; Phantoms and Monsters: Pulse of the Paranormal

Sunday, August 25, 2024

Did We Encounter a WEREWOLF?

A Southern California family of 3 is hiking a trail along a cliff. They encounter a tall bipedal being that quickly runs away bipedally. The witness is convinced that they saw a werewolf.

I received the following account:

"This encounter happened while I [32] was hiking with my husband [32] and son [8]. We went hiking to this spot in south California where we’ve been going for the last 13 years. The hiking trails are basically located all along the cliff. Some trails lead to a secluded beach, and others lead to a cave.

We took the trail that leads to the beach and we usually keep walking longer than the average person since we are more familiar with the terrain after the trail ends. Around 4:30pm we decided to hike back up the trail while watching the sunset, at the same time the moon was rising in the opposite direction. This moon was huge, probably one of the biggest moons I’ve seen here. This is where we took some pics.

We decided once we got back to the top of the trail around 5:30ish pm to keep hiking along some other trail which we’d only been once too. The night was still young and plenty of families were walking along this trail. I decided to take a quick break after a short jog to enjoy the scenery and appreciate the moon. At this time my husband and son were pretty far from me and all I could see was their silhouette.

The night was now upon us and the fog from the Pacific Ocean was making its way up the cliff into the hiking trails. My husband and son decided to turn back and meet me because it was getting dark. My son began to run past us. At this point, my husband looks in his direction and sees this black silhouette of a tall person standing about 9 meters from my son. As soon as this thing notices that my husband is looking at it, it gets on all fours and takes off like an animal. He yells for my son to come back. He then tells me what he saw and says something is running across the trail. I am scared of dogs so the first thing I thought was a stray dog running loose. He says, “No, it is bigger than a dog. Almost like the size of a bear but it had the silhouette of a man standing in the middle of the trail and it took off on all fours as soon as I looked at it”. He said this thing was darker than the dark around us.

At this point, we were freaking out. We were hugging each other close not knowing what to expect next. We were basically in the middle of a trail we’d only been once with a crappy phone service. We looked around and the trail was completely empty with no one to be seen. We were basically the only ones there. That trail went from being packed with people to now us three being the only ones there within minutes. Which made everything even more terrifying.

We decided to suck it up and walk back to our car which meant we had to pass by where my husband saw this thing on the trail. My husband said he thought he saw this humanoid run down the trail but once we got to that spot where he saw it, the trail turned right but the figure ran left. To the left was a fence and a bunch of tall bushes making it impossible for something to go that way. Whatever it was would have had to jump the fence to keep going the way it went. We never saw/heard it jump the fence and better yet we didn’t even hear its footsteps or anything moving in the bushes. My husband said it just disappeared.

We managed to keep walking along the trail while holding his phone flashlight pointed at the fence and bushes where he saw it go. All I had was my water bottle and I was ready to use it as a weapon. All we could hope for at this time was to see other people along the trail.

Then we finally see lights coming from a motorbike towards the end of the trail. This person was going into the trail and we were relieved to be out of it and into the parking lot. When we finally got to the parking lot, it went from 50 cars to only two cars left. There was this couple outside taking pics. At this point, even the person in the motorbike noped back out of this trail back to the parking lot and left.

As we made our way back to our car I kinda joked with my husband how he might’ve seen a werewolf. He was still in shock and didn’t say no but he was still trying to process what he saw. My son said he saw something crawling and that’s when my husband called him to come back towards us. He was really scared that night and refused to sleep by himself. We all slept in the same room. My son said he felt like it was following us the whole time home. I hope not.

Today we ended up watching this segment on the news by accident while having dinner and we heard that today is a Super Blood Wolf Moon. Now I am 90% convinced he saw a werewolf.

This location is notorious for many deaths as it is on a cliff where many have died from falling over or drowning. When we went there for the first time, there was a sign around about a person who fell off the cliff." M




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Thanks. Lon

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Hey, folks. Thanks for the congrats on 'The Mothman Revisited' episode on Unsolved Mysteries. As a result, we are receiving more sighting reports and are very excited and grateful for the new information!

I sincerely thank the Unsolved Mysteries team and Netflix for allowing us to tell the world about this phenomenon.

If you have information about this or any other cryptid or unexplained sighting or encounter, please feel free to contact me by email or at 410-241-5974. Thanks again! Lon


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Have you had a sighting or encounter?
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Thanks. Lon

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