; Phantoms and Monsters: Pulse of the Paranormal

mardi, mai 07, 2024

Large BIGFOOT Tracks Found & STRANGE FIGURE Scares Women

Two brief, but interesting, Bigfoot-related encounter accounts from California. The first was at Deer Creek near Chester, CA, and the next was near Lake Tahoe, CA.

"(No date provided) Deer Creek near Chester, California. I was 15 years old. The camp was an old logging camp.

Early morning, at first light, I got the fire going. There was a loud scream from the hill behind the camp. It was open range there. It sounded like a cow was being ripped apart. I took my Collie with me and headed up the hill crossing two logging roads going up about halfway up a mountain. It screamed again, now from a steeper climb. I stopped and got the feeling of being watched. The dog caught it too. We both looked up and to the right some distance, 75 yards or more to see a black upright being standing with its hand on a fallen tree. No movement from the being. I shook it off and continued to think it was a root ball. Maybe it was hit by lightning. I continued up to the steep climb.

At this point, flat top, no sound at all. I went back down the same trail. The fallen tree - no black figure! We spent our summers fishing, shooting guns, slingshots, horseshoes, and swimming. Since we were 9 years old with Grandpa. The only other thing that happened there, my sister and I were playing cards with with this older gal on her trailer. Heavy breathing outside. We supposed a bear stayed longer as her camp was in the back of the campground, as camped across near the Little Creek. There were lots of bears there as there was a dump across the creek that was some distance away."


"July 1980 / Lake Tahoe, California, USA / Next adventure: US 50 halfway up to Lake Tahoe from Sacramento, mid-July 1980, with another military member, my wife, her best friend, and his girlfriend.

He and I walked toward a ridge looking for game tracks. We started back toward where we left the girls on top of a knoll. I found one right barefoot print about 14 or 15 inches by 6 inches wide. As I scanned for matching left print, he asked, ‘What are you doing?’ I pointed to the print. He turned three shades of pure white.

The girls started blowing his truck horn. We ran back some distance to the bottom of the knoll. We got to the top. The last thing I saw, was he pushed my wife across his truck seat. The girl said something was walking around the knoll. They were scared. I won't tell you, he had a 700 BDL odd 6 and a box of ammo behind the seat. I had a 38 Special. I pulled out the single auction 44 SPL before Mr Browning brought us the best weapon made the 191145 ACP 230 grain.

This gentleman and I aren't done with big, tall hairy. In this same area, a few weeks later, quail hunting. I’ll save that for another day."

Transcribed Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rUo91dq-Mg4



WEREWOLVES: DO THEY EXIST? | Join Us For LIVE CHAT | Questions & Answers #Werewolves #Shapeshifters

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Thanks. Lon

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BIGFOOT vs MILITARY & GOVERNMENT | Join Us For LIVE CHAT | Questions & Answers #Bigfoot #Sasquatch

Is there a U.S. military and/or government conspiracy concerning the existence of Bigfoot?

Over the years, I've received many inquiries concerning my Bigfoot incident on May 9, 1981, near Sykesville, Maryland. Honestly, I've had a few lingering questions about my sighting also. In particular, 'What did I encounter? Was it Bigfoot, or something else?' I called it ‘Bigfoot' because that was the only way I could have described it. It wasn't human. It wasn't an ape. I have tried to comprehend exactly what it was that I encountered.

One of the constant questions I have received concerns the quick reaction by officials after my phone call to the local police. I feel that this being had been under close surveillance during the morning I witnessed it. I found out later that another witness called the police after seeing a hairy hominid approximately 3 hours before my encounter (near Marriotsville, Maryland, a few miles downstream from my location).

I have made FOIA inquiries to all the local, state & federal agencies that I feel were involved that day. No information has ever been forwarded to me.

So, do Bigfoot encounters with the military or other government agencies deserve a 'need to know' status? Listen to these accounts and form your own opinion.


Have you had a sighting or encounter?
Contact us by email or call the hotline at 410-241-5974
Thanks. Lon

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