; Phantoms and Monsters: Pulse of the Paranormal

mercredi, octobre 11, 2023

UPRIGHT CRYPTID CANINE HOME INTRUSION Reported by Maryland Police Detective

A law enforcement officer, living in Howard County, Maryland, contacted me about a frightening cryptid canine encounter in his home in early 2021.

"I was a Baltimore Police Department detective and, at the time, in early 2021, I worked directly out of the Northern District in the city.

On the night in question, I was in my office at home late at night in suburban Howard County, Maryland. I live alone. I often would find myself unable to sleep at night, so I would head to my office to work. That particular night I was going through a case file that I was working on.

Then I heard an unusual noise. It was just different enough from anything I was used to hearing around the house that it caught my attention, not to mention it was around two o'clock in the morning. It sounded like something heavy was hitting the ground. It was coming from the yard behind the house. I stood up and I cocked my head to the side to try and pinpoint the exact location. But as I listened closer I realized that it sounded like it might actually be much closer to the house, like right outside the kitchen in the back.

I stepped away from my desk and I moved towards my office door. My office was just down the hall from the kitchen. So I opened the door slowly and stepped out to investigate, but first I listened again to be sure I was correct on the direction it was coming from. Sure enough, I heard it again from the area outside the kitchen. I started to make my way down the hallway and as I got closer the noise got louder. I reached the kitchen and I looked toward the door. The noise had gone silent, almost like whatever was making the noise knew I was listening to it. I slowly and very quietly opened the door to the outside. When I did I was shocked at what I was looking at!

Standing on the patio, moving around and making the noise, was a creature, unlike anything I had ever seen before. It was about seven feet tall and totally covered in black and reddish-brown fur. It had a long snout with teeth protruding at odd angles. The creature turned towards me when the door opened, almost like it instinctively knew I was there. I was totally quiet when I opened the door. The creature quickly focused on me and lunged toward me hissing! I quickly stepped back inside and shut the door.

I had to think fast and determine a suitable plan of action. I decided to head back to my office where I hoped to watch it undetected from my office window. I proceeded to look through the window but it wasn't long before I heard the sounds of the creature breaking into the house through the kitchen door. I pulled out my gun and I aimed it down the hallway. As I slowly opened the office door. I could hear, but not see, the creature in the kitchen. I listened as it was moving around with a lot of force and stepping heavily on the wood floor. I could also hear it snorting as it moved about. It sounded like something out of a horror film. I thought that if I just stayed quiet it might just leave, which would have been the optimal outcome.

I listened to it for a while while it moved in the kitchen, but then I heard it go into the dining room. I could hear glass breaking and furniture being shoved around. It seemed to be very angry. I finally opened my office door all the way and stepped out completely into the hallway. I slowly walked towards the dining room with my gun still raised. As soon as I got close I peeked my head around the corner. It turned its head towards me and instantly started to growl. It had an angry look on its face, with a human-like expression. I sensed that it wanted to tear me apart right there. But instead of rushing and attacking me, it suddenly went silent again. It quickly rushed back to the kitchen and hurled itself out through the back door.

I didn't know what to think at that point. On one hand, I was relieved that it had left, but at the same time, I somehow felt concerned that it may return at some point. I decided then and there that I would find out more about this creature. My confusion and fear turned into anger! I wanted to know who or what this thing was and why it had come into my house.

I've done a lot of research, mainly online. But it's been difficult to find anything that really matched what happened. I wondered why it came into the house and what it was looking for. The other descriptions online were generally similar. It was bipedal, with pointed ears, large yellow-tinged eyes, and canine-like teeth. It also had a very pungent sulfur-like odor that I can still smell in my memory.

My research led to your blog, and my contacting you. I have many questions and would like to talk. I still live in the same house, but I currently work for another local law enforcement department. I have not seen the creature since that night, but I instinctively know that it still roams in my area. I wish to remain completely anonymous and discreet about my encounter."

NOTE: I was able to contact the witness and we discussed his predicament. Of course, since he is in law enforcement, it's imperative that specific information remain confidential. I am excluding many of the specific details as a result. I received his permission to post this report on the blog, but only after he read and approved it.

The general area where he lives is known for past Bigfoot activity. As far as cryptid canine sightings or encounters, there have been historical reports of activity west of the location, mostly in Frederick County, Maryland.

The Central Maryland Piedmont region has had an increase in unexplained cryptid sightings and reports in recent years. In fact, this incident was close to where I had my Bigfoot encounter in 1981. I have been told of possible cryptid canine sightings in the area, but the evidence, though anecdotal, has been sparse. I plan to follow up with the witness and investigate the location shortly. Lon



Have you had a sighting or encounter?
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Thanks. Lon

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Welcome to Phantoms & Monsters 'Personal Reports' - cryptid & unexplained accounts directly from the archives of Phantoms & Monsters, and the Phantoms & Monster Fortean Research team. Narrated by Lon Strickler. Join us in the chat, discuss, and ask me questions about the accounts.

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Many paranormal enthusiasts refer to Gettysburg, Pennsylvania as the most haunted town in the world. On July 1-3, 1863, the small farming community witnessed some of the worst death & destruction ever seen on the North American continent. Over 165 thousand men, from both armies, took part in the battle, with roughly one-third becoming casualties. More than seven thousand men died in the fighting, and a further 33 thousand were wounded. The carnage left an indelible mark on the locale & history that has endured for 160 years.

But Gettysburg is more than just a memorial to the people involved in that tragedy. It has become a drawing card for the unexplained and a gathering spot for supernatural energy that transcends beyond death. Modern life adds to the mystery of the location, be it cryptids, curses, unidentified aerial phenomena, or personal experiences.

So relax, unlock your mind, and begin to perceive what I'm about to communicate to you. I will present the reports and incidents in detail and answer all questions from the chat room.


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'CRYPTID CANINES' AMONG US - REAL ENCOUNTERS! - LIVE Chat - Q & A - Join Us! Lon Strickler (Host)




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Have you had a sighting or encounter?
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Thanks. Lon

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