; Phantoms and Monsters: Pulse of the Paranormal

mardi, août 27, 2024

Dominican Republic: UFOs, ANGELS, & ALIENS (PHOTOS)

I have collected several aerial reports and photographs from the Caribbean nation of the Dominican Republic. This is not your typical 'hotspot, but it does offer unique information.

"On January 22, 2011, between 10 to 12 am. in the town of Constanza, Dominican Republic in the center of the country, I took two consecutive photos (with a Nikon D80 camera 200 mm. lens) of my wife and son standing on the balcony of a house in the mountain looking toward the valley, in the first photo appear an object far away in the sky (at left in the photo) with a classic UFO shape, in the second photo just one or two second apart the object is not present; note that the light and shadows of the objects and persons are the same.

I would like to know your impressions about these photos" K


"While in a private plane flying South East from Puerto Plata to Santo Domingo in the Dominican Republic I took these pictures from the co-pilot seat. The visibility was clear. We flew about 4500 ft. above the cloud deck. It was about 9:30 am, 4/22/08. (the time stamp setting was incorrect)

I took a series of photos and captured these objects in our flight path. The pilot estimated the objects were about 7-8 miles from the nose of the aircraft. The pilot did not receive any notification from Air Traffic Control.

The objects are extremely luminous. If you enlarge them you will notice the lower set of lights are twin diamonds or squares, symmetrical, and unnatural. The upper set of lights are almost amorphous. Both lights seem to disturb the surrounding atmosphere.

We called them angels because of the similarity to the wings of snow angels kids make in the snow. I urge a strong analysis of these photos.

These objects were unlike anything I had seen. I welcome any comments and feedback as to what these may be. If there is anyone who can identify these unidentified flying objects contact me as I am very curious to solve the mystery.

We eliminated anything like stars, planes, clouds, lightning, or natural phenomena since the conditions were perfectly clear weather." L


Aliens in the Cane Fields

In March 1977, the Dominican GOFOS group (Grupo Observador de Fenómenos y Objetos Siderales) researched a case that had taken place in San Francisco Macorís, a farming community in the southern part of the country. In one particular instance, a couple was awakened at 3:30 a.m. by their baby's crying. When the mother went to check on her, she noticed that the entire house was bathed in a hot, greenish-blue light. The mother described it as "a buzzing lightning bolt that won't go away."

The woman's husband went outside to see the source of the mysterious light, perhaps fearing an electrical fire of some sort. He was stunned by what he saw: hovering above the palm trees at a height of some fifty feet was a disk with a large number of "grates" which emitted an array of colors, mainly red, white, blue, and green. He ran back into his house as the buzzing sound increased. The heat became unbearable as the vehicle zoomed out of sight, and the couple was left with irritated eyes and a dryness of the throat that persisted for a week. Not much was known about UFOs in the Dominican Republic at the time, and certainly not in the agricultural region of San Francisco Macorís. But that was about to change.

On the night of June 24, 1977, an anonymous witness reported seeing an enigmatic light descending slowly from the night sky to remain motionless over the sea. A tube-like structure emerged from the vehicle's "hull" and absorbed seawater for a protracted period. The unidentified object then rose again to hover above the witness, who noticed two beings staring at him through a porthole. According to the witness, a larger vehicle absorbed this smaller craft and became lost among the stars.

The stage for the sightings moved from the Dominican Republic's eastern tip to its western border with Haiti, near the sugar-producing region on the Bay of Ocoa, in late 1977 and early 1978, with events taking a grislier turn: mutilations, accompanied by strange lights and bizarre creatures, tormented the cane-cutters of the town of Barahona, who reported that a "gigantic dog" was slaying and eating domestic animals in the dead of the night. This monstrous canine possessed above-average intelligence, as it was able to open pens and cages, extracting the last drop of blood from its hapless victims, which consisted largely of cats, hens and rabbits. Local authorities dismissed any supernatural suggestions, stating that it was merely "a joke in the poorest of taste" executed by the inhabitants of this agricultural area. The fact that the locals could ill afford to sacrifice their animals for the sake of a prank was deemed irrelevant.

The mutilations were closely followed by several "occupant" sightings as the flap reached its peak: Cone-shaped beings were seen in November 1978 by five women in Santo Domingo. Three creatures, twice the height of the tallest human, carrying lanterns on their abdomens, descended a steep hillside to surround an automobile that braked to a screeching halt. The automobile's headlights died as the witnesses heard sounds which they assumed were blows being inflicted upon the vehicle by the conical trio. Their terrified screams attracted the attention of neighbors, who came to their aid. No traces were found of the beings or of the car which they had surrounded.

In the 80s and early 90s, the Dominican Republic's UFO activity became closely linked with the incidents being reported by commercial and recreational mariners along the Mona Passage, the turbulent channel separating Hispaniola from Puerto Rico. Many illegal immigrants, braving the Passage's fierce seas to land on Puerto Rico's western shore, have reported seeing bizarre lights performing spectacular aerial maneuvers before plunging noiselessly into the black waters. An anonymous ship captain in the illegal immigrant trade claimed that his fishing boat, along with its human cargo, was almost capsized by the sudden emergence of a glowing craft from beneath the waves. - Inexplicata


"Hi, I’m from Germany so sorry for my English. Thanks for this report from a sighting on the 1st of January 2011, before I thought I was wrong and I had an illusion.

I saw also two rectangular grey/silver shaped objects flying side by side maintaining a gap between them, equal to their own length, during my holidays in the Dominican Republic.

I don’t know anymore the exact date of my sighting, but it must be between the 8th and 11th of January in the night. I stayed near Las Terrenas, Samana, and the two objects came from the south and they flew fast, but both with the same steady speed, with no noise in a northerly direction.

A short moment before there was a plane flying from north to a southerly direction with position lights. The plane was at a high altitude and was against the two objects, only a small point in the sky. Maybe the pilots saw the same, I don’t know.

I couldn’t believe that there weren't clouds in the sky. I don’t know what it could be. That’s all I could say." G


"At 12:50 pm today (08.29.05) I was able to witness a completely black UFO at an altitude of between 1000 and 3000 meters. I say this because the object flew between a low cloud (raincloud) and a medium altitude cloud (white cloud). We know that rain clouds are usually at an altitude of between 1500 to 2500 meters, with the lowest ones at 1000 meters and the higher ones between 2500-3000 meters.

"The object was traveling from West to East and its shape was hard to describe. I was unable to define its shape, but I believe it was something at appeared to be vertical (sic). Something like the alleged "flying humanoids" seen in Mexico over recent months. I cannot relate it to any other object, such as balloons, birds, airplanes, etc. on account of its very strange shape.

"Unfortunately I did not have time to a photograph, as the sighting lasted only some 40 seconds and I did not have a camera at hand.

"The object was flying in an even, single-row movement, except for a moment in which it maneuvered resembling a soft curve, which I estimate at some 5-10 degrees.

"I hope other people in my country saw the object and may therefore dispel any questions about the event. I will keep you informed about the event." T


There has been an excellent report of a USO just east of the Dominican Republic. Though only recently reported, the event occurred on April 21, at 11:40 PM. The report comes from a man and his wife who were on the deck of a pleasure cruiser enjoying the night view of the ocean.

The man first noticed a "white, spherical-shaped light out on the water a couple of hundred yards out from the ship." His wife first thought it was another ship.

Soon, other passengers joined them in disbelief. It was obvious that this was not a ship, as the light began to rise up from the ocean surface. It reached a height of approximately 30 degrees above the horizon.

The object was spherical and began to perform amazing aerial maneuvers. It would dart like a mosquito, then suddenly sped back under the water. It soon disappeared. - ufos.about.com


On November 3, 1957, Santo Domingo’s El Caribe newspaper ran a story concerning the remarkable sighting of four unknown objects “resembling flying saucers” over the city of the Barahona coffee factory. According to journalist Julio Lembert, “the strange and unexpected apparition of the strange devices, which came within 100 meters of the facility, caused tremendous surprise among the factory workers who saw them at 6:30 in the morning yesterday (Nov. 1). According to statements made by Messrs. Amador Ponds and Negro Reyes, the first to see the strange craft, these approached at low altitude and remained motionless when they reached a concrete structure used to dry out the coffee. They remained there for two minutes.”

One might be tempted to believe, half-humorously, that alien pilots needed a coffee break as much a truckers might. But Lembert’s narrative continues: “Eyewitnesses to the odd manifestations say that the objects were round and had a sort of gyrating dome at the in the middle. They flew in tight formation, imitating a “letter Y” (the reader will recall the Jamaican case) and their low altitude enabled the factory workers to get a good look. While we were unable to see any portholes or occupants—they said—we understand that the height of domes would allow a man of normal height to sit within them. In Ponds and Reyes’s opinion, as well as that of other employees, the size of the objects was about six feet in diameter. After remaining over the factory for the indicated period, the four objects headed east at dizzying speed, without making the least sound, vanishing from sight in seconds.”

El Caribe’s edition for the following day understandably remarks that the unexpected visit from the inquisitive objects has become “the talk of the town” and that locals are suffering from neck strain from looking up at the sky so much. Other workers – whose names are given in the newspaper – stepped forward to add their names to the original witnesses. Weeks later, an “elongated, grayish object with an intense glow in its forward section” was seen after midnight on November 15 in Baní, witnessed by Francisco Fuertes, a deputy Municipal union worker. The object vanished behind a cloud and did not emerge again.

UFOs took an interest in the Dominican Republic’s hydroelectric works during this period. A strange blue glow, as bright as a welder’s arc, emerged from an unknown object that flew over the Jimenoa Hydroelectric Plant on November 16 and 17th in the early evening. Witnesses Manuel Crune and Luis Padilla described it as resembling a very bright Christmas ornament, moving slowly from south to north. - Explicata

NOTE: Some of you may remember at least two hoaxed sightings from Hispaniola over the past 2 decades, in particular the La Vega Triangle UFO from April 2010. Historically, there have been sporadic credible sightings from the Dominican Republic. Hopefully, we'll soon start to receive constant and reliable reports from all of the West Indies. Lon




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Have you had a sighting or encounter?
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Thanks. Lon

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Hey, folks. Thanks for the congrats on 'The Mothman Revisited' episode on Unsolved Mysteries. As a result, we are receiving more sighting reports and are very excited and grateful for the new information!

I sincerely thank the Unsolved Mysteries team and Netflix for allowing us to tell the world about this phenomenon.

If you have information about this or any other cryptid or unexplained sighting or encounter, please feel free to contact me by email or at 410-241-5974. Thanks again! Lon


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Throughout the world, there are numerous tales of mermaids, mermen, sprites, frogmen, etc. These stories appear in literature, film, television, games, and even in comics. Aquatic humanoids are said to be legends and fiction, despite people having continually reported real-life encounters and sightings of these elusive creatures.

In this presentation, I'm going to offer a small, though interesting, representation of eyewitness statements reported globally.

Please feel free to comment on the accounts and let me know your opinions.


Have you had a sighting or encounter?
Contact us by email or call the hotline at 410-241-5974
Thanks. Lon

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