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mardi, février 20, 2024

'PROUD' REPTILIAN Physically Violated Young Female Experiencer

A young British woman describes her harrowing encounter with a reptilian alien in her bedroom. She believes that she was physically violated, but doesn't know what to do.

I received the following account:

"I awoke one night in a state which I can only explain as a spasm, my body was rigid. I could not move a muscle and felt like something was on top of me. I fought to get movement back in my body. I could not turn my head or move at all. It was like I was having a fight to get control of my body.

After a few panic-stricken moments, I could just barely move my fingers, only a little bit. I then felt that there was more than just a spasm. I felt dirty and touched. It was a horrible feeling from deep inside me. I could barely move my toes, again very slightly. My throat felt like it was being held. I could feel something was on top of me. My hands were by my side, but it felt like they were around my own throat, holding tightly. I was using all my might to break free from this spasmodic state.

Then could feel something breathing into my left ear, the sound of a growl-like noise right next to my ear. I struggled to move my head to the left, like breaking free from a stranglehold. I could barely see the outline of a head, a big long head next to my own face. As the spasm-like feeling started to wear off, a tiny bit at a time, I could work out that this thing on top of me looked like a lizard/newt thing. It was like a blending together of all that was around it, or maybe invisible. I'm not very sure which, but I could see it clearly as the seconds passed.

It was a Reptilian. I growled at it, or I think I did. My mind and my body gave all it could to do so. I bared my teeth at it and I could feel it could read my mind. I was swearing at it and shouting all sorts of obscenities at it. I felt violated and used.

The next thing, it was quickly off of me and was standing to one side of the bottom of my bunk bed. A light came through the thin gap in the curtains. There were different shades of golden light which also had very small particles inside it, like dust or small stars that moved around like little bright lights.

This Reptilian creature was about 6 feet tall. I could sense it was either proud or happy with itself, maybe both. I tried to sit up as best I could and through my mind, I swore at it again. The creature walked forward and stepped into the light beam. As it did, the feet and legs vanished into the light. The more the creature moved forward towards the window, the more of it vanished.

After it was gone I felt relaxed, but I could still feel where I was held around my throat. I felt I was physically violated by this horrendous monster.

I awoke to a bright sunny day. I could hear my mother downstairs, washing up and doing housework. I lay in my bed and didn't move a muscle. I ran the incident through my mind again and, yes, I could still feel where I was held around my throat.

I know this happened. My mind, heart, and soul know that this happened. For the life of me, I could not run downstairs to explain to my mother about this. Who would have believed it? How would my parents have handled such a thing? I did not know what to do?

Since that night, my stepfather passed away. I asked my mother if she believed in aliens or UFOs. She replied that my stepfather said once that he saw a UFO near Brighton, East Sussex while at sea in the 1960s and he swore that it was a UFO, but only told my mother this.

I never told my mother about my experience, as I thought it would be too harrowing for her to hear.

What do I do about my experience? I would love to do something about it. It may help somebody, as I am being very honest. Things like this should be disclosed. An answer has to be found on why this is happening." RR

NOTE: I contacted the witness and discussed possible avenues that she may what to take to get help. She is interested in regression therapy so I made a few suggestions. Lon

Have you had a sighting or encounter?
Contact me by email or call the hotline at 410-241-5974
Thanks. Lon


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My alien disclosure began when I first started working with experiencer David Eckhart almost 15 years ago. As time went forward I realized that I would become a part of his ordeal. David warned me that 'THEY' knew about me and that I would eventually communicate and learn from these otherworldly beings.

In 2015, I started to experience a series of unexplained events, including hearing, reading & observing daily references to owls. My friend & associate Butch Witkowski & I started to compile the incidents, which culminated in my eventual encounters at home and then my subsequent abduction by the '3 Tall Greys.'

During this presentation, I will answer questions from the LIVE CHAT throughout the show. I hope that you enjoy this format.






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Have you had a sighting or encounter?
Contact us by email or call the hotline at 410-241-5974
Thanks. Lon

Contact us by email or call the hotline at 410-241-5974

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