; Phantoms and Monsters: Pulse of the Paranormal

mercredi, mars 13, 2024

Reported BIGFOOT ACTIVITY in Central Maryland

I received the information almost a decade ago, about Bigfoot activities in Central Maryland. I lived in the region for 40 years and had my encounter (May 1981) there as well.

"I was given your link by the local UFO community concerning Bigfoot sightings. Around 2001 or 2002, I started working for the USPS as a rural letter carrier in Westminster. I had previously worked for Westinghouse at its Oceanic Plant in Annapolis for 13 years before that. Northrop Grumman had purchased Westinghouse some years earlier. I was called to sign papers concerning my security clearance at Oceanic after I had told them I had found a job with USPS. So after signing the papers and listening to their debrief I headed home. On Route 97 a female woman was attempting to flag me down for help. She looked like a member of my art group, so I pulled over. It was not the person I thought but she said that a Bigfoot had grabbed her friend and taken her into the woods.

Without thinking I went into the woods. About the time I realized it was exceptionally stupid to do so, I spotted the girl being carried. They were so far in front of me, that I would not have said it was a Bigfoot. A few seconds later I spotted a military helicopter in the sky and it was circling. It got lower and I saw the crewman open the door and place a weapon on a mount. I had picked up a large stick. I tested it strength on a side of the tree and needed to pick up another. After picking up the second stick I could see the crewman point at me and whatever was carrying the girl.

I became very frightened almost to the point I wanted to run. However, within seconds a blonde girl, who was naked from the waist down, came running towards me. She rushed past me and continued running. I know the copter was following whatever had grabbed the girl. When I made it back to the road, Maryland State Troopers had pulled over. The blonde girl was so frightened she ran out to her friend in the car. She was still naked from the waist down. On my way back I spotted her clothing and picked it up.

The police detained us at the location. I listened to the girls tell their version, but later I was sent to my vehicle. Two troopers asked what had happened separately. Later one of the troopers came to my vehicle and said "Your people want you to leave now." He made other comments suggesting I was still in the military (I am a former Marine and cut my hair very short).

I used to work out at Choe's Hap Ki Do from 1985 till 1993/92 non-stop. I had a sparring partner who we later learned was an FBI agent. He had told us he worked for Social Security. I picked him up from where he said he worked on several occasions before class. After we found a weapon in his bag he said he was an FBI agent. He stopped coming to class after that. Well, he showed up a few days after the Bigfoot incident and said that I had spotted a biker/survivalist who was wanted by the authorities. He was indeed a huge man over six feet tall and ugly as hell and he was not a Bigfoot. I told them I was too far away to get a good look at it. Whatever was carrying the girl had shoulders so wide that the girl's waist could easily fit between his shoulder muscles and his neck with gaps on both sides. This implied that whoever was carrying her was 7 to 8 feet tall.

I grew up in Randallstown and we had heard the Sykesville Monster stories. I've heard tree knocks almost every time I entered the woods as a youth. I did not know about tree knocks until a few years ago.

I also delivered mail at the Woodstock PO for about two years. Several of the customers claimed to have seen Bigfoot. When I was delivering back then there was a prime ape sanctuary. I know of one incident when numerous Federal authorities were at that location because of a series of Bigfoot sightings. They blamed the sanctuary for allowing one of the apes to escape and not notifying the authorities.

I still technically work for USPS in Westminster. I am in a non-pay status, but not Bigfoot-related. It is a long story. Last year on my new route a drunk driver went off the road and made circles in a farmer's field. A few days later I was told some youngsters made additional circles in other farmer fields. I was told lights had been seen above fields and this was the motivation of the kids. The police came and demanded that those farmers harvest their crops where they had circles. The formers were very upset with the demands of the Federal government. It seems the Feds were worried that news media would spot the circles and make a big deal.

The day the farmers harvested their crop a policeman from Taneytown, who lives in Westminster, stopped on my route and had me pull in front of his garage. The farmer who had a field behind his home was discharging his rifle in that direction. Eventually, the local police showed up and I was able to continue on my route. I had a parcel for his home. He claimed that Bigfoot was stealing his corn crop. I was told to leave after dropping off my parcel. Several years earlier while on another route a farmer had clearly faked crop circles one day. A few days later another set of crop circles appeared. I was told they did not look like fake circles and was told to harvest his crop. While continuing on my route two customers claimed to have seen a very large Bigfoot.

I had reported a very clear sighting of three Bigfoots many years ago while lost in the Elkridge area. I attempted to report it to websites in Maryland. About a year later one site responded back and took my report. I told them I might have had other less clear events. They said having a second sighting would discredit my sightings." SN

NOTE: Since I lived in the area I'm going to try to decipher some of the information SN provided. The incident SN described in the Annapolis area actually did occur. I was told about this by a local BFRO investigator not long after it had happened. In fact, the BFRO investigator stated that there had been sightings in the same general area for many years. As well, this area is only a few miles east of the Patuxent Research Refuge; the site of the infamous 'Maryland Goatman' and other strange anomalies. SN's information about State and Federal/Military authorities is consistent with other incidents in and around the Baltimore/DC metro area. Unusual sightings (UFO and cryptid) are sequestered and buried. Any investigator who lives and works in this area knows that all too well.

The Sykesville Monster sightings are also a fact. In the early to mid-1970s there were several encounters (3 documented) with a Bigfoot-like being in and around Sykesville, MD. When I started to investigate the sightings after my encounter in 1981, I discovered that there were at least 8 other sightings and encounters along the South Branch of the Patapsco River during the same period. Between 1981 and 2001, there were 4 Class-A sightings within the Patapsco River / Liberty Reservoir watershed according to the BFRO. Woodstock, MD had 2 documented sightings, one in 1972 and another in 1993. It seems like there are more Bigfoot in the Woodstock area since SN was told of other sightings since that time.

There have been reports worldwide of UFOs & Bigfoot seen in proximity together for quite some time. Many of these reports have come from Pennsylvania and continue to be investigated by Stan Gordon. These incidents of 'lights, crop circles and Bigfoot' in and around Westminster, MD are not surprising. I have received similar reports since the early 1990s. Lon


Wood Knocks & Tossed Rocks: Searching for Sasquatch with the Bigfoot Field Researchers Organization

Monsters of Maryland: Mysterious Creatures in the Old Line State

The Patapsco: Baltimore's River of History


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Have you had a sighting or encounter?
Contact me by email or call the hotline at 410-241-5974
Thanks. Lon




JERSEY DEVIL - WINGED LEGEND FROM HELL! | Join Us For LIVE CHAT | Questions & Answers #JerseyDevil

During an interview several years ago, I was asked for my opinion of the Jersey Devil and if I had received sighting reports related to the beast. Most of the reports I received were confidential, and I have received reports of other phenomena in the Pine Barrens of southeast New Jersey.

There is a stigma attached to the Jersey Devil. People are wary of reporting this creature. I'm not sure if the reluctance is because of the fear of ridicule or if the legend has some ominous bearing to it. Anyway, I will first offer a synopsis of the legend and then add a few reports that I have received from the area.

Please listen to the following accounts I have received from witnesses who believe that the Jersey Devil exists, and then decide for yourself. I hope that you enjoy the presentation.






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Have you had a sighting or encounter?
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Thanks. Lon

Contact us by email or call the hotline at 410-241-5974

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