; Phantoms and Monsters: Pulse of the Paranormal

dimanche, mai 05, 2024

PHANTOMS & MONSTERS NEWS: WHISTLEBLOWER Refused to Meet Pentagon - Pennsylvania Admits UFO Investigations - ALIENS & U.S. GOVERNMENT Signed Treaty?


WHISTLEBLOWER Refused to Meet Pentagon

Newly released public documents show whistleblower David Grusch, who said the Pentagon is operating a secret UFO-retrieval program, refused to meet with the governmental office tasked with investigating unknown aerial phenomena.

The documents were released to The Black Vault’s John Greenewald in response to a Freedom of Information Act request. They show the All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office repeatedly tried to meet Grusch following his whistleblower complaint.

Grusch, a former Air Force and intelligence officer, said in a complaint to the Office of the Inspector General for the Intelligence Community that the government was operating a secret program to retrieve and reverse-engineer UFO technology and even had possession of nonhuman bodies. Read more at Whistleblower David Grusch refused to meet with Pentagon UFO office


Pennsylvania Admits UFO Investigations

Mysterious lights following a motorist on a dark country road, a saucer-shaped craft hovering over a suburban subdivision, and a flaming orb falling into the woods are among phenomena Pennsylvania residents have reported to authorities, state records show.

After the head of the Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency (PEMA) casually mentioned during a legislative hearing earlier this year that the agency tracks UFO sightings, the Capital-Star obtained records showing PEMA has investigated more than a dozen such events in the last decade.

“We take all reports and we share it with the appropriate agencies to be able to investigate,” Padfield told members of the state House Appropriations Committee in February. Read more at Pennsylvania has investigated more than a dozen UFO incidents in the past decade, records show



Aliens have allegedly signed a treaty with the US Government in a deal that benefits both parties, according to UFO expert and filmmaker Mark Christopher Lee. Speaking exclusively to the Daily Star, Lee discussed the supposed secret agreement, rumored to have been signed by the US military under President Dwight Eisenhower and concealed within the notorious Majestic 12 UFO files.

Lee boldly suggested that the notion of the government collaborating with extraterrestrial life isn’t as far-fetched as it might seem. He even went so far as to say he believes it’s a genuine possibility, shedding light on unidentified submerged objects (USOs) as well as the more familiar UFOs.

“In a mutually beneficial arrangement, the aliens need something we possess, hence the reports of abductions and cattle mutilations. In exchange, the military gets to reverse-engineer their technology,” he revealed. Read more at UFO Expert: US Government Signed Treaty With Aliens To Benefit Both


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