; Phantoms and Monsters: Pulse of the Paranormal

Saturday, August 10, 2024

Chatting With the AXTHADANS: Visitors From the Andromeda Galaxy (SKETCHES)

For many years, the website All News Web was known to publish a fair amount of dubious articles about UFOs and alien encounters. The website is no longer active.

In 2009 a series of articles referenced warnings regarding the ‘Axthadans’...a race related to humans that inhabits a planet within the Andromeda Galaxy. Now, I will never say that the author was not telling the truth, but tangible evidence was never provided. I always wondered if the editor of All News Webs posted the articles in a 'tongue-in-cheek' context. Anyway, here it is for your scrutiny. If it offers some 'comic relief,' then so be it:

In the last few months dramatic developments have occurred in regards to human/extra-terrestrial relations and communication. Small UFO probes communicating with earthlings have been sending messages indicating that while open contact might be around the corner, if we don't mend our ways we might find ourselves on the galactic list of extinct species.

It is now known that the civilization located in Andromeda Galaxy that is communicating with us via these UFO probes refer to themselves as ‘Axthadans’. They are at least several thousand years ahead of humanity in terms of technology. Their appearance lies somewhat between the race we refer to as ‘Greys’ and our own. This alien civilization has in fact been watching humans and even discreetly guiding them for thousands of years.

It has also now been confirmed that the Axthadans are not directly sending these probes. The probes are being sent by the race often referred to as 'Greys'. Greys are in fact another sub-group, as we are, of the Axthadan race. The Grey's home planet is within the Milky Way and believed to be located about 30 light years away from Earth. 'Greys' are a few hundred years ahead of humanity in terms of technology and have only been inducted into the wider universal community relatively recently (possibly a few hundred years ago).

The 'Greys', who's real name is unknown to this author, seem to be responsible for many alleged abductions here on Earth and might have been the group associated with the Roswell event.

Unlike Greys, Axthadans are said to be rather tall. Members of this race have visited Earth on occasion but do not do so very often. The Biblical account telling of the Prophet Ezekiel's experience with UFOs is said to recall a visit by the Axthadans.

A few meetings between Axthadans and government officials worldwide seem to have taken place.

The Greys have been generally entrusted by these other more evolved aliens with the task of helping prepare humanity for possible integration into universal culture. Many UFO researchers might query how well they are handling this task and some are suggesting that in recent years or months Axthadans have taken a more hands-on approach as a consequence.

Axthadans are currently grooming over three hundred semi-technological civilizations for induction into a universal family of civilizations. Sadly, Most of these civilizations will not make it.

The Pentagon is now in possession of extensive footage and information regarding life on their planet: Axthada. This planet has been described as being of great beauty and it’s civilization as ‘Utopian’ by earth’s standards.

It is now known that these aliens have issued earthlings with a warning: We have less than a decade to completely bring an end to all forms of warfare, racism, prejudice and economic exploitation. The Axthadans have sent messages stating that if we continue our evil ways we will destroy ourselves and this planet within fifty years.

In the event that aliens do disclose their presence to humanity and we continue to display any of these traits Planet Earth itself might have to be destroyed as a potential threat to universal harmony. In this scenario it is believed that innocent human victims of exploitation as well as other species will be resettled elsewhere.

In an ironic twist Axthadans are communicating with groups seen as perpetrators. As such immense pressure has been placed on the US administration. A decision was made to allow America’s economy to falter to allow for a redistribution of power and resources. Obviously the election of an African-American to the U.S Presidency was seen as a positive development by the Axthadans.

The question now is will this satisfy our alien custodians or will this be seen as mere window dressing? It is believed that the Axthadans mean business and will not tolerate any trace of the existing power-structure. Ego-driven and ultra-materialistic western culture seems slated for destruction.

Will Westerners adapt to a new reality where previously trodden on groups such as indigenous populations of countries like the US and Australia will perhaps be given leadership roles? Extraterrestrials have noted that the manner in which such groups were able to live for thousands of years in harmony with their environment translates into a safer, more peaceful universal existence. Western values of devour and destroy in an orgy of selfishness for the sole benefit of personal gain are said to be of immense concern to aliens.

It is this author's belief that the recent Chinese UFO event that took place during the solar eclipse involved a 'manned' Axthadan craft. This almost irrefutable sighting is being hailed by Chinese researchers as one of the most compelling ever. Does this brazen example of aliens deliberately exposing their own presence at a time when many looked skyward signal something? Are aliens looking to China to lead humanity towards its destiny? I have received a number of emails from well-known researchers and cover-up insiders noting that the US is indeed worried over alien interest in China and its more communitarian values. Curiously the Chinese eclipse UFO event has been totally ignored by Western nations, possibly not willing to admit its implications.

Does free-wheeling highly individualistic capitalism have a cosmic future or is it simply untenable and even dangerous when imposed on a much more complex paradigm: such as a universe?

It should be noted at this point that the author is not unaware of the massive advances capitalism has brought humanity, nor is this an op-ed piece for socialism; merely a summary of what appear to be the known issues facing civilizations that join a galactic or universal family of races. The 'Cosmic Capitalism' doctrine studied by NASA scientists and others suggests that self-interest is imprinted into all living things as a result of evolution. However as one goes up the food chain this self-interest, responsible as it is for so much progress, becomes more potentially dangerous and thus it becomes more important to balance this tendency with social restraints.

On a Galactic level this becomes a matter of the very survival of the universe: Hence not all races make the grade and are inducted to a wider family of civilizations.

We realise that many readers will find this information hard to believe, however for those who work on these issues on a daily basis it is all too real. Our sources are such individuals and we can reveal they are not just speaking to All News Web. Other publications have also been contacted.


Originally posted 7/14/09

UFO Messages: Image of an Axthadan Revealed

When I decided to really get to the bottom of the UFO issue I never thought I would get as far as I did. The concept of creating a news site almost entirely devoted to the topic has truly paid off. It has meant that we have received hundreds of leads, many from those within the cover-up and many from those with close links to people working on secret government projects.

Information is not easy to come by and, sadly, governments studying this phenomena and even communicating with aliens take this topic's secrecy very seriously. All News Web has pushed the envelope in this respect.

We thank those who, at some risk to themselves, have been feeding us UFO and extraterrestrial information. One of our informants recently sent us this rough sketch (above) of a member of the very real race known as the Axthadans or Ax Thadans.

Next to the Axthandan is a spaceship and above it small unmanned UFO probe. On the alien's left is an example of Axthadan architecture. We realise that this image shows little new: The fact is that information on these Andromedans has been percolating down to popular culture for years.

Remember 'The truth is always ridiculed at first' however, we know that in ten years time ufology will follow along the lines you read first here and Axthada will be a household name.


Originally posted 7/11/09

The Axthadans Dictate New World Order...or Else!

In the last few months dramatic developments have occurred in regards to human/extra-terrestrial relations and communication. Small UFO probes communicating with earthlings have ceased sending their signals in mathematical sequences and are now using earthly languages to communicate. This has made the task of deciphering these messages totally superfluous. It has also made the UFO messages much clearer and has allowed for much more detail to be contained within the messages. It is believed that the decision to initially communicate in code was a choice and not a matter of capability. This alien civilization has in fact been watching humans and even discreetly guiding them for thousands of years.

It is now known that the civilization located in Andromeda Galaxy that is communicating with us via these UFO probes refer to themselves as ‘Axthadans’. They are approximately a thousand years ahead of humanity in terms of technology. Their appearance is akin to the race we refer to as ‘Greys’. This civilization has been entrusted by other more evolved aliens with the task of preparing humanity for possible integration into universal culture.

Axthadans are currently grooming over three hundred semi-technological civilizations for induction into a universal family of civilizations. Sadly, Most of these civilizations will not make it.

The Pentagon is now in possession of extensive footage and information regarding life on their planet: Axthada. This planet has been described as being of great beauty and it’s civilization as ‘utopian’ by earth’s standards.

It is now known that these aliens have issued earthlings with a warning: We have less than a decade to completely bring an end to all forms of warfare, racism, prejudice and economic exploitation. The Axthadans have sent messages stating that if we continue our evil ways we will destroy ourselves and this planet within fifty years.

In the event that aliens do disclose their presence to humanity and we continue to display any of these traits Planet Earth itself might have to be destroyed as a potential threat to universal harmony. In this scenario it is believed that innocent human victims of exploitation as well as other species will be resettled elsewhere.

In an ironic twist Axthadans are communicating with groups seen as perpetrators. As such immense pressure has been placed on the US administration. A decision was made to allow America’s economy to falter to allow for a redistribution of power and resources. Obviously the election of an African-American to the U.S Presidency was seen as a positive development by the Axthadans.

The question now is will this satisfy our alien custodians or will this be seen as mere window dressing? It is believed that the Axthadans mean business and will not tolerate any trace of the existing power-structure. Ego-driven and ultra-materialistic western culture seems slated for destruction.

Will Westerners adapt to a new reality where previously trodden on groups such as indigenous populations of countries like the US and Australia will be given leadership roles? Extraterrestrials have noted that the manner in which such groups were able to live for thousands of years in harmony with their environment translates into a safer, more peaceful universal existence. Western values of devour and destroy in an orgy of selfishness for the sole benefit of personal gain are said to be of immense concern to aliens.

Grey Aliens and the Harvesting of Souls: The Conspiracy to Genetically Tamper with Humanity

Children Of The Greys

Human by Day, Zeta by Night: A Dramatic Account of Greys Incarnating as Humans (The Zeta Series)




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Hey, folks. Thanks for the congrats on 'The Mothman Revisited' episode on Unsolved Mysteries. As a result, we are receiving more sighting reports and are very excited and grateful for the new information!

I want to sincerely thank the Unsolved Mysteries team and Netflix for allowing us to tell the world about this phenomenon.

If you have information about this or any other cryptid or unexplained sighting or encounter, please feel free to contact me by email or at 410-241-5974. Thanks again! Lon


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