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Sunday, July 14, 2024

Readers Respond: 'Have You Ever Experienced a TIME GLITCH or TIME SLIP?'

I asked readers if they had ever experienced a time glitch or time slip incident. I received responses in the Phantoms & Monsters Radio Community and through my email.

"In the 90s I went to Africa. I was given an amulet by an old man we had befriended. I started wearing it. After two weeks of being home, I took my children to school. Came home and went back to bed.

I was awoken by 2 loud thumps under my bed. My bed was 2 inches off the floor. I was freaked out. I suddenly felt something happening, but I was frozen. I managed to turn my head slowly with great effort. In the doorway of my bedroom, I observed the newspaper pages spinning around slowly in the air with some kind of shimmer behind them. I was so scared I buried my head in the pillar. I kept repeating go away, go away and thinking happy thoughts. 

The next thing I remember us waking up several hours later. It happened again two weeks later almost the same as above. I told my friends who laughed at me to take the amulet necklace off and throw it out. It never happened again." @eamondelaney3287


“I once had a glitch and it scared the living crap out of me. My school once had an exhibition (I think that's what it's called) and I had to go there to help my class prepare stuff. I was going around to see a few exhibition pieces of other classes. I stumbled upon a room where the curtains were open and there were clothes inside. In the other room next to it was a room where the curtains were closed and there were some kind of red LED lights in there with jewels and a woman was sitting in the room. I think she was a seller. After I looked around, I left the room and wanted to go back to my friends. I wanted to pass the room with the opened curtains but I realized that it wasn't the same room anymore. It was the room with the LED lights with the woman sitting in the chair. I went back to the other room and that was the LED light room too. After that, I explored both rooms and I couldn't find a difference. I just got more and more worried that I might be hallucinating or be on drugs. But I didn't think so because I would be able to feel it, I think. And hallucinations are short. I sometimes hallucinate when I have a fever, that's why I know that.

So, after the exploration, I stood for a few minutes in the corridor, frightened. After those few minutes, I dared to move and see if the rooms changed. They changed indeed. The room, that once was white and where the clothes were, was there. Everything was normal. Since that day, I haven't told anyone about that strange phenomenon. I couldn't tell anyone. But I wanted to tell someone who would believe me.” MB


"I had an encounter on a military post - Fort Riley, Kansas. I was outside late, sitting in my car maybe about 0100 and a loud buzzing sound went off. It sounded like someone was about to say something then it cut out. The barracks in front of me and adjacent to my building then came to life, the doors swung open and soldiers in full uniform all started walking out. They weren’t quite walking or running something in between like a really fast-paced walk, almost a jog. No name tapes and no US Army tapes. Didn’t recognize a single soldier among the three dozen or so that were there. I tried to stop them and ask what they were doing. No response. None of them they all just kept walking in the direction of some training areas. I tried to catch up on foot but wasn’t trying to run after them so I got in my car and rode parallel to the path they were walking on. The road however had so many potholes it felt like I was going off-road. Then I got to the point where the path went into some woods so I got out of my car in a nearby parking lot and they weren’t there. I ran on the path they went on. No one. No boot prints nothing. Probed the wood line, but couldn’t hear or see anyone. Went back to my car freaked out and generally flabbergasted and looked at my phone that I had left in the car and it said 0434 which is impossible because all of this couldn’t have taken place in more than 20 minutes or so.

So I was pretty freaked out and had no explanation. A bunch of soldiers without name tapes coming out of a building where there’s no way that many people lived? Crazy. The road which had been worked on just a couple weeks ago and resurfaced has potholes at least half a foot deep? Insane. And now I have to do PT in like an hour. So yeah I kind of dropped maybe I was dreaming but all of it was so real. Maybe some kind of training I wasn’t privy to? Who knows. I for sure don’t have a clue.” CZ


“My BFF had a "shifting" experience. She and an acquaintance were on their way to a funeral, and, because they were running late (as per usual), they decided to go straight to the cemetery and skip the church ceremony. They made it to the cemetery, but they couldn't for the life of them find the rest of the funeral party. They wandered around weirded out for a while, trying to call up the other people, but they had no signal. They then decided to head out, go home, and maybe have a coffee. As they left, they noticed another cemetery a bit further away, so they made their way towards it. Lo and behold, they managed to find the rest of the funeral party in no time, as the second cemetery was quite smaller and easier to navigate. When they then apologized to the organizer for being late and told them they mistakenly went to the "other" cemetery, she was bemused because, she said, "It's okay you were a bit late, there's no need to lie." There is only one cemetery in the village. They still don't know where they were.” BU


“I haven't ever experienced any major 'glitches' myself. The only one I've ever witnessed happening happened to a friend when I was 10 years old and it was minor (I guess). We were at his house and he went to grab a controller from his room so we could play a match against each other on FIFA (we did 4-man mini tournaments). His room is just a hallway away. He stayed in there for 20 minutes and we (me, the brother of my friend, and another guy) started to wonder what he did in there. Then he came back after 20 minutes and we asked what was he doing in there all this time and he sincerely told us that he just went in his room grabbed a controller and came back immediately and he didn't remember doing anything else and that for him it was just a moment. He had just lost 20 minutes of his life, literally. Nothing major or life-changing but we still were kinda freaked out with the whole situation. We just brushed it off like the 10-year-olds we were. It just came back to my memory. Don't know if it's worth mentioning that my friend and his brother are identical twins if that increases the chance of glitches or something.” ZC


"My wife and I were working at the same place. We left work at 3:30 pm, stopped and paid the electric bill, then stopped at a quick mart to get cigarettes and snacks. We then drove home approximately 25 miles. We usually got home at 4:10 - 4:15 p.m. but to our surprise, it was only 3:45 p.m. No one we worked with experienced anything like this. It still puzzles us to this day." @richtherocket795


"I was driving to the airport. I was a bit unsure of my exit. Suddenly I was on the road to the airport. I would have needed to make a right-hand 90-degree turn to be there. I never did that. I was not under the influence." @hereticsaint100


"I was arrested in Cass County North Dakota in 2010 and after I was booked, I was taken to my cell. It was approximately 7:00 PM and I was just sitting on my bunk staring at the wall. I sat there for what felt like ten or fifteen minutes and then all of a sudden, my door popped open, and a guard yelled, "Breakfast!" There is no way that I was sitting there for nearly twelve hours. I immediately attributed it to a time slip." @fkirfirt9606

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