; Phantoms and Monsters: Pulse of the Paranormal

mardi, janvier 02, 2024

Curious CARCASSES/BONEYARDS Discovered in Victoria, Australia State Park

A Canadian researcher in Victoria, Australia recently contacted me about carcasses/boneyards found in the wilderness at Mount Buangor State Park. He referred to one of my previous posts.

I received the following account:

"Hello, Lon. Hope you are well. I found your contact email from the Phantoms and Monsters webpage. I came across it from being mentioned in a YouTube video by Thinker Thunker labeled "Bigfoot Body Dump, NM." (Possible Bigfoot 'Kill Dump' Discovered). I feel compelled to share my experience along with some photographic evidence, taken on Dec.28/29, 2023. Not expecting anything in return, just wanted to share and make people aware. 

This occurred on the stated dates, in Victoria, Australia. I am from Canada, and I have been here for a year to perform unrelated research. My partner and I went camping in Mount Buangor State Park, at Middle Creek Campground. On December 28th, we hiked up Mt. Buangor to the Buckertillible Cave. Buckertillible means "cave" in Aboriginal Australian. It took approximately 1h 45m to reach the granite cave under an outcrop that measures approximately 100m long and 15m tall. It is a shallow cave, you can see the back wall across the entirety of the cave/outcrop. We had hiked about 2km up switchbacks through the bush to reach the destination.

Once we found the cave, my partner was unable to scale the boulders that would be required to progress further toward the cave due to physical fitness limitations. She was able to view a section of about 20m or so. I took my Nokia cellphone as I proceeded forward to the main section of the cave to get some pictures. I came up to a few large boulders measuring an estimated 5-7ft high, and about 10-12ft wide. I was able to climb one and get a view of the main section of the cave. I intended to continue further which would require me to jump down into a small "pit" and then scale another boulder of similar dimensions. The dimensions of the enclosed area or "pit" were about 40ft in diameter. Before I jumped down, I scanned the ground of the small enclosed area, surrounded by rocks. I did not want to land on or near a snake. I observed a wallaby carcass in the middle of the pit. It was lying on its left side, its head towards me. It appeared deflated, like a balloon. The limbs were all intact and present, and the head was still attached. The pelt was undisturbed, with no evidence of predation, all the fur was intact and not torn, with no pieces of fur or flesh around it. The full tail was still attached. I observed that it appeared to be soaking wet as if someone had just dunked it into a pool. It had not rained in the area at least for a few days. There was no smell other than Eucalyptus trees and brush and foliage. My first thought was that a hunter had shot it and placed it there. Wallabies and Kangaroos dwell on flat plains and low hills, they are grazing animals and are not known to inhabit cliffsides and caves and boulder piles on the sides of mountains.

I took pictures from the rock I was on of the carcass, and I then proceeded to jump down into the pit, my second thought was that it would be highly improbable as to be nearly impossible that a wallaby could climb up the same path we did, and then climb up a boulder 3 times its height, and then jump into an enclosed space with no way to climb back out, where it would then starve to death. As I landed, I looked at my feet, and immediately to my right was a pile of bones. Only a few, but they appeared to be larger than what could be accounted for with another wallaby, so I figured it must be a kangaroo. What I identified as being a femur or thigh bone was similar in length and size to a human femur, so I assumed it was a kangaroo. The bone pile was about 20 feet from the wallaby. I took pictures of the bone pile. I then moved closer to the intact wallaby body to look for some other way into the pit, and as I did my partner yelled to me from below that she "had a bad feeling, and she was leaving". We have hiked and camped in all sorts of terrain and environments. We hiked landslide passes in alpine terrain in the mountains of British Columbia in Grizzly Bear territory (saw 5 in 6 months, had a close encounter on a vegetable farm), we've hiked deep thick forest in Northern Ontario, we have hiked tight and unforgiving desert valleys in California, and we've trekked Australian bush since we arrived here. She has never left me behind, nor have I ever left her, never been more than 20 feet from each other at any point. And yet, she was leaving me to head back to the trail right then and there. I yelled back to her to wait for me, and she said something I could not make out, her voice was already further away.

I turned back and looked at the wallaby body again, and noticed another pile of bones just past it and to the right, against the furthest rock of the pit. I made the decision to try to photograph the 3rd pile of bones. I moved closer to the wallaby, also intending to get a close-up photograph. This is subjective and may mean nothing, but when you are out in the wilderness you learn to trust your feelings and instincts. Before I came closer than 10 feet to the intact carcass, I had the feeling that I was familiar with living in bear territory in the Pemberton Valley of BC. If you find a carcass in bear country, you get far away as fast as you can, because that bear will be close by and it will kill you to protect its food. I stopped mid-step when I was overcome with the feeling that I was coming too close to an animal's food. At the same moment, I heard some brush along the cave wall being shaken, like something was moving through it. I could not tell if it was coming closer or moving away. I recognized that I was in a bad place to be, especially now apparently alone. I made the decision to climb back up the rock I had jumped off of and proceeded back down the boulders I had entered through. I clapped my hands loudly about 6 or 7 times, out of habit from being near bears. It is advised that you make yourself known to them, and I thought to do the same at the cave. When I stopped clapping I heard what I interpreted to be some rocks near the mouth of the cave moving or being moved. I spotted my partner down about 75 feet away and quickly but carefully made my way back to her. 

She described the bad feeling as though she could have been crushed by a large falling rock that would have come off the outcrop above the cave above her. I reported to her what I had seen and felt, and she agreed that we should head back to camp. On the way down, we had multiple equipment failures. One of her hiking poles collapsed as she descended a big step, nearly sending her down the side of the mountain. I noticed my medical kit that was braided onto my belt had come undone and had nearly fallen off. My shoelaces also came undone multiple times even after double knotting them. We've never had any of that happen before, and we expected that if we had geared up improperly the failures would have occurred on the way up, not the way down. 

That evening, back at camp, I had a nap in the tent and my partner read her book in the hammock. She woke me up to tell me that she had gotten up to get a snack from the car. When she retrieved the snack, she closed the car door and came around to the driver's side of the vehicle to find the door open. She had not seen it or heard it open, and she claimed she was sure she had not opened it. That night, before bed, I walked about 40ft from our campsite into the bush. It was dark, and I had no headlamp or flashlight as the moonlight was bright enough that I could make out details and see the ground. We were at the last campsite in the park, the furthest from the entrance. Nothing behind the site but bush and plains leading up to Mt. Buangor. My intention was to be still and to listen for gliders, possums, or koalas. I could hear running water from a stream or creek about 30 feet further into dense trees. After about 2 minutes of quiet and a few crested cockatoos calling out, I heard what sounded like something crossing the stream headed in my direction. It sounded like water splashing and being tread through by a person or biped. I maintained my position and made no noise but looked in the direction of the noise. I could not see anything moving. I then felt that I was being observed. I heard a large stick snapping from behind, near our tent and assumed it was my partner. I headed back and asked her if she had broken a stick. She told me she thought I had made the noise.

We went to bed, but I did not fall asleep for at least 30 minutes. I started dozing and heard what sounded like our car door handle being pulled on. The car was locked, but I climbed out of the tent with a headlamp and retrieved my valuables anyway. I did not hear anything approach or leave the site, and I did not see anything when I came out of the tent to look for the sound. We recreated the noise by pulling on and letting go of the car door handle the next morning, and it matched the sound I had heard in the night. Possibly unrelated to the Buckertillible Cave experience but it all happened within 24 hours so I figured I would include the campsite events anyway. 

After considering everything critically with my partner, I cannot completely conclude that at least 3 wallabies/kangaroos had climbed up the mountain and all accidentally died in the same enclosed space surrounded by boulders and then just decomposed on the inside and not the outside. It would seem more likely to me that it was a predation spot, but I am not sure what would remove organs and leave the carcass soaking wet, as it would also have to be able to make the same hike while carrying those animals. The cave itself did not seem like a likely habitat for any predatory animal. No birds big enough to carry them up there and drop them in. No hunting is allowed in Victoria State Parks, and unlikely that if someone DID hunt there they'd bring multiple bodies over months to the same spot along a local hiking trail that people hike every day. It appeared to me as if I had jumped down into a feeding pit or body dump. 

I apologize for the picture quality, the camera is on a cheap Nokia smartphone, it was the cheapest one on display and I just needed something that could call or text. I added saturation and cropped the wallaby carcass photo in hopes it would be more clear but I included the original as well. I appreciate your effort to maintain a website that publishes the personal accounts of regular people, and I appreciate your efforts to raise awareness of strange events and the like. I do not expect a reply or to have my account posted, I am simply sharing this with anyone to create awareness of possible dangers in the wilderness."

Thank you, Wyatt 

Have you had a sighting or encounter?
Contact me by email or call the hotline at 410-241-5974
Thanks. Lon







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Thanks. Lon

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