; Phantoms and Monsters: Pulse of the Paranormal

jeudi, mai 09, 2024




Indrid Cold was a recurring character in Fortean journalist John A. Keel’s books cataloging our haunted planet, predating the figure’s relevance to the Point Pleasant flap and The Mothman Prophecies by half a decade. Keel gives Indrid Cold a passing mention in 1970’s Why UFOs: Operation Trojan Horse in a section dedicated to strange languages spoken by experiencers. He notes how “Derenberger (…) rattled off the language of UFO entity Indrid Cold, speaking the strange jargon as easily as he spoke English.” Keel seemed rather impressed by Derenberger’s fluency in an alien language: “It did not seem to be a made-up language of a hoax,” Keel writes. “It had structure and grammar.”1 In Strange Creatures from Time & Space (aka The Complete Guide to Mysterious Beings) of the same year, Keel touched on Derenberger and Indrid Cold more extensively in a chapter where Cold is dubbed “The Grinning Man”—a moniker assigned because of his expression when he first met the humble salesman. Always the sensationalist, Keel connects another strange humanoid sighting to the Indrid Cold entity, one that occurred before the West Virginia weirdness. Read more at That Charming Man: Indrid Cold Reconsidered



Whilst I am sure I have probably written about both Ouija boards and Table tipping at various times on this website; I wanted to post something to potentially begin a sensible discussion on the topic. Hopefully, most reading this part are aware of the simple factors that make those two methods very subjective and add little to an investigation.

Ouija boards alone are known to often be ruled out by serious investigators and academics, mainly due to the ideomotor effect. This is where the actions or movements are unconscious. It is said to occur due to prior expectations, suggestions,s or preconceptions. Hence on an Ouija board, those using it may unconsciously spell out names and dates that leave people convinced they are communicating with spirits. It is a well-known and widely accepted explanation for what occurs during the use of Ouija boards. Read more at Reviewing the Ghost Hunter Approaches – Ouija Boards & Table Tipping


CELEBRITY Possessed by Gogglebox Ghost!

When it comes to life in the celebrity spotlight, it’s safe to say that Sharon Osbourne has seen and done it all. Whether it was building a showbiz empire alongside her famous family through igniting feuds with celebrity heavyweights like Simon Cowell and Amanda Holden, Sharon has proven herself to be a force to be reckoned with time and time again.

Yet one challenge that nearly proved too much for the star, was her participation in son Jack Osbourne’s ghost-hunting show Night of Terror, which saw the proud matriarch rushed to hospital after being “possessed” by a ghost during an overnight stay!

Fans were first reminded of the shocking incident during Friday night’s installment of Gogglebox when our favorite armchair critics were confronted with the unexpected scenes for the first time. During the clip, Jack sent his mum into the heavily haunted Glen Tavern Inn in Santa Paula, California, and left her blindfolded alone in a room reported to have experienced heavy ghost activity to try and experience some of the hauntings for herself. Read more at Sharon Osbourne rushed to hospital after being 'possessed' by ghost on Gogglebox




WEREWOLVES: DO THEY EXIST? | Join Us For LIVE CHAT | Questions & Answers #Werewolves #Shapeshifters

Have you had a sighting or encounter?
Contact me by email or call the hotline at 410-241-5974
Thanks. Lon

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BIGFOOT vs MILITARY & GOVERNMENT | Join Us For LIVE CHAT | Questions & Answers #Bigfoot #Sasquatch

Is there a U.S. military and/or government conspiracy concerning the existence of Bigfoot?

Over the years, I've received many inquiries concerning my Bigfoot incident on May 9, 1981, near Sykesville, Maryland. Honestly, I've had a few lingering questions about my sighting also. In particular, 'What did I encounter? Was it Bigfoot, or something else?' I called it ‘Bigfoot' because that was the only way I could have described it. It wasn't human. It wasn't an ape. I have tried to comprehend exactly what it was that I encountered.

One of the constant questions I have received concerns the quick reaction by officials after my phone call to the local police. I feel that this being had been under close surveillance during the morning I witnessed it. I found out later that another witness called the police after seeing a hairy hominid approximately 3 hours before my encounter (near Marriotsville, Maryland, a few miles downstream from my location).

I have made FOIA inquiries to all the local, state & federal agencies that I feel were involved that day. No information has ever been forwarded to me.

So, do Bigfoot encounters with the military or other government agencies deserve a 'need to know' status? Listen to these accounts and form your own opinion.


Have you had a sighting or encounter?
Contact us by email or call the hotline at 410-241-5974
Thanks. Lon

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