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mardi, janvier 09, 2024

LIFE-LONG ABDUCTEE Believes Aliens & Earth Governments Are Genetically Transforming Humans

An abductee describes her first experience, and why she believes that these alien beings and our government are working together to genetically transform the human species.

I received the following account:

"I'm a 43-year-old woman and have been abducted 3 times (that I can at least remember). It started when I was 12 years old. I was in my bedroom star-gazing out of my window in Arlington, Texas at around 11:15 PM on November 22, 1992. I saw a light moving in the night sky that moved slowly south. It was not blinking and was like a hazy ball of white light. It would stop and go frequently and move in one direction then disappear and reappear going in another direction. I noticed it getting brighter as if it were getting closer to me.

All of a sudden it stops and a beam of light comes straight at me. I fall back off of the table I was sitting on and I can't see anything but white. My eyes were blurred and couldn't see anything but light. I got cold and felt like I was floating.

Then I am all of a sudden in the presence of 3 beings and I'm lying on a metallic table. The beings were short and skinny with long arms. Their heads were elongated and their bodies were like a pale human with tinted skin of grey and had a texture of scales on their body and wrinkles on their face, especially near their eyes. Their eyes were slanted and large black shiny eyes. When they blinked, their eyelids were transparent like a reptile, almost clear. They had a small mouth and almost like a frown. I felt as if I was in a trance state. I could move but was too scared to, so I lay there and looked down at the straps holding my arms and legs. It looked like a type of flexible metal, but soft.

They poked me with a needle that came down from the ceiling and a monitor was floating around me and I could see myself on the monitor. Like a floating TV going all around my body. I began to scream and the one being, who I believe was older and possibly male in gender, looked at me and spoke to me through my mind in a robotic-like human voice and told me I had nothing to worry about. All of a sudden I looked at him and thought what do you want. He responded we are here to help you. We are of many and we are one of the same. I asked, "What do you mean we are the same?" He looked at the other two beings and then the other smaller being said in a female robotic-like voice, "We protect your race from others who want to harm you."

I kept asking questions and they began to ignore me. They put a film of clear soft silk-like material over my face and I don't remember anything after that. I woke up in my bedroom on the floor and wobbled my way to the window and they were gone. I looked at my clock and it was 11:34 PM. It had only been 20 minutes or so, but it felt like hours had gone by.

Throughout the years I have had multiple abductions and it's just not something you go telling people without getting a weird look. Back in 2012 I began a blog online and explained many of my experiences. My computer would constantly crash and even catch fire during a live chat with another person while chatting about our experiences online. It began to make me nervous to go online researching things like this.

I feel as if I'm being watched by our government. Through many of my abductions, I have learned that the government is working hand-in-hand with them and it is bigger than I realize. Something is going on which I believe is a new form of genetic transformation of the human species." JJ

Strange True Encounters & Unearthly Experiences: 25 Mind-Boggling Reports of the Paranormal - Never Before in Book Form

Beyond the Seventh Gate: Exploring Toad Road, The Seven Gates of Hell, and Other Strangeness in York, Lancaster, and Adams Counties

The Inhumanoids: Real Encounters with Beings that can't Exist!

Fairies: A Dangerous History

Buckeye Beasts: Historical Accounts of "Gorillas," "Wild Men," and Other Hairy Monsters in Ohio

Yeti: An Abominable History

Have you had a sighting or encounter?
Contact me by email or call the hotline at 410-241-5974
Thanks. Lon




Little People tales abound in the Old & New Worlds. Every culture has a hint of folklore that involves fairies, elves & gnomes. For the most part, these beings are the same with only the name change. They are described as somewhat friendly creatures common in Native American myth who are seen as protectors and tricksters. However, in some cases, there may be a dark side associated with the Little People, even to the point where they are said to be cannibalistic dwarves.

Anyway, over the years I have received a variety of personal reports involving these creatures. I'll let you decide if the Little People are benevolent beings, or if they have evil intent.

If you have questions, feel free to post them in the live chat. I will do my best to answer each.







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Have you had a sighting or encounter?
Contact us by email or call the hotline at 410-241-5974
Thanks. Lon

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