; Phantoms and Monsters: Pulse of the Paranormal

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

ANGELS IN THE CLASSROOM: The Cokeville Miracle

In light of the horrific incidents of school shootings, the following post may bring some solace to those who believe in miracles and a divine spirit:

Some places and dates are branded by disaster, by the stories of one horrible day that no one can forget: 9/11, Oklahoma City, Columbine. What sets this horrible day apart from others is what didn't happen. The small town of Cokeville, Wyoming was the sight of a parent's worst nightmare on May 16th, 1986 when a mentally disturbed man and his wife entered an elementary school with guns and a homemade gasoline bomb.

The man's name was David Young, a former town marshal. He had been the tiny town's only police officer for six months in 1979 and when he was fired for misconduct, he moved to Tucson, Arizona. He and his wife returned to Cokeville in 1986 and carried out their insidious plan. Young had a manifesto called "Zero-Infiniti" and proclaimed "This is a revolution!" as he and his wife took an entire generation - over 160 children and teachers - hostage and wouldn't release them until he was given 300 million dollars and a personal phone call from Ronald Reagan, the President of the United States.

Keeping all the children in a single room and standing in the middle of it, the Youngs began a standoff that would last 2 1/2 hours. David left the room leaving his wife alone and it was then that the bomb went off instantly killing Doris. The bomb had been on the shopping cart and, though it was homemade, it was powerful enough to destroy a section of the school. Moments before the explosion, Young handed the shoelace and clothespin to his wife and went across the hall to the bathroom. Doris Young apparently didn’t realize how sensitive the trigger mechanism was and accidentally caused it to go off.

The blast knocked Williams off her feet. The room erupted in chaos as children ran screaming in the dark, smoke-filled room. While many kids, including her friends Amber Kemp and BranDee Prows, escaped through the window, Williams crawled toward a light at the doorway. She crossed paths with David Young at the door, and he tried to grab her shirt, but the tide of running children prevented him. She escaped but saw flames on her shirt and felt an odd, tickling sensation on her shoulder. She started rolling to try to put it out, but the burning sensation only intensified. She was saved from further burns when some teachers found her and slapped out the flames. Then they told her to run.

Running toward the blast Young started to randomly spray the area with gunfire. Some kids were grazed by whizzing bullets, but none were hit. Through the chaos, everyone was eventually accounted for except for the Youngs. Upon finding his burning wife, Young shot her and then returned to the bathroom and shot himself.

The miraculous thing is that despite the shooting and the detonation of the bomb, the Youngs were the only casualties. Some children and teachers suffered severe flash burns from the explosion and minor bullet wounds, but all were alive. In the last 20 years, this event has become known as The Miracle of Cokeville.

The story runs deeper. Bomb experts called out to the scene and were stunned. They couldn't figure out why the school was still intact when a bomb that size should have obliterated the entire side of the building leaving everyone - the hostage-takers and the hostages - all dead. How was this possible? To this day no one has provided an explanation. The children and teachers were alive and that was all that apparently mattered.

Then the children began to tell stories of angels who appeared to them and instructed them to move to a corner of the classroom because the bomb was about to explode. Some reported seeing beautiful figures in white while others said that they saw long-dead relatives telling them not to be afraid. Many said later that there was an angel in the room for every child and that each was protecting their charge. Some children said that they didn't see anything, but rather heard disembodied voices telling them that the disaster was about to happen and that they would be spared.

Glenna Walker’s children saw a “beautiful lady” who told them to go near the window right before the explosion. When looking at a picture in a locket later, one of the children identified the lady as Walker’s deceased mother.

Amy Bagaso Williams was a fifth-grader at the time of the incident. Recently she said, “You come to realize there are no coincidences. Too many things happened to the point that all of us survived that day. It was not an accident. It was a loving Heavenly Father who had a plan for all these children. He prevented it from turning into a horrible tragedy.”

Williams had third-degree burns on her face, neck, and back. Because there were more than 75 injured, ambulances were dispatched to Montpelier, Idaho; Kemmerer, Wyo.; Evanston, Wyo.; and Utah. Her parents drove her to Montpelier, where the hospital had not received word of the bombing. “Get prepared for a long night,” Williams' father told them.

Williams was lying in a hospital bed when she learned two Melchizedek priesthood holders were going room to room giving blessings. She asked for a blessing.

“The blessing said Heavenly Father was there and watched over us, that he loves us, and although this terrible thing happened and my body was burned horribly, that I would heal and have no scars,” Williams said with emotion. “The scars I would have to overcome would be scars of forgiveness and trust.”

Her pediatrician didn’t think such a promise was realistic, but Williams, feeling the same peaceful feeling she had felt earlier, believed the blessing. New skin grew in, and to this day she has no scarring, despite severe burns.

“It was a miracle. I healed completely. Nobody has any idea I was in the Cokeville bombing,” she said.

To commemorate the 20th anniversary in 2006, a group called the Cokeville Miracle Foundation compiled a 500-page book of accounts by many people who lived through the fateful day and titled it WITNESS TO MIRACLES, Remembering the Cokeville Elementary School BombingSusan Fiscus, Karla Toomer, and Chemene Petersen gathered information for the book. Survivors and residents of Cokeville were invited to a town celebration, and some talked about the event for the first time in two decades.

To Save the Children

Where Angels Tread: Real Stories of Miracles and Angelic Intervention

Bridge Between Worlds: Extraordinary Experiences That Changed Lives

'Bridge Between Worlds: Extraordinary Experiences That Changed Lives' - Dan Millman and Doug Childers - 2009




POLL: WHAT DO YOU THINK? Vote & comment on paranormal, cryptid & unexplained mysteries!

Have you had a sighting or encounter?
Contact me by email or call the hotline at 410-241-5974
Thanks. Lon

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Hey, folks. Thanks for the congrats on 'The Mothman Revisited' episode on Unsolved Mysteries. As a result, we are receiving more sighting reports and are very excited and grateful for the new information!

I sincerely thank the Unsolved Mysteries team and Netflix for allowing us to tell the world about this phenomenon.

If you have information about this or any other cryptid or unexplained sighting or encounter, please feel free to contact me by email or at 410-241-5974. Thanks again! Lon


Chicago / Lake Michigan Winged Humanoid Regional Interactive Map

Hey, folks. Please feel free to share your thoughts & comments on the recently uploaded video of the CHICAGO MOTHMAN.
I'm interested in what you have to say. Thanks. Lon




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Beck Lawrence owns and operates the Serpent's Key Shoppe and Sanctuary in Hanover, PA. Having practiced witchcraft since their teenage years, Beck is proud to offer an inclusive space filled with sustainably sourced metaphysical items, and art from local artisans. With various products, events, and services, The Serpent's Key is committed to being a resource to the witchy community in southern Pennsylvania.

Beck Lawrence went viral in Fall 2023 after being warned by Hanover’s police chief that they could face charges over an arcane law from 1861 outlawing fortune telling for profit in Pennsylvania.

The Hanover Police chief saw Lawrence’s tarot shop — billed online as a “witchery and apothecary” — featured in a local magazine and visited the business to inform Lawrence that offering tarot readings was illegal, even though Lawrence has a sign that states “for entertainment purposes only” displayed prominently in the shop.

To save their business and insulate themselves from further legal trouble, Lawrence has sued the police chief and the Borough of Hanover, challenging the law's constitutionality by arguing it violates their First and Fourth Amendment rights.



Are time travel theories credible? Are UFOs used by evolved humans from the future who want to change or manipulate history?

People from the future know that they have had a long evolutionary history on this planet. Obviously, our technology will be more advanced in the future, and people from the future certainly want to preserve the chances to get to this step of our human evolution. They certainly want to preserve their own time and control their destiny.

Some theories state that evolved humans are operating UFOs, returning to our time. They would time travel to gather information in a manner impossible with today's technology. Some claim that the supposed time travelers were trying to save us from ourselves.

Documents released in recent years reveal that time travel and anti-gravity technology could be possible and that it was a part of priority research inside secret US programs. So, could this secret technology be harnessed by humans to visit other worlds and other times?

The documents were obtained as part of a Freedom of Information request into the Advanced Aviation Threat Identification Program (AATIP), which is the Pentagon's supposed secret UFO program. One file described how to use anti-gravity technology to produce spacecraft. It stated that the effects can be implemented by manipulating spacetime. The report stated that there is research on different ways of controlling gravity. This concept might be possible to produce exotic phenomena such as faster-than-light travel, and time machines.

I believe that if time travel becomes a reality these future humans will move through time and space using wormholes or portals, not necessarily with the use of specialized craft.

Do you think that it could be possible? Should we give credence to this theory? Even if it were technically possible, we must keep in mind that changing the past means we change our present. Would we benefit from that?

Please feel free to comment on the accounts and let me know your opinions.


Have you had a sighting or encounter?
Contact us by email or call the hotline at 410-241-5974
Thanks. Lon

Noted UFOlogist Dr. Raymond Keller believes the idea of extraterrestrials and even ultra-dimensional beings from many different planets and alternate realms living and working among us clandestinely is more than just another conspiracy theory.
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