; Phantoms and Monsters: Pulse of the Paranormal

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Witness Recalls Rescue by SASQUATCH During Assault in the Cascade Mountains

A second-hand account from a woman who was hiking & camping in the Cascade Mountains. She states that, during an assault while on the trail, a Sasquatch thwarted the attacker!

I received the following account:

My neighbor, we'll call her Sue, is an avid outdoorswoman. Ever since I moved to the neighborhood about 10 years ago, she was off hiking in the mountains, forest, or high desert plateau every weekend and holiday. Then suddenly, last September, she sold off all her camping and climbing gear. After a month of being a homebody, she took up windsurfing.

Early in January she knocked on my door and asked if I wanted to hear a strange story. I could tell that something was eating at her and invited her in, having just put on a pot of tea. One pot of tea and a plate of gingerbread cookies later, I had the whole story out of her.

Back in September, she had gone hiking on one of those last beautiful days before winter and the rains. She told me the exact location but I don’t feel right about releasing this information, only that it was in the Cascades. Several hours into the hike she started to notice a distant stinking smell like rotting eggs and manure. Because she was hiking along a small seasonal creek she thought maybe something like a deer had disturbed some skunk cabbage in the area. It was a little late in the season for skunk cabbage but not impossibly so. Annie said the stink didn’t dissipate for about twenty minutes, then it was gone. As the trail climbed to a higher elevation she began to feel like she was being watched. Because she still had miles to go before she reached the campsite, she didn't stop but remained alert, as mountain lions are known to be in the area.

This went on for about ten more minutes. Then, as she was coming around a boulder, someone grabbed her by the shoulder and threw her to the ground. Stunned and with the wind knocked out of her, she lay there for a moment when a short fellow with facial tattoos and a machete, threatened her and shouted at her in Spanish. We have a problem with undocumented immigrant gangs growing Mary Jane in the backwoods. Most of it was cleared up when Washington State and Oregon legalized recreational weed, but gangs still grow for the purpose of selling in Idaho. Annie doesn't speak any Spanish but thought the guy was going to assault and kill her given that he straddled her and grabbed her shirt trying to rip it off of her. That was when the most horrific roar came from the bushes. So loud that Annie said she felt it reverberating in her chest. That was also when a tall (she initially placed it at about 10 feet tall, later said it might have only been about 8 feet, as she, was rather terrified at that moment) hairy person grabbed the guy on top of her and threw him into the trees. Perhaps, needless to say, Annie didn't stick around. She ran back down the trail until she collapsed about an hour out from her car, by her estimation. When she came around, she was laid out on the trailhead covered in leaf litter. She swears she was too far from the trailhead when she passed out and she certainly wouldn't have had the piece of mind to cover herself in leaves.

It was getting on to twilight at that point so she limped to her car and drove back to Portland. The next day, she sold all of her camping and climbing gear. I asked her if she noticed a smell during the attack. I asked her what she felt had saved her. Annie was very hesitant to answer but of her own volition finally said it had to be Sasquatch. Because I felt I had to play the devil's advocate at the time, I asked if it could have just been a hunter in a ghillie suit. She shook her head and was very adamant that a hunter would have used a gun and not thrown a guy a good twenty feet. Also, she added she didn't think any human could make the sound of that roar. Again I asked her if she noticed a smell during the attack but she was a little too busy running away to notice. She did mention that when she came to the trailhead, her clothes had a strange funk on them but she had thrown them out. I did ask her if I could share her story and she was okay with it but doesn't want to tell it ever again and if asked about it will flat-out deny it happened.

I think I was her confessional that day. We're still on friendly terms but I respected her request to never mention it to her again. She windsurfs almost every weekend now but she refuses to go back into the forest. And to be honest, I don't blame her. One last note, I emailed the county sheriff's office with details about the attack minus the rescue by Sasquatch. If the guy that attacked her was still out there and alive law enforcement needs to be aware that there is a marijuana grow near a walk in a campsite.” S

Saesq'ec: A Controversial Account of a Bigfoot Attack

Impossible Visits: The Inside Story of Interactions with Sasquatch at Habituation Sites

Living Among Sasquatch: A Primer

What Would Sasquatch Do?: Using Primate Behavior to Look at the Bigfoot Mystery




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Thanks. Lon

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Hey, folks. Thanks for the congrats on 'The Mothman Revisited' episode on Unsolved Mysteries. As a result, we are receiving more sighting reports and are very excited and grateful for the new information!

I want to sincerely thank the Unsolved Mysteries team and Netflix for allowing us to tell the world about this phenomenon.

If you have information about this or any other cryptid or unexplained sighting or encounter, please feel free to contact me by email or at 410-241-5974. Thanks again! Lon


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A near-death experience (NDE) is an extreme personal experience associated with death or impending death. The great majority of these experiences are positive and may encompass detachment from the body, feelings of levitation, total serenity, security, warmth, joy, review of major life events, the presence of light, and seeing dead relatives. When negative, such experiences may include sensations of anguish, distress, a void, devastation, and seeing frightening scenes.

I also associate the presence of the Angel of Death, as in the Islamic tradition, as a near-death event. The archangel Azrael, metaphorically, separates souls from their bodies using a scythe or sword. Many Judeo-Christian believers know the Angel of Death as the Grim Reaper, which was inspired by the high number of deaths attributed to the Black Death plagues in 14th-century Europe and Asia.

I have combined both death-related phenomena into this presentation since each offers a reflection of our future, and how it may affect our remaining life.

Please feel free to comment on the accounts and let me know your opinions.


Have you had a sighting or encounter?
Contact us by email or call the hotline at 410-241-5974
Thanks. Lon

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