; Phantoms and Monsters: Pulse of the Paranormal

dimanche, mai 12, 2024

PHANTOMS & MONSTERS NEWS: Remarkable UAP Photographed in Italy - PLANT Communication RECORDED! - SPACE ORBS Mystify Scientists


Remarkable UAP Photographed in Italy

Celle di Bulgheria, in Cilento, has today become an object of interest following a mysterious sighting in the sky. Anna Ida Guida, a local photographer, captured images that sparked curiosity online. The photographs of her, showing an unidentified object, were sent for analysis by the Mediterranean UFO Centre. This episode has reignited the debate on the possible existence of extraterrestrial life in the region. The images shared by Anna Ida Guida on Facebook, taken from her balcony, captured simultaneous moments: in one of the two photos, the mysterious object appears, while in the other it does not, thus intensifying the charm and mystery of the sighting.


PLANT Communication RECORDED!

Imperceptible to us, plants are surrounded by a fine mist of airborne compounds that they use to communicate and protect themselves. Kind of like smells, these compounds repel hungry herbivores and warn neighboring plants of incoming assailants.

Scientists have known about these plant defenses since the 1980s, detecting them in over 80 plant species since then. More recently, a team of Japanese researchers deployed real-time imaging techniques to reveal how plants receive and respond to these aerial alarms.

This was a big gap in our understanding of plant chatter: We knew how plants send messages, but not how they receive them.

In the study, published last year, Yuri Aratani and Takuya Uemura, molecular biologists at Saitama University in Japan, and colleagues rigged up a pump to transfer compounds emitted by injured and insect-riddled plants onto their undamaged neighbors, and a fluorescence microscope to watch what happened. Read more at Scientists Film Plant 'Talking' to Its Neighbor, And The Video Is Incredible


SPACE ORBS Mystify Scientists

Odd Radio Circles (ORCs) were discovered by accident in 2019. They are circular regions of faint, edge-brightened radio emissions that are invisible at optical, infrared, ultraviolet, and X-ray wavelengths.

Some have a galaxy at the center while others don’t, but they’re all characterized by their large size, many times bigger than a typical galaxy. Some ORCs seem to have a double-ring structure whereas others are single. Some also have internal arc-like structures that appear to be associated with galaxies embedded within the bubble of radio emission.

Objects with a high degree of spherical symmetry are common in the Universe,  but ORCs appear to be different from all of those, leading astronomers to declare them a new class of object. Read more at Mystery space orbs have been spotted around our Universe. And they have scientists puzzled




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