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samedi, février 17, 2024

Did My GUARDIAN ANGEL Intervene & Keep Me Sober?

A Washington man, who was rehabbing for alcohol abuse, became stressed and decided to go to the local bar to drink. He met up with a vicious dog twice that evening, blocking his way to the bar.

The following account was forwarded to me by my friends Kyle & Cam at Expanded Perspectives:

"I have so many encounters with the weird and strange I don't even know where to start but I think you will like this story. This crazy scary dog stopped me from drinking one night. This happened in Port Orchard, Washington around 2009.

I was in a program called drug court which required me to take random UAs, stay sober, and pretty much get my life back together because I had got caught up with a marijuana charge in 2008. So instead of doing the two years in prison they wanted to give me I had the opportunity to do a program of recovery called drug court. I jumped at the opportunity.

I was sober for about 9 or 10 months and was in a relationship with the lady that I am still friends with today. I tend to have a sixth sense about things and I had a bad feeling she was cheating on me. And I was looking for an excuse to go drink. I made my mind up and started to leave the house which was up a steep hill towards a dark road next to a park and I would have to continue on past the park and down another steep hill. Once I got to the top of my hill to walk towards the park I was stopped suddenly in my tracks because about 50 or 60 yards away from me was a dark black muscular vicious-looking Pitbull or Rottweiler. I'm not completely sure and I did not want to find out. It was just sitting in the middle of the road blocking my path to the bar.

So I said nope and turned around and walked back down my hill through my backyard over a fence through my neighbor's yard to get to a gravel road that led to about the middle of the other hill I had to walk down to get to the bar. Now this was quite a long way away from where I originally planned to walk because I don't feel like going out of my way and walking through neighbor's yards.

So I'm walking down the gravel road and all of a sudden I see the same dog just walk up to the end of the gravel road which was probably 30 or 40 yards away from me and just sit in the middle of the gravel road growling at me. I was scared to death that this dog was going to attack me. But it just sat there and I could hear it growling from that far away. I'm 100% positive it was the same dog. But how did this dog even know where I was headed. How did that dog even know to stop me the first time? I was completely blown away and confused. I just wanted to get drunk and forget about my girlfriend for the time being.

So to keep a long story short I turned around walked back through my neighbor's yards over the fence and back to my house and called my sponsor. I did not drink that night. And I stayed sober for another year and a half after that. Not sure if that was my guardian angel or what. I've told the story before in AA meetings and I'll end with this. Whenever I want to screw my life up it seems like God sends evil demon dogs after me. No joke.

I've never seen the dog since and I really hope I don't again." M

The Dulce Wars: Underground Alien Bases and the Battle for Planet Earth

Have you had a sighting or encounter?
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Thanks. Lon


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Have you had a sighting or encounter?
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Thanks. Lon

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