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Wednesday, May 01, 2024

Archive: U.S. Special Forces Hunt 'KILLER BIGFOOT GROUP' in Western North Carolina

I have received several requests to post the following archived report.

Dave Schrader received a letter from an anonymous man, claiming to be a former U.S. Special Forces operative, regarding a mission he was a part of back in the early 1990s:

“In the early 90s, I was with the 'Teams' in the Navy. We were sanctioned by an alphabet government agency to put a stop to several aggressive Sasquatch in the high country in western North Carolina. We all thought it was a joke at the mission briefing but it was no joke. My partner (in our team of twelve) was my swim buddy. He was Native American. This man wasn't scared of anything. Before we were ordered to go out, during the briefing, all of these agents were showing us slides of what these creatures did to people; adults and children alike, as well as the damage done to vehicles and homes. Anyway, my buddy turned white with sheer fear. He told me, 'This is bad. Really bad.'

When we arrived in the little mountain village town, the sheriff met us. He told us that he'd never been so happy to see the cavalry since he'd been in Korea. He showed us the actual places where, as he put it, 'this is where those f**kers, those big hairy demons, destroyed this', or killed him, her or them, there. My buddy was taking everything in like I never saw him before. After talking with the sheriff, our lieutenant told us to fire up because we're going hunting. As we were getting our gear ready, my buddy said to me, 'You know, I always thought my grandfather was just telling me scary stories about he and his brothers when they fought the wild men.'

We started in around 1400. By 1600, we found lots and lots of tracks. We started tracking them. We made out at least seven different individuals. We made first contact at around 1930 and it was almost dark. The point man stopped dead in his tracks and spoke into his headset, 'I see one, it's f**king huge!' The lieutenant said, 'If you have the shot, take it.' He shot this massive hairy beast with a 7.62 millimetre round and it acted like a mosquito bit him. This creature turned around and let out with a God-awful roar. Our point man quickly switched to full auto. This time the creature dropped like a rock after ten 7.62 millimeter rounds cut up his chest.

After first contact, the agents radioed in and said they wanted one alive. Our lieutenant told them to go screw themselves. It took three days and nights with almost no sleep but we dropped seven hairy bastards. We found the missing people, or rather what was left of them. We had one casualty when a team member was snatched straight up into a tree. There was nothing anyone could have done for him. To this day, thinking of those three days sends chills down my spine. You wont find those three days in any military record or mission log.

Going into our mission debriefing where normally we are asked a thousand and one questions about every shot fired, every angle we fired from, every angle we fired on etc., we were simply told that the past three days we were doing rigorous mountain training and during that training period we lost a man. And, with that, the debriefing team stood up and walked out. Now normally we have individual debriefing for the whole team but this was the one and only time it was just team.

So to answer your next question, after three days government agents came in and removed all seven corpses and flew them out.”

Transcribed Source: Beyond The Darkness – April 10, 2017

NOTE: It's quite an interesting story, and I have received information that U.S. and Canadian military personnel have encountered Sasquatch. Do you believe U.S. Special Forces would have been used to take out a group of killer Bigfoot? Lon

True Bigfoot Stories: Eyewitness Accounts Of Killer Bigfoot Encounters: Terrifying Stories Of Sasquatch Creatures (True Bigfoot Stories, True Bigfoot ... Conspiracy Theories, Conspiracies) (Volume 1)

Saesq'ec: A Controversial Account of a Bigfoot Attack

When Bigfoot Attacks

Sasquatch, The Native Truth

DOPPELGÄNGERS: SHOULD WE FEAR THEM? | Join Us For LIVE CHAT | Questions & Answers #Doppelgänger

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Thanks. Lon

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WEREWOLVES: DO THEY EXIST? | Join Us For LIVE CHAT | Questions & Answers #Werewolves #Shapeshifters

What is a Werewolf? In European folklore, it is a human who turns into a wolf at night and devours animals, people, or corpses but returns to human form by day. It is said that some werewolves change shape at will; others, in whom the condition is hereditary or acquired by having been bitten by a werewolf, change shape involuntarily, and under the influence of a full moon.

In French folklore, the werewolf is called Loup-Garou. France was particularly afflicted with reports of them in the 16th century, and there were many notable convictions and executions of Loups-Garous.

The werewolf phenomenon may have a medical explanation. Take Peter the Wild Boy, for instance. In 1725, he was found wandering naked on all fours through a German forest. Many thought he was a werewolf or at least raised by wolves. Research has shown Peter likely had Pitt-Hopkins syndrome, a condition discovered in 1978 that causes a lack of speech, seizures, distinct facial features, difficulty breathing, and intellectual challenges.

Lycanthropy is a rare psychiatric condition that causes people to believe they’re changing into a wolf or another animal.

Throughout the centuries, people have used werewolves and other mythic beasts to explain the unexplained. In modern times, however, most believe werewolves are nothing more than pop culture horror icons, made famous thanks to Hollywood’s versions of the Wolf Man, portrayed by my namesake Lon Chaney, Jr. Still, werewolves have a cult following. Sightings are reported each year, as evidence of what I am presenting to you.

So, is the Werewolf more than just a legend? What are people reporting? Listen to these accounts and form your opinion.





Have you had a sighting or encounter?
Contact us by email or call the hotline at 410-241-5974
Thanks. Lon

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