOTE: The general San Bernadino area is well-known for unexplained activity. The late researcher/investigator Linda Godfrey investigated the Cleveland National Forest after there had been several reports of cryptid canines. She was also part of a TV episode covering the investigation. Lon




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Thanks. Lon

Bigfoot and Other Cryptid Videos on YouTube






Hey, folks. Thanks for the congrats on 'The Mothman Revisited' episode on Unsolved Mysteries. As a result, we are receiving more sighting reports and are very excited and grateful for the new information!

I sincerely thank the Unsolved Mysteries team and Netflix for allowing us to tell the world about this phenomenon.

If you have information about this or any other cryptid or unexplained sighting or encounter, please feel free to contact me by email or at 410-241-5974. Thanks again! Lon


Chicago / Lake Michigan Winged Humanoid Regional Interactive Map

Hey, folks. Please feel free to share your thoughts & comments on the recently uploaded video of the CHICAGO MOTHMAN.
I'm interested in what you have to say. Thanks. Lon




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Have you had a sighting or encounter?
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Thanks. Lon

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