Two friends are on a road trip and stop at Mt. Hood, Oregon to camp. During the night the witness hears mimicking of her and her friend's voice from a previous conversation!
I received the following account:
"I was about 26 years old when this event happened, about 9 years ago. A friend and I decided to go on a two-week road trip, from Kansas, Colorado, Utah, and all down the west coast. We camped the whole way and had an incredible time, other than occasionally having trouble finding campsites.
One day, after a fun, gluttonous night in Portland, we decided to camp on Mt. Hood. It was the middle of the summer, so we expected to see other campers on the mountain, even though it was a weekday. We had to drive pretty far up in search of a campsite, because all of the ones towards the bottom were closed, due to fallen trees or trees that would be falling if a strong breeze came through. I don't know what that was about, but it was a beautiful mountain with natural spring water and clear rivers. We were excited to be there.
We saw a couple of old men fishing on the way up and one family camping. They appeared to be Native American and there were about 5 of them (I don't think these details matter, just describing in as good of detail as I can remember). We drive up quite a ways before finding a nice private camp spot and setting up camp for the night. We walk around, gathering wood, talking about the night in Portland, and setting up the tent.
The time comes for us to go to bed and my friend falls asleep. I'm still lying there trying to fall asleep when I hear footsteps and leaves crunching. This puts me on high alert since there weren't many people camping and none close by us. I lay there with my heart racing, and listen. I begin to hear voices and I try to nudge my friend awake but she is out and not really waking. I continue to listen and I start to make out the voices and words. It's OUR voices, having the exact conversation we were just having around the campfire, not even an hour before. I didn't last long before silence returned. Needless to say, I had a very hard time sleeping that night." L
NOTE: I have heard of this mimicking phenomenon before. Many times, it is associated with Bigfoot, crawler humanoids, or even spiritual entities. What do you believe it was? Lon
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