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jeudi, octobre 26, 2023

The Night 'THEY' Came For Me! Abducted by 'MEN IN BLACK?'

A college student in rural Pennsylvania experiences an apparent alien encounter. Many years later, he receives a package that contains items that went missing on the night of his abduction.

I received the following account:

"Hello, Mr. Strickler. I was referred to your site by my grandson after I mentioned an incident I had in 1958 when I was a young man going to college in Mont Alto, PA.

It was late evening and I was in my room sitting in a lounge chair trying to read and stay awake at the same time. I was near graduation and had a lot of things on my mind. As I sat there, I had a strange feeling like someone was watching me and I became very restless. After a few minutes I 'sensed' that something was on the other side of the closed door to my room. I still can't explain it. So I got up from the chair and went to the door, opened it a bit, and looked out. There were two men dressed in black suits, sunglasses, and black fedora hats. They looked like identical twins. They were dark complexioned with Asian eyes, but they were not Asian.

As I stood there, they didn't say a word but I knew that they were 'talking' to me through my mind, saying, "Are you ready?' For some unknown reason, I knew deep down what they were referring to. I was shirtless with only a pair of shorts, so I reached for a jacket, "That will not be necessary. No one will see you." The three of us walked out in the hallway and suddenly we were standing on a small hill behind the student hall. I noticed the headlights of a car coming down the street and ducked behind the two men. I heard them laughing at me in my mind, "We told you no one would see you."

I was scared and turned away for a minute wondering if I should try to run. I thought better of it, turned to say something to them, and noticed that they we looking up. I followed their gaze and realized that something was suspended above us. I continued to look when an opening appeared in its center and blue-white light came tumbling out of it. I started to feel dizzy and a bit nauseous, like when you are on a roller coaster or airplane that is dropping too fast. Then I realized we were floating up toward whatever the object was. I must have fainted because I only remember that I was lying on my side when I woke. I raised up and looked around. The entire room was empty except for the small table on which I was sitting.

The room was bathed in a soft glow but had no apparent light source that I could see. Then I heard a female voice say, "He's awake." I looked around to see if I could see anyone but saw nothing. About this time on the far wall, a door appeared and opened. Although the hallway was dark, there was a bluish-white illumination that appeared as though it was materializing. Two shadows seemed to move across the doorway but I couldn't tell anything about the shapes.

I received a mental image of two people approaching, one carrying a tray full of some kind of surgical instruments and syringes. Then I went blank. My next memory was of being back in my room and in my chair reading. I got up and felt like I had just woken up from a deep sleep. Then I noticed several items were missing including three books and a framed photo of my parents.

I have never had any effects (that I know of) from my experience though I have had a remarkably healthy life. As well, I am constantly told I look 20 years younger than my actual age.

Now, the reason I am now writing about my encounter. A few days ago, a large box arrived at my daughter's house that was addressed to me. The reason why it was sent to her address is a mystery. Also, there was no return address and it was shipped from Oakland, California (the state where I now reside). My grandson brought the package to me a day or so later. While he watched, I opened the box. It contained the three missing books and the framed photo of my parents that went missing the night of my encounter. There was also a battered shoebox that looked very familiar. When I opened the shoebox, there were a variety of small items (pens, buttons, coins, etc) that I realized I had lost at some period in my young life. That is when I revealed my past experience with my astonished grandson.

I'm still confused after receiving the package a few months ago. Who were these men and what did they want? Have you heard of a similar experience? You have my permission to copy this email. I really need some answers. Thank you so much. DL"

NOTE: I did talk to DL, though I'm not sure what his thoughts were. He remained fairly quiet. I don't believe that he understands or believes in alien abduction. Were these 'men' possibly MIB or extraterrestrials...or one and the same? Lon



Have you had a sighting or encounter?
Contact me by email or call the hotline at 410-241-5974
Thanks. Lon

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Welcome to Phantoms & Monsters 'Personal Reports' - cryptid & unexplained accounts directly from the archives of Phantoms & Monsters, and the Phantoms & Monster Fortean Research team. Narrated by Lon Strickler. Join us in the chat, discuss, and ask me questions about the accounts.

Featured in this edition:

What are the Reptilians? These ‘lizard beings’ are called ‘Saurians,’ ‘Draconians,’ or ‘Reptoids.’ Some researchers describe them as ancient shapeshifting humanoids who have inhabited Earth before the time of man. Some conspiracy enthusiasts believe these entities come from a royal extraterrestrial lineage that currently dominates world governments and financial markets. There are also claims that they are related to the Anunnaki, who were supposedly a winged Draconian race, who had descended into Mesopotamia during human pre-history with the knowledge of the planets in the solar system, the precession of the equinoxes, and an understanding of complex medical procedures. It has also been said that the Anunnaki gave the Sumerians a ‘stargate’ before leaving Earth.

I’m not going to make any argument as to the identity of these entities or if they existed in antiquity. But I will acknowledge that their presence is mentioned in many experiencer encounters and abduction accounts and that numerous theories are quite prolific. As a result, there have been thousands of articles and books written about the subject.

So, do I find any facts in these encounter reports? Well, I’ve heard and read a lot of unexplained phenomena over the years. I find it prudent to not make assumptions based on personal bias because you may eventually be proven wrong. What do you believe?



Is report of UFO in 1957 fact or fiction?

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'MEN IN BLACK' - ALIEN 'CLEAN UP' CREW? - LIVE Chat - Q & A - Please Join Us! Lon Strickler (Host)




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Have you had a sighting or encounter?
Contact us by email or call the hotline at 410-241-5974
Thanks. Lon

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