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jeudi, mars 28, 2024


Has there ever been a U.S. Government conspiracy involving Bigfoot? Did I and/or others somehow stumble upon a 'program' designed to create a hybrid being?

I really don't like to discuss conspiracy theories, especially those that may pertain to the government. I'll admit, that my research and reports can, on occasion, easily fall into that category, but I prefer to stay clear. Nonetheless, there is no denying that much of what I'm about to post leans toward plots and schemes.

Over the years, I've received many inquiries concerning my Bigfoot encounter on May 9, 1981, near Sykesville, MD. To be honest, I've had a few lingering questions about my sighting as well. In particular, 'What did I actually see?' Was it a Bigfoot, or something else? At the time, I called it a 'Bigfoot' because, frankly, that was the only way I could have described it. It wasn't human. It wasn't an ape. I have tried to comprehend exactly what it was that I encountered.

One of the more consistent questions I have received concerns the quick reaction by officials after my phone call to the local police. I feel that this being had been under close surveillance at the time I witnessed it. There are only two scenarios that I feel may be plausible. I do know that another witness made a report of seeing a hairy hominid approximately 3 hours before my encounter (near Marriotsville, Maryland, a few miles downstream from my location), and/or this creature had possibly escaped from an unknown location.

The Sykesville Police Department has no official records of what happened that day. No phone logs or reports. In fact, the local police have no records of the '1973 Sykesville Monster' incidents either. I have made FOIA inquiries to all agencies that I feel were involved. No information has ever been forwarded to me.

On May 23, 2015, I received a phone call from an investigator who lives in Maryland. We set up an interview for that evening.

His first question to me was, 'Have I ever heard of a location in the Sykesville area referred to as 'the monkey house?' Apparently, one of the witnesses from 1973 had made a comment at the time that 'it' (the Sykesville Monster) was probably from the 'monkey house.' None of the witnesses I talked to in 1981, after my encounter, ever mentioned 'the monkey house.'

I made several inquiries over the years about 'the monkey house.' According to one source, the original witness may have been referring to a two-story building that once stood near the present-day police and correctional training facility on Slacks Rd., which was located just south of the former sprawling Springfield Hospital Center. This building was officially designated as a laundry facility used by the state hospital. I recall the building and from what I remembered, it had significant security around it. I was told, at the time, that correctional inmates were kept there to launder clothing and linens as part of a work detail. Many locals questioned this explanation. It just didn't seem right. The moniker 'monkey house' may have been used, for the most part, by people who worked at Springfield. The building was eventually razed and replaced by a residential community.

The investigator stated that he was ex-USAF and had worked at a government facility north of Baltimore in Harford County in the early 1980s. The location and facility still exist. He was part of a group of ex-military who were employed to perform general work around the facility.

On one particularly hot and humid day, he and the crew were working outside of a specific building at this government facility. They had been told that they could walk inside the building if they needed a quick break and a drink of water. He states that he entered the building looking for a water fountain, but couldn't locate one. He walked deeper into the building and soon witnessed a 'large heavy reinforced door' that seemed out of place. The door had been damaged as if it had been rammed by something of significant size and power. By this time, he was approached by a woman in uniform who informed him that he was in a classified area and that he must leave immediately. He explained he was just looking for the water fountain. A security officer was now on the scene and he directed the witness to the water fountain. As they were heading toward the building exit, the witness inquired about the damaged door. The security officer only mentioned that the 'door was damaged by something confined behind it.'

After several years of scrutiny and questions, the investigator believes that the building was used for research and contained unknown bipedal beings that had somehow escaped between 1979-1984. He had received information that 20-34 individuals of both sexes had been in the building at some period. He also mentioned that during this period there had been many Bigfoot sightings at Rocks State Park and Gunpowder Falls State Park, which are located near the government facility.

I have been aware of Bigfoot sightings in these locations over the years, but I don't know if these sightings are related to the aforementioned escapes. Of course, this information is completely anecdotal and based on one witness' account.

So, let's be hypothetical for a second. Is it possible that the being I witnessed near Sykesville, MD in 1981 was an escaped 'experiment?' Was there a facility in the Sykesville area, known to some as the 'monkey house'? Was there another incident, or series of incidents, at another facility in Maryland during the same period?

I have talked to several people who were aware of, or part of various government biological experiments. One facility that continued to come up in conversations was the Edgewood Arsenal in Harford County, Maryland, the same facility mentioned by the investigator.

A 1994 documentary titled 'Bad Trip to Edgewood' can be viewed here and starts by showing clips of animals being cruelly tested in the Edgewood laboratory with the voiceover stating that animals were always tested before humans. The clips are highly disturbing. But then the documentary states that such experiments were not confined to animals.

The 'Medical Research Volunteer Program' was conducted at the facility between 1948 and 1975. The aim of the experiments was to analyze the impact of chemical warfare agents on military personnel to test the likes of vaccines, pharmaceuticals, and protective clothing. It is now known that 7,000 soldiers and 1000 civilians were used as guinea pigs, half of which were tested with so-called 'psycho chemicals' and mind-altering drugs. The 'medical volunteers' were never told what the chemicals were and when they asked what the drugs were they were told to 'not ask questions.'

But what is the actual extent of experimentation taking place at Edgewood and other facilities throughout the county? The location in Edgewood was later designated as the U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Chemical Defense (USAMRICD) — at the Edgewood Area, Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland. It is also known as the U.S. Army Research Development and Engineering Command - Edgewood Chemical Biological Center.

It has been speculated that Soviet dictator (USSR) Josef Stalin ordered the creation of ultra-hominid warriors by crossing humans with apes, according to secret documents uncovered in 2005. In the mid-1920s the USSR's top animal breeding scientist, Ilya Ivanov, was ordered to turn his skills from horse and animal work to the quest for a super-warrior. According to Moscow newspapers, Stalin told the scientist: “I want a new invincible human being, insensitive to pain, resistant and indifferent about the quality of food they eat.” The project failed because the technology was not available.

Is it possible that the United States government embarked on a project remotely paralleling the Soviets?

Again, the investigator I interviewed stated:

"...the building was used for research and contained unknown bi-pedal beings that had somehow escaped between 1979-1984. He had received information that 20-34 individuals of both sexes had been in the building at some period. He also mentioned that during this period of time that there had been many Bigfoot sightings at Rocks State Park and Gunpowder Falls State Park, which are located near the government facility."

I will state now that this investigator was once employed by the Air Force Office of Special Investigations (AFOSI) and continued as a private investigator after retiring from the military. As to his other resources, he did not disclose them to me.

There have been many hairy hominid sightings in Harford and Baltimore counties (Maryland), north into Pennsylvania, west of the Susquehanna River, over the past 40+ years. Not unlike my sighting near Sykesville, most of the descriptions were of human-like faces. In fact, many of the East Coast hairy hominids share that distinction, as opposed to descriptions of ape-like features further west.

This all begs for another familiar question. Why haven't any of these beings ever been caught or found dead?

If bio-engineering is part of the development of these beings, who is to say that reverse-engineered extraterrestrial technology has never been incorporated in the formulation of this or any other life form? Could certain technology give these beings the ability to cloak or be multi-verse travelers? Who is to say that other unknown beings and/or bipedal cryptids can't possess similar traits? This may be a big drop into the rabbit hole, but I will never discount man's willingness to venture ever closer to the creator.

My question is 'How far would they go?'

Bloodline of the Gods: Unravel the Mystery in the Human Blood Type to Reveal the Aliens Among Us

There Were Giants Upon the Earth: Gods, Demigods, and Human Ancestry: The Evidence of Alien DNA (Earth Chronicles)

DNA of the Gods: The Anunnaki Creation of Eve and the Alien Battle for Humanity

The Secret History of Extraterrestrials: Advanced Technology and the Coming New Race


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Have you had a sighting or encounter?
Contact me by email or call the hotline at 410-241-5974
Thanks. Lon




DRAGONS, WYVERNS, & SNALLYGASTERS | Join Us For LIVE CHAT | Questions & Answers #Dragons #Wyverns

Dragons & Wyverns have been a part of historical legend & heroic stories for centuries. These creatures have been a part of our modern lexicon since the advent of media entertainment. They are seen as destroyers, as well as instruments used to battle evil.

When we hear or read of modern sightings our imaginations go back to the prehistoric Far East or the Medieval period when these behemoths were said to exist throughout antiquity.

Then we hear of flying monsters of the New World, particularly in the Appalachian Mountains and the Atlantic Piedmont. Dragon-like cryptids that the German settlers referred to as the Snallygaster. Are these the descendants of the legendary winged serpents of earlier times?

So, please listen to the following accounts I have received from witnesses who recall their encounters, and then decide for yourself. I hope that you enjoy the presentation.



ABDUCTIONS! ALIEN, BIGFOOT, & OTHERS | Join Us For LIVE CHAT | Questions & Answers #Abductions



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Have you had a sighting or encounter?
Contact us by email or call the hotline at 410-241-5974
Thanks. Lon

Contact us by email or call the hotline at 410-241-5974

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