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dimanche, février 25, 2024

LARGE UNKNOWN BIPEDAL BEAST Seen Mutilating Sheep at Howgill Fells, Cumbria, UK

A Cumbria, UK man is walking his dogs in the Howgill Fells when he notices several mutilated sheep. Then he observes a large unknown bipedal creature sprinting away, as the dogs took chase.

"I have an account that is unbelievable and deeply frightening. I'm currently in my 10th week of recovery after enduring a shattered leg and the details are as follows. I reside in the heart of the Howgill Fells in Cumbria, UK where rolling hills seamlessly merge with sporadic woods and limestone features and give way to miles of unexplored cave systems.

In the past year while walking in the fields with my dogs, I noticed a disturbing trend, an increasing number of dead livestock. These animals have been torn apart by a force much larger than them, with some carcasses scattered over 50 feet. One particularly bizarre discovery was finding the remains of a sheep more than 30 feet up in a tree. This feat is not within the capabilities of sheep around here. My curiosity led me to the woodland where I found the tree sheep and about 3 months later I experienced something truly unnerving in the woods close to sunset. My dogs stood still growling while a potent odor of mushrooms and urine permeated the air. Silence enveloped everything replacing the usual symphony of birds and bleating lambs

Then suddenly a large bipedal creature, that was emitting the scent, sprinted away from me. Both dogs gave chase but only one returned. Despite my efforts, I've never been able to locate the missing dog. It's not normal for dogs to go after them but they do sometimes and usually end up with the same fate. Having faced danger in Afghanistan, Iraq, and the Ukraine this encounter terrified me like never before. From that point on I always carried my 12-gauge shotgun through the woods. I also secretly possess an old Lee Enfield .303 gifted by my grandfather for dire circumstances. The police would not look favorably on me if I was caught.

10 weeks ago I returned to the woods and the eerie events repeated. My dog exhibited signs of distress, growling intermittently. The familiar odor lingered mixed with a Swedish Pine scent. I spotted a creature roughly 7 feet tall with tan-colored hair, darker areas on its body, and a mouth covered in blood. At its feet feet lay a three-legged sheep that still seemed to be breathing. Believing that a shot from my 12-gauge would scare the creature away allowing me to humanely finish off the injured sheep I fired knowing full well that at 40 meters away the shot would be completely ineffective. However, my actions triggered a larger creature higher up the slope to push a boulder toward me. Attempting to dodge it I fell backward and the boulder rolled over my thigh resulting in four clean breaks and 34 fractures.

The memory of making my way back off the Fell is non-existent. A friend informed me that I was found 6 hours later after my dog alerted him. I had to be airlifted to the hospital and I owe my life to my loyal companion. Only a select few are privy to the truth of the story as I fear the narrow-minded public would dismiss me as mad regrettably. I don't own a mobile phone to document these events but I kicked myself for not having a camera with me at the time. What I witnessed was truly unbelievable particularly here in the UK. However, over the past years, my mind has been open to all sorts of possibilities."

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