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mercredi, avril 24, 2024

BFRO Investigator Claimed Hitting BIGFOOT While Driving Near High Knob, Virginia (PHOTO)

The following account was retold on 'Finding Bigfoot' back in 2011. The incident occurred in Virginia. BFRO investigator Tyler Bounds from Washington reported that he had hit a Bigfoot while driving near High Knob, VA at around 2 AM:

"On the afternoon of Oct. 22, 2010, I had to go to an area 90 minutes away from our base and set up some bait stations. Due to a lack of communication, I had to return to the area later that evening and set up some more bait stations. This kept me out in a remote mountain area until 1:25am (I noted the exact time I left so the show's field coordinator would know how long it would take to go to and from the site, for scheduling purposes.)

As I left the gravel road and got onto a two-lane, curvy secondary road, I noted that it was very foggy, due to a large creek adjacent to the road, and because I was down in a hollow (or "holler", as the locals call them). After a few miles, I left the secondary road and turned onto a two-lane highway, still shrouded in fog. It was now 1:50am. As I was driving the rental Dodge Grand Caravan, I looked down for a moment to set the cruise control and get myself up to 55mph and was momentarily stymied by the number of glowing buttons on the steering wheel (remember, I had been hiking all day long, both in the daytime and at night, and had spent a great deal of time sitting on my butt, so I was fairly exhausted). Now, this is where things happened, very quickly.

As I looked up from the steering wheel back to the road, I noticed a large (as tall or taller than the van), upright, all-black "figure" stationary, on the centerline (or just to the right of the centerline). I say "noticed" a figure, but, in reality, as I looked up, I was right on top of it. The van shuddered, the driver's side mirror was forcefully folded into the vehicle, and I felt and heard the object hit the side of the van behind me, like a slapping sound.

I stopped the car, after some choice cursing and a lot of "what the f@#k?!?" and tried to look in the side mirror to see behind me, but the mirror had been cranked towards the van. I looked in the rearview, but the brake lights on the fog just obscured anything that may have been on the road. I then drove forward about 40 feet, turned the van around, and returned to the site. Only a handful of seconds had elapsed, maybe 10 to 12. There was nothing in the road, and no sign of anything having been in the road. No blood, hair, guts, etc. I drove a bit further, turned around again, and again returned to the site. Parking the van on the shoulder, I immediately grabbed a FLIR that I just happened to have on standby mode, and I thermed the area for 40-45 minutes while yelling out to whoever, or whatever I had hit. At that point, I was still thinking that I may have hit a person. Nothing answered, and there were no heat signatures anywhere."

Tyler Wm. Bounds
BFRO Investigator

The dent on the front quarter panel

WENDIGO MYTHOLOGY - WHAT ARE THEY? | Join Us For LIVE CHAT | Questions & Answers #Wendigo #Cannibal

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Thanks. Lon


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DOPPELGÄNGERS: SHOULD WE FEAR THEM? | Join Us For LIVE CHAT | Questions & Answers #Doppelgänger

Have you ever met someone who looked just like you? Perhaps you’ve walked up to a person you thought you knew only to find they were a stranger. If so, you may have met a real-life doppelgänger.

What is a doppelgänger? The word comes from German meaning “double goer.” Today, it’s often used to describe two strangers who look so much alike they could be twins. Seeing a doppelgänger can be startling. That’s true whether it’s a person who looks just like you or someone who could be your friend’s twin. It’s no wonder, then, that doppelgängers are also common in frightening stories.

Many times, a doppelgänger is the double of another character. They are like the character in many ways, most often in looks. However, the things that make them different are more important. The doppelgänger often differs from the main character in the values they hold. This results in them making choices that lead them down a different path. For example, “The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde” by Robert Louis Stevenson. In this story, both characters share the same body. However, they are opposites, with Dr. Jekyll representing good and Mr. Hyde evil.

There is also a historical attribute to this phenomenon. President Abraham Lincoln supposedly saw his doppelgänger when he saw two faces in the mirror on the night of his first election in 1860. The second face was pale and sickly, which his wife, Mary, interpreted as a sign of death or sickness during his second term. Only a few months after his second election, Lincoln was assassinated by John Wilkes Booth.

So, what do you think a doppelgänger represents? Listen to these accounts and form your opinion.


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Have you had a sighting or encounter?
Contact us by email or call the hotline at 410-241-5974
Thanks. Lon

Contact us by email or call the hotline at 410-241-5974

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