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jeudi, septembre 19, 2024

Can 'ALIEN HEALERS' Be Summoned At Will?

A woman is going through several negative life experiences when she is confronted by an unknown 'energy' or entity that continues to manifest to help her heal.

The following account was forwarded to me by a reader:

"This happened several years ago. I was in a terrible state of mind because I had just left a relationship that had basically brainwashed me into not knowing who I was at all. I moved back to my parent's house and could barely socialize. I spent all my time meditating because I didn’t know what else to do, I just wanted to get better. A bunch of crazy things happened during this time and I went through a huge transformation, but I’ll just explain the alien bit.

I was laying in bed, during daylight hours, basically “praying.” I remember mentally calling out to any beings who wanted to genuinely help me to come to my aid. Suddenly my face became the face of what looked like an alien. To me, it seemed like a fairy-like being. It had the traditional face shape of an alien with super big eyes, not much of a nose but it wasn’t ugly at all. It was pulsing with swirling pink energy, and it felt extraordinarily beautiful, magical, and loving. It was like I became this being, or rather this being became me/took over my consciousness yet we were still in a sense separate. Then, very clearly I heard a high-pitched slightly feminine voice speak in my head. It said, “Now we are going to heal you, with bubbles!” Then suddenly thousands or millions of the same being that was inhabiting my face coursed through my body, like tiny versions of this being were pulsing through me, still with swirling pink light. It was like they were of a collective consciousness all together, but there was one main being who spoke first and who was leading them (I think).

As they coursed through me, I physically felt small bubbles in my body being popped, as if there were bubbles of energy that were being released over and over again. It felt amazing. After a little while the beings left me. It felt as if they rose out of me and kind of got suctioned away.

At this point, I was super sad, almost heartbroken that they had left. So I begged them to come back. And they did! The alien/fairy became my face again and once again I felt this amazing source of love and magic. Then they left for good.

Since then I still experience the same sort of energy bubbles in my body popping - usually when I meditate or do reiki on myself, but nothing to the extent of that experience.

I never really considered these beings to be related to the grays or as an alien encounter until now. At the time it felt like they were coming from a different dimension, and they felt completely loving and wonderful.

Has anyone else had any positive experiences or anything like this happen to them?" GV

NOTE: I'd like to know your thoughts on this experience. Is it possible to 'summon' healing energy or entities capable of healing? Were these entities alien or another type of metaphysical manifestation? LMK. Lon




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Have you had a sighting or encounter?
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Thanks. Lon

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Hey, folks. Thanks for the congrats on 'The Mothman Revisited' episode on Unsolved Mysteries. As a result, we are receiving more sighting reports and are very excited and grateful for the new information!

I sincerely thank the Unsolved Mysteries team and Netflix for allowing us to tell the world about this phenomenon.

If you have information about this or any other cryptid or unexplained sighting or encounter, please feel free to contact me by email or at 410-241-5974. Thanks again! Lon


Chicago / Lake Michigan Winged Humanoid Regional Interactive Map

Hey, folks. Please feel free to share your thoughts & comments on the recently uploaded video of the CHICAGO MOTHMAN.
I'm interested in what you have to say. Thanks. Lon




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Are time travel theories credible? Are UFOs used by evolved humans from the future who want to change or manipulate history?

People from the future know that they have had a long evolutionary history on this planet. Obviously, our technology will be more advanced in the future, and people from the future certainly want to preserve the chances to get to this step of our human evolution. They certainly want to preserve their own time and control their destiny.

Some theories state that evolved humans are operating UFOs, returning to our time. They would time travel to gather information in a manner impossible with today's technology. Some claim that the supposed time travelers were trying to save us from ourselves.

Documents released in recent years reveal that time travel and anti-gravity technology could be possible and that it was a part of priority research inside secret US programs. So, could this secret technology be harnessed by humans to visit other worlds and other times?

The documents were obtained as part of a Freedom of Information request into the Advanced Aviation Threat Identification Program (AATIP), which is the Pentagon's supposed secret UFO program. One file described how to use anti-gravity technology to produce spacecraft. It stated that the effects can be implemented by manipulating spacetime. The report stated that there is research on different ways of controlling gravity. This concept might be possible to produce exotic phenomena such as faster-than-light travel, and time machines.

I believe that if time travel becomes a reality these future humans will move through time and space using wormholes or portals, not necessarily with the use of specialized craft.

Do you think that it could be possible? Should we give credence to this theory? Even if it were technically possible, we must keep in mind that changing the past means we change our present. Would we benefit from that?

Please feel free to comment on the accounts and let me know your opinions.


Have you had a sighting or encounter?
Contact us by email or call the hotline at 410-241-5974
Thanks. Lon

Noted UFOlogist Dr. Raymond Keller believes the idea of extraterrestrials and even ultra-dimensional beings from many different planets and alternate realms living and working among us clandestinely is more than just another conspiracy theory.
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