; Phantoms and Monsters: Pulse of the Paranormal

jeudi, août 22, 2024

BROWN, SCALEY LIZARD HUMANOID Encountered in the Chesapeake Bay

An experienced sailor, along with 30-year US Navy Captain, witnessed a brown, scaley lizard humanoid rise to the Chesapeake Bay surface and blink at them. What did they see?

“We were moving up the east coast of the United States to the Chesapeake Bay. I was working on a 41-foot sailboat out in the middle of Chesapeake Bay. There were seven other men on the boat that day, we were taking it out for a test cruise and were expected to be out for about 12 hours.

So this was in the mid-1980s, and weather prediction resources weren't as reliable as they are today, and we found ourselves caught up in an unexpected storm. The winds were gusting to 50 miles an hour, edging into the weak hurricane range. But we were lucky. There was one particularly experienced guy on board who had sensed the storm approaching and that it was serious. So, we'd rigged the storm sounds just in time, just before the storm hit. If we hadn't I'm certain we would have all died. Well as it was I fully expected to die at any moment during that storm.

We called for help and for at least 15 minutes, we were in a maelstrom, with absolutely zero visibility, and then, it passed. The storm was over. So by about 3 PM, everything had calmed down. There was still cloud cover but the ambient light allowed us to see about two miles or so in any direction. It's worth mentioning at this point that after fierce storms like that, it's common, particularly in shallower depths near land masses, for things to be dredged up off the sea floor.

So,  we're all on deck working lines and checking for damage and the bay around us is still choppy, it's churning and foaming. Old-timey sailors use the saying, "The sea is confused." 

Anyway, I looked about 15 feet off the starboard side and saw something swim to the surface, pause and stare at us, or should I say, glare at us, then submerge again. I got a good look at it. It was like a thin man, definitely a humanoid shape. It was lean but it had muscular arms and its skin was covered in scales like a snake. Its head was human-like but its eyes weren't, they were big, with thick heavy lids. Now I noticed this because as it stared at us, it blinked them slowly, and deliberately, then dove back under the water.

Let me just say at this point that I was not affected by drugs or alcohol, and I hadn't been injured in the storm. If anything, I was elated just to be alive so my senses were heightened not dulled. When this happened, I had about six years of experience on ships and fishing boats. I'd seen squid, octopi, flying fish, sharks, etc., in waters all over the world. I wasn't the kind of guy to see a patch of seaweed and think it was a sea monster, okay? That being said, I made an instant decision that I wasn't going to say anything to anyone. What was I going to say, "I just saw a strange humanoid aquatic monster, just take my word for it"? Well, the other men on the boat were mechanics and engineers and I had no desire to get a reputation as a flake.

So I'm standing there in my life vest, soaking wet, hooked onto the steel lifeline, still feeling relieved to be alive and wondering what the hell I just saw, when one of the other sailors said "I just saw a brown thing pop up on the surface! It looked like a lizard man, with a scaly face. It blinked at us with these big eyes and then went back under!" "Yeah." I said, "I saw it too."  No one else said that they'd seen it, and to this day I'm surprised I blurted that out but, I think I got the courage because the other sailor, the one who saw it, was a United States Captain with over 30 years experience in the Navy. He was respected and liked by the crew and I guess that's what gave me the confidence.

Later that day, we sailed back to the pier without speaking another word of what we'd seen in the water. To this day, I still don't know what it was. But, I know it wasn't a man. No man could have been out in that water and no man could have looked like the thing I saw. The thing that looked me in the eye that day.”

Source: “Mermaid Encounters and Attacks Peaceful Diver.” Encounters with Strangeness. Podcast.




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Thanks. Lon

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Hey, folks. Thanks for the congrats on 'The Mothman Revisited' episode on Unsolved Mysteries. As a result, we are receiving more sighting reports and are very excited and grateful for the new information!

I sincerely thank the Unsolved Mysteries team and Netflix for allowing us to tell the world about this phenomenon.

If you have information about this or any other cryptid or unexplained sighting or encounter, please feel free to contact me by email or at 410-241-5974. Thanks again! Lon


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Alien abduction refers to the phenomenon of people reporting what they believe to be the real experience of being kidnapped by extraterrestrial beings and subjected to physical and psychological experimentation. During these abduction scenarios, the alien beings vary in description and conduct. In many cases, as described by abductees, there is usually a specific individual directing the procedures. Reptoids, or Reptilians, in most cases, seem to garner the 'overlord' status.

The Reptilian humanoids are also said to inhabit Earth as cloaked human beings who can shapeshift to their original form. There are several theories regarding these beings, including claims they are interdimensional, coming from another universe or dimension.

Regardless of what you may believe, there is a consistent number of reports from experiencers who claim to have been in the presence of these Reptilian humanoids and that they have suffered because of these interactions.

Please feel free to comment on the accounts and let me know your opinions.


Have you had a sighting or encounter?
Contact us by email or call the hotline at 410-241-5974
Thanks. Lon

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