; Phantoms and Monsters: Pulse of the Paranormal

jeudi, mai 18, 2023

Readers' Real Encounters With BLACK-EYED PEOPLE

We hear and read a lot about BEK or black-eyed kids in the paranormal world. But what about blacked-eyed people in general? Are these the same entities? What are they?

“Back in 2007, I lived in Los Angeles and had a paranormal group. We did an investigation at Hollywood Forever Memorial Cemetery there in Los Angeles. One of the group members was talking to us about an experience he had with a black-eyed person. Frankly, I'd really not heard of them before and he described this person to the T and when we left the mausoleum where Valentino was interned, we saw this very same guy.

I gotta tell you, it was the spookiest thing. He just stared at us and he started approaching the car and as he did I could see the black eyes. I was driving. I had a sense of doom like I gotta get out of there. It was a very frightening experience. I still have no explanation. He was wearing the same clothes this person in the group described. It was something I never want to experience again. You (David Weatherly was the guest that night) were talking earlier about the sense of doom, that was definitely the feeling we felt.” K


“My girlfriend had this little dispute with her sister once and they couldn't get it resolved so they went to talk to their mother about it. Well, her sister became vehemently angry and she started yelling and everything and as soon she looked, she saw her eyes going completely black. There were no whites in them whatsoever and her mom wasn't turned in a direction where she could see them. She shook her mom's shoulder and she said, look, look at her eyes and she said 'Get out of here now with your baby.' She didn't want to be anywhere near her. It was when she was at the height of her anger is when she saw that. This happened in Lebanon, Virginia” G


"I was reading these cases about black-eyed kids when I realized I had an encounter myself. The year was around 2004 and I lived in NYC at the time. I believe I was walking down near Rockefeller Center. It was around the afternoon and there were crowds of people around in broad daylight. I was lost in my thoughts when all of a sudden a very tall man in what I'm recalling a gray suit said excuse me as I was walking past him, whereas he had his back facing me as I was passing him on his left I didn't see his face.

As he was angling to face me he asked if I could fill out a questionnaire form and the form immediately was held so I can see it. My eyes looked directly at the form without seeing his face. The form asked for my name, my telephone number, my address, and a couple other questions that I didn't bother to take heed to because as soon as I saw the personal info I wasn't interested.

As I turned to say 'no thanks' to him that's when I saw his eyes were completely black, no whites at all. He was polite when he asked me just like in all cases with other people, and I distinctly remember he had clean impeccable shoes. He was lighter-skinned mixed race and he was probably over 6 feet tall around 28 or younger. When I saw his eyes my instinct was 'Oh, he must have some sort of disease that made his eyes turn completely black' and for a second I felt sorry for the poor fella who had to do this line of work looking the way he does. 

He didn't give off any dark vibe probably because I see others around me which made me feel safe, but like most people in NYC, he seemed sterile and unemotional. I never told anyone because I thought he had an illness and forgot about it over the years." S


“When my child was born, she was born with dark black eyes. My wife died giving birth and nobody could understand why she died. She's a perfectly normal child now. But two days later my mother died and three days later, I heard something on the porch. I went outside to look and there were three people out there. I couldn't tell if they were children and I couldn't tell if they were, you know, black-eyed or not, but three people were standing on my lawn. Ever since then, I've been freaked out about anything that knocks on my door or comes around me and it's quite dramatic.” T


"I live in Chicago, in East Garfield. This past Saturday, I was at a local food mart buying groceries. I walked to my car, loaded the 2 bags into my backseat, then got in the driver's seat. As I went to start the car, to my shock, a young pale-skinned woman with long dark hair was sitting on the passenger side. The first thing I noticed was her coal-black eyes. She looked right into my eyes and said 'I need help...please help me.' She literally looked like the walking dead. I told her to get out, but she insisted that I take her to the hospital. We weren't too far from the hospital, so I headed in that direction. We were about 2 blocks away and at a red light, when she suddenly jumped out of the car, took a few steps and vanished! No trace of her. She didn't look like a ghost, I mean she was solid in form.

The next (Sunday) I felt sick to my stomach and my eyes were sore and red. I believe it had something to do with this black-eyed woman. I'm still not feeling 100% and I've had terrible nightmares.

This may not be related, but a few of my family and friends have recently had unexplained activity at their homes, in particular my brother. He lives a few blocks from me and swears there is a demon in his basement. He and his girlfriend will not go down there and plan to move soon. He has been having terrible dreams as well.

I wish I knew what was going on." Jade


"I've meant to send my story to you for a while now, but I have yet to pull the trigger. It concerns a black-eyed woman.

This was a few weeks after my sister died in an auto accident. For some unknown reason, I thought that this black-eyed woman was her returning in spirit. I've read a few different stories of other people running into these "beings" on your blog. It was a little over five years ago, and I was sitting in the kitchen. Both my parents were on vacation so I was home alone. I had invited one of my sister's friends over and we were talking about my sister. My sister was 17 when she died.

While we were sitting there I looked out the window which was next to the front door, and that's when I saw the woman! She was right up against the window peering in. I will never forget the way she looked. Her skin was a very pale gray color, and her eyes were jet-black. Just staring into them felt like endless pits leading straight to Hell. Her hair was covering her face, and she just stood there staring at me.

I've never felt that kind of fear in my life, and on top of everything that was going on, most people thought it was a hallucination. It doesn't matter what others think, I know what I saw, and especially what I felt. I've never run into this woman again, and I pray to God that I never will. I'm just glad these people aren't allowed in homes unless invited." K


"A few days ago, I was standing in line at a Walmart here in South Florida. I was waiting to pay for my purchases. I usually don't look around at others in line, but I had an odd sensation and noticed a sickening scent of roses. I turned around and looked at a short man dressed in black. I looked at his eyes...totally black! He also had a grumpy look on his face. The hair on the back of my neck stood up! I got this evil feeling that I needed to get away from him. When I paid for my stuff, I couldn't get out fast enough. I got into my car and started to back out...but then I notice this same man standing by my car staring at me. I almost hit another car in the process. He just stared with that grumpy expression.

I get sick just thinking about it. The weird thing was that no one else seemed to notice him. Was this the Grim Reaper or something similar?" AM



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Thanks. Lon

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Welcome to Phantoms & Monsters 'Personal Reports' - cryptid & unexplained accounts directly from the archives of Phantoms & Monsters, and the Phantoms & Monster Fortean Research team. Narrated by Lon Strickler. Join us in the chat, discuss, and ask me questions about the accounts.

Featured in this edition:

Before the remarkable number of winged humanoid incidents started to ramp up at O'Hare International Airport, the neighboring community of Rosemont, Illinois had been experiencing an interesting mix of unknown humanoid sightings & encounters. This presentation will examine these reports.

The winged humanoid was first dubbed the 'Chicago Phantom,' but the media and the internet preferred the moniker 'Chicago Mothman.' 

I will describe the reports and incidents in detail and answer all questions from the chat room.






Zombie Fish? Bizarre Video Shows 'Headless' Fish Swimming In Water

Bizarre Sea Creatures Illuminate the Dawn of the Animal Kingdom

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