; Phantoms and Monsters: Pulse of the Paranormal

dimanche, décembre 24, 2023


11 different Mothman, winged humanoids, & flying cryptids were seen worldwide and reported to me. These are all unpublished, brief accounts.

The following accounts were forwarded to me:

“My dad lives in West Virginia. I'm from Alaska and have lived here most of my life. While visiting my dad in 1995 or 1996, I was walking through the woods. Something large took off from a tree above me. I've seen some big birds. This was the biggest bird I've ever seen. For scale, eagles, albatross, and sandhill cranes are common on the Kenai Peninsula, where I'm from, but this was bigger. Way bigger. And the wings were leathery. I told my dad and he laughed and said I startled Moth Man, but really it was probably just a buzzard. I don't think it was and at the time I didn't think it was Mothman, but maybe it was.” S


“Me and my cousin back in 1994. We were both outside playing, riding bikes, etc. We looked up because we saw a big human-like bird fly above us lower than the palm trees that were in front of my cousin's house. I remember it had just got dark outside so we could still see the blue sky above us, so it wasn’t completely dark. It was a huge person with very large wings. It didn’t look at us. It just flew above us and we both looked at each other and ran inside and told our parents but they, of course, didn’t believe us. We are both 36 years old now and we both remember this vividly." P


“I know people that crossed the Chihuahuan desert, they would tell me of tall winged figures with red eyes that would follow them on occasion. Their “coyote” would always advise them to not look at the figures because some that did would become paralyzed with fear. Also if you Google 'Cahokia Bird Man' you will find that at the ancient pyramid mound complex at St. Louis, they excavated several pendants and tablet carvings of a man with wings, perhaps a religious cult centered around this creature that goes back a thousand years?” N


“Well... The eyes were glowing reddish orange like a furnace, and the height was closer to eight feet. Very broad shoulders or the wings made it look like that. The silhouette was blacker than the night sky behind it. It was 1985 and I was 19 years old just sitting on the lounge chair watching TV when I had a feeling someone was outside in the backyard. So, I pulled the curtain back and saw this being and it sent an immediate flight (no pun intended) response to my brain. As fear turned into anger as I got out of the chair and headed into the kitchen. I got two knives holding blades towards my elbows and headed into the backyard. I saw nothing, but the air was colder in that spot where I saw it and there were no crickets or anything making noises. This sighting occurred in Tempe, Arizona. My two cents worth.” K


“My friend and I saw the Moth Man in January 2012 in my hometown, Mexico City. It was terrifying. The next morning we thought it wasn't real but got it real when my neighbors told me they saw it too over my house. We thought it was a weird alien with wings. When I moved to the USA, I realized the Moth Man was the same creature we saw. I still think of that today.” R


“I live in Warwickshire, United Kingdom.  Earlier this year (Jan or Feb 2023) I was standing outside having a cigarette and observed what I thought was a large black bird or even hang-glider darting in and out of the clouds, almost playfully back and forth - which looked really odd. I'm a bit of a plane buff so this really grabbed my attention, it was mid-day, so I grabbed my binoculars and basically saw a Moth Man but with more clearly defined legs and a faster wing-beat. I'd estimate it was about a mile or so away and looked pretty big. I watched it for about 5 minutes before it flew into the clouds. It kind of looked for want of better words like a black angel and did make me feel uneasy at the time.” B


“Back in 1994, when I was 18, we used to party out at the TNT area all the time (in Point Pleasant). One night we noticed that we were being observed by something that bore a striking resemblance to Moth Man. It seemed to be afraid of light. Flashlights, headlights, etc. It would even back off when I took a draw off of my cigarette. At the time I dismissed it because of the amount of alcohol in my system, but I saw it AGAIN while I was deployed in Iraq in 2005.” J


“A coworker and I were on a business trip around 2007 or 2008 driving on a dark road in South Dakota. I should point out that we weren’t allowed to drink on these trips so we were stone sober. I will confess it was late at night and it was a long day, so there is that. It was also a dark rural road lit only by the headlights in front of us. But immediately after what happened and days later, we confirmed we saw the same thing - a man was on the road. All of a sudden. We actually thought we were going to run him over. He sprouted wings and flew up and over the car and out of sight.” D


“I swear back in 2010 I saw the Mothman. It was dark but I'll never forget the massive red eyes staring at me through the woods. I was in a vehicle with my two buddies on a dirt trail. It was in Truro, Nova Scotia, Canada. It wasn’t the only time things happened in those woods but that was definitely the craziest time.” D


“My father swears to have seen the Moth Man. He lived in downtown Los Angeles (circa 1970) and was walking through a neighborhood with a friend around 11:00 PM. Suddenly, they noticed a very tall/lanky and limber, black-short-furred but naked "man" with bright red "laser shine" eyes and wings that looked like a moth's but translucent. They claim it was basically parkouring a few home roofs at a time. The wings seemed to shortly glide it, more than flap/propel it. It was a dead-quiet night, yet there were no sounds of landing contact. It glanced at them briefly and continued until it leaped over a small building and kept going. My dad's friend immediately committed to and became a pastor. My dad was a very talented man who sought the most out of life. That sighting made them rethink the value of their lives.” V


“This is about to be a long post so, apologies ahead of time. I never believed in cryptids at all until I saw one myself. I didn't know that there was a Moth Man then, but what I saw was eerily similar. It was in late December of 2005 (easy to remember because I'd gotten Lasik (surgery) on both my eyes and I had better than 20/20 vision at the time). I was living in an apartment complex that had a communal laundry in the center. It was a bit after sunset and I happened to look up at the roof of my building, and that's when I saw it. At first, I thought it was a person, crouched on the roof, resting their head and arm on one knee. Except, it was gray, incredibly muscular, and looked like a gargoyle to me. We locked eyes, it made a large "huff" sound, like a bull, and it galloped across the roof-line (the sound was like a horse) and then it leaped and the biggest wings I've ever seen came out of it, with an unforgettable whoosh! These things exist. I wish there were a way to show my memory of it to people.” N

Have you had a sighting or encounter?
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Thanks. Lon







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