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Wednesday, April 17, 2024

YOWIES ARE SUPERNATURAL! Witness Observes Shapeshifting & Disappearance!

An Indigenous Australian woman recalls her encounter with a Yowie while walking with friends. The creature transformed into a smaller upright being, and then it soon vanished.

I received the following account:

"G'day. I’m an Indigenous Australian, female, and 38 years old. Due to colonisation I’m obviously not what one would consider a ‘full blood’, but nevertheless I identify as Indigenous. I grew up hearing stories about Yowies and Hairy Men. Yowies are small Meerkat-type creatures and Hairy Men are what would be considered a Sasquatch-type creature.

When I was 17 years old my cousins, of similar ages, and I would go and spend holidays with family in a town with a large population of Indigenous people. Not gonna lie, we were there for the boys.

This one particular Summer night we had decided to walk into town. Where our family lived was maybe 2-3 kilometres out of town, but the road was a highway that was lit all the way and had a cemented path all the way from town which ran alongside a cleared field. The grass wasn’t mowed but it wasn’t what you would say was overgrown. Just at that in-between stage of being mowed a few weeks back.

So we started our trek home at about midnight that night. There were four of us girls. Two in front and two in back. We got about 100 metres out of town when my cousin (the front pair) looked up and noticed what looked like a large man with a long black coat and hat, walking towards us about 150 metres ahead. Now the path like I said was a straight shot with street lights the whole way along. We hadn’t been drinking or smoking anything.

We paused and were like “Who’s that?” We stood there debating whether or not to continue. The whole time I didn’t take my eyes off this ‘person.’ As my cousins glanced back and forth during the debate, we all stopped talking once we noticed that this ‘man’ had all of a sudden turned into a type of haze/fog. Picture it like someone blurring out a person in a photograph, like it was out of focus but everything around was clear as day. All of a sudden this ‘man’ was now a little creature, it was hard to estimate its size but I thought it was similar to a meerkat or a large rabbit up on its hind legs. It was looking straight in our direction, then after 5-10 seconds it hazed over again and completely disappeared.

We all saw it. And we all still talk about it to this day. I’m pretty confident that it was a Yowie/Little Hairy Man. There are different theories in the Indigenous community about them. Some believe they live under river beds, and some think they live inside cattle. Some people say they lure little kids away into the bush.

It should also be said that I’m a fairly pessimistic type of person. Up until this point I had never really had anything like this happen to me before." H

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WENDIGO MYTHOLOGY - WHAT ARE THEY? | Join Us For LIVE CHAT | Questions & Answers #Wendigo #Cannibal

The wendigo has been misappropriated from its original context in Algonquin folklore. The word "Wendigo" roughly means “The Evil Spirit Who Devours Mankind.” Originally it was depicted as a cannibal ice giant and cautionary tale relevant to the realities of Algonquin life. Euro-American popular culture mutilated it into what may only be described as a "zombie-were-deer."

First, the Algonquin monster has relevance to their traditional way of life. Their culture was reliant on teamwork, so selfishness is a deadly sin to them, and the wendigo is the ultimate embodiment of that.

Secondly, wendigo psychosis is a real mental illness and was historically used as a justification to destroy the Algonquin culture. There are written accounts in the last two centuries of people suffering from this illness being murdered by their peers.

So then, how was the Wendigo tale altered? This goes back over a century to Algernon Blackwood's story "The Wendigo." The story does not depict a Wendigo but seems to get it confused with the Inuit (not Algonquin) creature Ijiraq and possibly the Tariaksuq. In the story, the monster burns away a victim's feet with friction, while in myth the Ijiraq is sometimes described as stripping the flesh off its victim's shins and if it survives then it becomes a faster runner. The Ijiraq is otherwise described as a trickster who kidnaps children or lures hunters by pretending to be caribou. So, it is easy to assume Blackwood read about the Ijiraq and then twisted the details for his own story.

Now Euro-American popular culture takes the name of an Algonquin cannibal ice giant and applies it to a zombie-were-deer; it has been utterly stripped of its original context and symbolism. I doubt there will ever be much push-back against the zombie-wear-deer version since it has been burned into popular culture at this point.

Now, that being stated, I'm going to present several modern-day accounts that some of the witnesses described as the ‘Wendigo.' Then you can determine what the creature in the report is. Is it an original folktale of the cannibal ice giant or something a bit more contemporary?


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Have you had a sighting or encounter?
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Thanks. Lon

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