; Phantoms and Monsters: Pulse of the Paranormal

dimanche, mai 26, 2024

BIGFOOT APPEARS, THEN VANISHES! Followed by a Flash of Blue Light!

An Adirondacks resident is sitting outside in the morning, which is his normal routine. He then hears a snorting sound. As he continues watching, a Bigfoot steps out from behind a tree.

I received the following account:

“Hello. I saw something about 6 years ago. It all lasted no more than five seconds but it is etched into my memory. Uneventful but very real and spectacular. I've told nobody yet. I never felt like I should bring it up and it was meant just for me.

It was August 2018 at 6:10 am in upstate New York in the Adirondacks area. I often left bread, nuts, fruit, and vegetable scraps thrown in the yard. I enjoyed watching the birds, squirrels, chipmunks, rabbits, deer, foxes, ravens and crows eat the food I fed them. I could sit out there with my morning coffee. The critters did not mind me being there. I would talk and pretend I was conversing with them. This went on for months. I would sit here in the yard as the sun would go down. Another animal feeding time. Sometimes I would go out late and very late for a smoke. Again I would walk around in silence listening and enjoying nature. A remote and wooded area. "The woods" if you will. Sounds like I'm rambling but I'm setting the scene and my pattern of behaviour. Not uncommon for me to be here day or night.

So, one morning I go out the back door for coffee and a smoke. I'm standing at the back door breathing in the fresh morning air and take a sip of coffee. Nothing is out of normal. Birds chirping and critters moving about. Then I hear a "snort" like a deer would do. I look exactly where it came from. Maybe 100 or less feet away. The woods have the morning light shining on the line of trees but beyond that was still mostly dark. I could see about 20 feet into the tree line. I don't see a deer. Within two seconds of the first snort, I hear another one as I am still looking but not seeing a deer.

Something steps out from behind a tree. Its left side is facing me. All I could see was a large black shape step out. It stands there for maybe a few seconds. I know what I was looking at but I had no reaction other than just watching. It made a noise but not the snorting kind. Then it walked into the woods. Not only did I see and hear it walk away but I felt it in the ground. Like it was hollow and vibrated. No breaking or snapping branches just footsteps. Almost like an echo in the ground. After about six steps it was gone. Nothing changed. Same birds and critters moving about. Unaffected. I stood there processing what had just happened over the last few seconds. Other than the echoing thuds of footsteps it was silent.

When I realized that, I walked forward slowly to the spot. Not sure what I would see. Nothing. Where it was standing the ground was covered with fallen and old branches. You, nor I, nor a ninja could have walked through here silently. I judge the height an easy 8 feet tall. Based on its head height relative to the tree it stood next to. I stood there looking around with no sounds. I walked back to the picnic table and sat on it. Still, everything is as normal.

After the coffee and smoke, and observing the wildlife, I go and head inside. As I reach for the door knob I feel like I should turn around. So I do and scan the tree line again. Nothing. Just as I turn the knob while facing the door I see a flash of blue light like a camera flash. Like someone behind me just took a picture. Instantly I got goosebumps. My hair stood right up and felt like I couldn't get inside quick enough. Strange but uneventful and very memorable. It had to have watched me for at least ten seconds before it moved. Haven't seen it since. It wanted me to know it was there. This thing was massive.” J




Have you had a sighting or encounter?
Contact me by email or call the hotline at 410-241-5974
Thanks. Lon

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Reports of various humanoids have been increasing. The sightings & encounters vary from alien-like beings to creepy otherworldly manifestations. The high number of reports currently rivals many other paranormal and cryptid phenomena.

During the current flap of winged humanoid sightings around the Chicagoland and Lake Michigan region, there have also been reports of other unknown humanoids, seemingly connected to the Chicago Mothman.

I ask you, what are people observing, not only in Chicago, but worldwide? Are they Earthbound, extraterrestrial, or a continuing enigma that we fail to understand?

I believe that I have put together an interesting group of humanoid reports that defy most rational explanations. Listen to the accounts and form your opinions.


Have you had a sighting or encounter?
Contact us by email or call the hotline at 410-241-5974
Thanks. Lon

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