; Phantoms and Monsters: Pulse of the Paranormal

Wednesday, July 03, 2024

HOWLING MAN & VOODOO BODIES in New Orleans After Hurricane Katrina

Yes, New Orleans is a very strange city. Here are two bizarre incidents that are a bit different than the norm, that occurred in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina.

I came across the following post:

"I live in New Orleans. Born and raised in Louisiana. It’s always been a hotspot for the paranormal (voodoo, witchcraft, hauntings, vampire legends, bayou werewolves, etc). Anyway, due to the quarantine situation, the city has been pretty much a ghost town; hardly anyone is out and about. I’ve been going stir-crazy being stuck inside because I battle depression and anxiety. So, we have started to go on morning walks around the city daily. We may occasionally pass someone (usually walking their dog or riding a bike, etc). Well, today felt different.

I have extremely pale skin, the fairest type you’ll ever see. So my whole life I’ve been compared to Snow White and to, of course, vampires. Well, at one point during our walk, we were about to cross the street, and on the other side was a man looking to cross to our side. I had the strangest feeling that he was going to think I looked like a vampire because I was wearing a black dress and my pale skin was as pale as ever. I don’t know why I felt that but I tend to have a very strong intuition. (Example: the other day I pre-adopted a rescue kitten at Petsmart I bought a pink carrier and when I got in the car I strongly felt the need to keep the receipt “in case the cat isn’t really a girl”. That night I got a call from the foster mom who said she was sorry that she told me it was a girl, and that they went to microchip her and it’s a BOY!). But back to my story.

So as I’m thinking about how I look like a vampire and about to cross paths with this man. The sun hits me as I cross the street and he lets out the largest wolf-like HOWL that I’ve ever heard coming from any creature in my entire existence. The weirdest part was, I didn’t feel afraid. And I didn’t feel like it was strange. Maybe the weirdness of New Orleans has gotten to me, or maybe it’s because I know deep down I’ve believed all along that everything is not as it seems. And that legends and stories exist for a reason. I calmly crossed the street and never looked back.

I just hope I’m safe now. I wonder if he picked up my scent. Of course, New Orleans also has a lot of homeless people, mentally ill, and drug addicts as well. So he may be just one or more of those. But maybe not." K

The following response to this post is interesting:

"Okay, here it goes. I have a medical background and a certification I rarely use though I keep going back and paying to renew it. Anyhow, I volunteered almost immediately thinking I would help those who have lived through Katrina. That was not the case. There were a few of us who were assigned once the water started to recede, to find houses that had dead bodies in them.

If you've ever had to do a body recovery when it has been lying around in the heat and the water for days, sometimes weeks at a time, you know how it smells. It does sort of smell like any other dead carcass but worse. I can't explain it, maybe somehow, sweeter smelling. Anyway, the key to not vomiting when you smell them is Vicks VapoRub in, under and around the bottom of your nose. It doesn't keep all the smell out but enough until you can at least tolerate the smell without vomiting.

We had to go to each house and go inside in wading boots and look for bodies. Many of them washed out to sea but some were still in the houses they had lived in before the hurricane. If we found a body, we spray-painted a big X on the outside of the house. This other guy and I had been doing it for a while and we got assigned each other almost every day. We got along okay and he didn't vomit at the ones that had been "gotten to."

We came up to this one old shack. I say shack because it was pretty run down and in what had been a very bad neighborhood. Right away, I got chills down my spine. I knew there was something really wrong. Not like finding a body kind of wrong, but chilling kind of wrong. New Orleans has certain areas that just give off these vibes and my understanding is there is a lot of voodoo practiced in certain areas.

Anyway, against everything my body was screaming at me, we went into the house. The first thing I could smell was a body, the second was something almost earthy and moldy. I looked at my partner, (I will call him Jay). He was white as a sheet. I could tell he was getting that same feeling I had been getting. It was obvious from the weird bones hanging from the ceiling, (I would bet money they were cats), that something odd had been going down in the house as well as strange beads and carvings in the bare wood on the walls.

We went into what was a kitchen and there chained to a beam was an old lady or what was left of her. She had chained herself by her wrists to the beam, her guts were falling out on the floor. The creepiest thing was her face still looked as though she were alive and staring at us with a wicked smile showing only partial teeth. (They were nubs). My skin started crawling as the goosebumps spread over my body and my neck hair stood up.

Suddenly, I heard the most unearthly cackling noise I have ever heard in my life and my flight or flight kicked in. Jay and I noped out of there. We quickly painted the X and literally ran to the next house.

Now I don't know if that old lady had practiced voodoo or whatever, but that scared the ever-living crap out of me. It still gives me nightmares. The people I feel sorry for are the ones who had to take that crazy lady out of there.

Jay and I discussed it that night after we went back to the hotels north of there. He had heard the cackling too but we both said it had to be the wind or something." A



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WAS IT BIGFOOT? Angelina National Forest, Texas Camper Asks

A Texas woman and her dog are camping in the Angelina National Forest when they encounter a huge, loud roaring creature that's tearing through the brush.

I received the following account:

"I had an experience in the Angelina National Forest in Texas. We were camping at a remote campground in an RV. There were only about 8 camping spots where we were. It was about a mile, mile and a half from the ranger's station, during New Year's weekend.

On Sunday morning, the day we were scheduled to go home, the RV would not start. We could get no cell reception because of the tall, heavily wooded area. My SO told me to walk up to the ranger station to see if we could borrow some tools or see if they knew of a mechanic in the area who worked on RVs. So, I took our dog, and off I went.

About a third of the way there, I got a funny feeling. Like I was being watched. Then my dog, a pit/boxer mix started growling and sniffing the air. He had all his hackles up. I heard a couple of huge snaps in the woods to my left, the dog was now growling like he was about to tear the left off something. Then came this huge loud, roar, and scream, from the same direction I heard the branches snapping. It was so loud, I could feel it as well as hear it.

When that happened my dog hunkered down and pissed with his tail between his legs. I yelled, 'Run buddy, run!' And we started running. A few more limbs snapped and my dog tried to hunker down again. So I decided to scoop him up in a fireman's carry and get the hell outta there. Well, that didn't last but a few yards, because he weighs close to fifty pounds and I am a 50-year-old woman.

Thank goodness about that time, here come the Rangers in a pickup. They stopped and I literally threw my dog in the back and told them I needed help. I tried to explain to them about the wood snapping and the loud roar, but it seemed to piss them off. So I just told them we needed tools, our RV had broken down. So they drove back to the ranger station, loaded up a toolbox, and took us back down to the RV.

We finally got the thing started and I told him about what happened and asked him if he heard anything. He said he thought he heard something but was too busy to pay it much mind.

Now I have been camping all my life, I know what a buck deer or elk sounds like, and I know what a mountain lion, bobcat, wolf, or coyote sounds like. I know what wild hogs sound like. But this sound was none of those. This cry was loud enough to shake the ground.

I have had that dog for 10 years and have never seen him that scared of anything, ever. He has chased down raccoons, armadillos, possums, and deer, and an 800 lb. steer and never backed down. So what he smelled and sensed was bad enough to make him hunker down and piss himself." M

Wood Knocks Volume 3: Journal of Sasquatch Research

The Bigfoot Book: The Encyclopedia of Sasquatch, Yeti and Cryptid Primates

The Psychic Sasquatch and their UFO Connection

The Sasquatch People and Their Interdimensional Connection

Sasquatch, The Native Truth



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Registered trademark PHANTOMS AND MONSTERS ® / PHANTOMS & MONSTERS ® - USPTO #90902480 - Lon D. Strickler

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BAT-WINGED HUMANOID Inflicts Eye Trauma On Southeast Missouri Witness

A driver in southeast Missouri encountered a bat-winged humanoid while driving one afternoon in January 2021. Was this a winged cryptid similar to the Chicago / Lake Michigan Mothman?

I recently received the following account:

I received a report of a cryptid bat encountered in January 2021 near Crowleys Ridge in southeast Missouri, near the St. Francis River and the Arkansas border.

The witness, NN, stated that he was traveling north on Rt. 217 during the late afternoon. Suddenly, a large bat-winged creature was observed flying directly towards the vehicle, quickly ascending to avoid striking the windshield.

The witness described the creature as a 'human-like bat' with a thin body and a wing span several feet wider than the windshield. The body was approximately 4-5 feet in height with a small bat-like head. The legs were longer than a bat's and the arms were attached to the wings.

One strange aspect of the encounter was that the witness immediately suffered a severe headache, prompting him to pull onto the shoulder. It took him almost 15 minutes to gather his wits and proceed to his destination, which was home.

NN states that he had sharp right eye pain for several days afterward. He later went to the ophthalmologist, where he was diagnosed with a detached retina. He assumed that his encounter with the creature was responsible for the eye problems.

After a bit of research, I found another encounter with a cryptid bat in the same general area in February 2021. The description was somewhat similar, though the account was very brief and did not mention any physical or mental maladies as a result.

NOTE: After receiving the report, I called and talked to NN, who is still recovering from the encounter. He is currently unable to drive and is scheduled to undergo a medical procedure on his right eye in August 2021. This is the first report of eye issues resulting from a winged humanoid encounter since Billy Bantz's sighting in March 2017 in Cicero, Illinois. Lon



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This blog and newsletter are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Work 3.0 United States License.

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