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Friday, July 12, 2024

My GUARDIAN ANGEL Has Always Been With Me!

A reader/listener describes how she believes that she has had a Guardian Angel her entire life and how it has saved her through several harrowing situations.

I received the following account:

"Hi, Lon. I'm fascinated by your personal Guardian Angel experiences that you've written about or detailed on your podcasts.

I believe I've had a Guardian Angel or something with me my whole life. My mom was hospitalized while pregnant with me, and something from the upper corner of the room calmed her and told her everything would be fine. She was in two car accidents in a year with my brother and I in the car, and she turned to check on us, and we were fine.

When I was a teenager, me and a friend got spooked by something in the catwalks of the theater, and I was slipping a lot as I raced down the stairs. I got to the last long flight and I skipped at the top and should have smacked my head and really hurt myself, but I felt a hand between my shoulder blades push me forward. I went from the top to the bottom of the steps without touching them, stumbled forward, and was center stage before my friend was down the steps.

My college apartment ghost messed with me, but once let me in when it was raining, my hands were full and I couldn't find my keys.

I was at a bar at closing, and since we knew the bartender, we were kind of messing with her and not leaving. Finally, we go, but she's already locked the front and asks us to go out the back. Not a problem. As I'm coming around the front to get to my car I hear screeching tires, a crash, and a bunch of people shouting. I see a lady who had fallen asleep at the wheel rammed into and under the back of my car. If I had gone out the front door I would have been either just getting in or ready to leave, but no seatbelt yet.

Another time I was driving home from work, trying to beat a storm. Suddenly the "passenger not wearing a seatbelt" alarm started going off. It didn't make any sense because it never went off when my lunch bag was full, and now it was the end of the day, so it was lighter. I slowed to so I could move it, and within 20 seconds it was raining so hard I couldn't see the tail lights. That same storm I was trying to make it home without stopping, but my gas wasn't going to make it, so I pulled over for gas and to let the storm pass. There was a huge accident I might have been involved in if I had kept going.

So something is watching out for me. I've got no explanation. Some could be coincidence, some luck, but all of it is weird. I'm sure there's plenty more I can't remember, or didn't notice, but these are the standouts." L



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Thanks. Lon

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The term 'feral people' refers to those who have been isolated from human contact, usually from a young age. These individuals may have had minimal experience with human care, language, or social behaviors. They may also have suffered abuse or trauma before being abandoned or running away. Feral people are sometimes portrayed as having been raised by animals.

But is this phenomenon more than a legend? Are there larger populations of these hominins living in isolated areas? Have they developed characteristics that make them less human? Are these individuals the 'wild men' described in folklore and long-told stories?

I'll examine several reports that I have received over the years so that you can develop your rationale for their existence.


Have you had a sighting or encounter?
Contact us by email or call the hotline at 410-241-5974
Thanks. Lon

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