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mardi, octobre 24, 2023

MASSIVE BIGFOOT Vanishes Into INVISIBLE PORTAL on Roan Mountain, Tennessee

An eyewitness has a remarkable up-close encounter with a massive Bigfoot. As the creature began to move on it literally started to disappear into an unseen 'portal,' and simply vanished!

A reader transcribed the following account and forwarded it to me:

"The witness and his wife took a trip up to his sister’s place on Roan Mountain in 1989. After the first few days of running around and seeing the sights, they spent the day just hanging out at the house. This led to a few cold beverages being consumed and the grill getting fired up that evening. Later that night, around 9 PM he went out on the back porch to get another beer. That’s when he noticed about half a dozen deer about 100 yards out in the field behind the house. One had a nice rack and he couldn’t quite make out the number of points, so he slipped off the porch and eased over to the corner of the fence which put him about 60 to 70 yards away from them.

As he stood there against the fence watching the deer, that’s when he noticed the ‘moon.’ When he says he ‘noticed it,’ he means he noticed that it was huge and seemed much closer than he’d ever seen it before. He stood there at this fence watching the deer, or was supposed to be but he couldn’t take his eyes off this big glowing yellowish-orange ball of light that seemed to be just out of reach.

So after what he thought was about 20 minutes later (He found out it was more than an hour), he started noticing a tickling sensation on the back of his neck. He shrugged his shoulders and turned his neck a couple of times to shake loose whatever it was tickling him and just then the deer got spooked and bounced away. The noise finally forced him to break his gaze on the moon. That’s when he realized that he’d probably been out there long enough.

He decided to go back inside. He took one last look and mumbled a ‘Wow’ at the beauty of this little sun-reflecting satellite that orbits our world and that’s when it hit him. He felt the hot breath of a huge creature hit the back of his neck at the same time hearing or feeling the deepest chest rumbling, he’d ever heard. He spied onto his right, looking over his shoulder. All he could see was black as far as his peripheral vision would allow. It was a Bigfoot! This all happened in a split second.

When he got his head around far enough, he realized that his face was maybe eight to ten inches away from this thing’s upper abdomen. Looking up he saw this beast's pectoral muscles stuck off its chest about six inches and were huge. Its chest was every bit four and a half feet wide; its shoulders were as big as basketballs added another foot or so on each side from shoulder to shoulder. This thing was at least six feet wide. He didn’t get a good look at its hands or face but its arms were probably more impressive than its chest and shoulders. Its arms were covered in long dark hair maybe four or six inches in length. If the witness had to guess, this behemoth must have been around 10 feet tall and seven to eight hundred pounds. As far as its face went, from the angle he was at, all he could make out was a squared-off bearded chin. He could not see a nose, eyes, ears, raised brow ridge, conical head, nothing, so he couldn’t say whether it looked more like a man or an ape. Its arms were more like an ape’s but its chest was more human-like, just a little more hairy than most.

Now this is where the story starts getting weird. As he mentioned earlier, it all happened in a split second. As he spun around and was in the process of looking up, the creature was going from a bent-over position to standing up straight and taking a step back to his right. As he pulled its left leg over its right, it was like it was slipping through a slit in a green screen. The witness is not sure if it was a portal or some sort of inter-dimensional doorway, all he knows is this huge thing vanished within that split second. There was no foul smell associated with this creature. There was a slight musty smell but it reminded him of the same smell a horse gives off."

Transcribed source:

NOTE: Another strange encounter on Roan Mountain. Lon



Have you had a sighting or encounter?
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Thanks. Lon

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Welcome to Phantoms & Monsters 'Personal Reports' - cryptid & unexplained accounts directly from the archives of Phantoms & Monsters, and the Phantoms & Monster Fortean Research team. Narrated by Lon Strickler. Join us in the chat, discuss, and ask me questions about the accounts.

Featured in this edition:

What are the Reptilians? These ‘lizard beings’ are called ‘Saurians,’ ‘Draconians,’ or ‘Reptoids.’ Some researchers describe them as ancient shapeshifting humanoids who have inhabited Earth before the time of man. Some conspiracy enthusiasts believe these entities come from a royal extraterrestrial lineage that currently dominates world governments and financial markets. There are also claims that they are related to the Anunnaki, who were supposedly a winged Draconian race, who had descended into Mesopotamia during human pre-history with the knowledge of the planets in the solar system, the precession of the equinoxes, and an understanding of complex medical procedures. It has also been said that the Anunnaki gave the Sumerians a ‘stargate’ before leaving Earth.

I’m not going to make any argument as to the identity of these entities or if they existed in antiquity. But I will acknowledge that their presence is mentioned in many experiencer encounters and abduction accounts and that numerous theories are quite prolific. As a result, there have been thousands of articles and books written about the subject.

So, do I find any facts in these encounter reports? Well, I’ve heard and read a lot of unexplained phenomena over the years. I find it prudent to not make assumptions based on personal bias because you may eventually be proven wrong. What do you believe?



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Have you had a sighting or encounter?
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Thanks. Lon

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