; Phantoms and Monsters: Pulse of the Paranormal

lundi, avril 29, 2024

Recent BIGFOOT Activity Noted by Forbes State Forest, PA Hikers

A group hiked Forbes State Forest, Fayette County, Pennsylvania along the Quebec Run Wild Area in September 2023. They experienced howling and other activities.

I received the following account:

"Mr. Lon. I was with a group who hiked in Forbes State Forest, Fayette County, Pennsylvania along the Quebec Run Wild Area at around 1 AM. This occurred in early September 2023. One of the members of our group let out a howl. We received an immediate response. A howl, then 3 seconds of silence, another howl, then another 3 seconds of silence. This was followed by a long howl, then about 10 seconds of silence, then one last short howl.

The howls reminded me of an old firehouse horn from the town I grew up in. It was a clear code that had to have meaning. Shortly after that, we had eyeshine to our right.

Not far from that spot the next night we took a dirt road to a small parking area, then hiked in on a trail that was not used much. We came across a nesting area with a few shallow footprints. There were pine trees that had been cut down by the State Forest employees and all the branches on those cut trees were literally ripped off the tree. These were 4-7 inch thick branches. There is no human that I know of that could do that. We were growled at at one point. We finished by hiking the rest of the trail which made a loop back to the parking area. 

We found a marker for some type of national or world hiking competition way back in the woods, which we thought was very strange. The moonlight was bright and we all saw a Bigfoot move from one tree to another. It is a vast area and once in those woods, it’s easy to see how they could go undetected in an area not tracked by humans.

I believe that the Bigfoot choose who they want to see or hear them in my opinion. Yes, some make mistakes and expose themselves. One last thing when we got back to our cars the second night we had placed rocks on the hood and fender of some of the cars and in two of the cars some rocks were moved. Not knocked off but moved to other areas of the vehicle that only something or someone with thumbs could do.

This area is known for Bigfoot activity, which I know you are aware of." N

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Thanks. Lon


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Thanks. Lon

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