; Phantoms and Monsters: Pulse of the Paranormal

lundi, mai 22, 2023

Glitch in the Matrix? Groundhog Day? Time Slip?

A woman talks about a bizarre incident when she was in high school, where she experiences 2 life & death scenarios that were completely different from each other.

“It was May 1956. I was a senior in high school in South Bend, Indiana. I was very excited on this Friday because that afternoon when the school was out, we were going to have our first full run-through of a play that we were going to be opening in two weeks. The day was crawling through, of course, when you're so excited for the day to get by. Drama class happened in the third hour and during the third hour, somebody remarked that they had not seen Dwight in period two. And I knew that meant we wouldn't have the run-through because he had one of the major roles. That meant we wouldn't do the run-through because it would be a major waste of our time. After all, he wasn't double-cast.

So, during Drama class, a very strange thing happened. The Principal and the Drama teacher, they didn't come in to get the class going. The Drama teacher and the Principal talked quietly at the back of the auditorium, moving in and out, into the hallway. He didn't put us to work which was very unusual because he was kind of a Svengali - you could not be sitting there doing nothing because he would cut your head off. So, anyway, we sat there and had a free period. Everybody was wondering, what's up?

I went down after school where they would be making scenery, making props, things like that – there was a sign on the door saying: No Activities - which was a real shocker because two weeks before the show, we're knocking ourselves out to get things done. So I walked home and it just so happens that the South Bend Tribune happens to already been thrown up onto our porch. I sat down, opened it up and it said 'Central High School Student Slain' and there was a picture of Dwight, the one that was not in period two and then I knew why, all this quietness and no activities. The teachers were not allowed to tell us what happened and we were going to find out this awful thing that happened in our homes and over the news that night.

Well, I happened to idolize this fella. I thought he was a God walking on Earth because his father was a minister and he was one of the best people I'd ever known. I was so infuriated at God for letting this happen to this young man who was going to grow up and be a minister like his father. I tore up the stairs. I was studying Catholicism at the time and I had a little alter and I rushed into my bedroom and I threw all my Holy items all over the room. I was screaming, How could you let this happen? How could you let this happen? I couldn't go downstairs. I was sobbing and having fits of anger. Just pouring tears out the whole evening. I went to bed doing the same thing.

I woke up and my eyes were still wet and all I could think was that happened Thursday, we got the news on Friday and it's Saturday morning, I just can't believe this. I'm standing looking out the window into the backyard and my brother comes into the room on his way to the bathroom. He was three years younger. He said, 'What's the matter?' I just shook my head and waved. 'Go away! Go away!' He's my younger brother. I don't want him to see that I've been bawling. He said, 'What's the matter?' I said, 'Just go on.' 'No,' he said, 'what's the matter?' I said, 'Dwight! Dwight!' He said, 'What do you mean, Dwight? What about him?' I said, 'Where the hell have you been? He's dead!' He said, 'Dead? Why?' I said, 'God, don't you read the paper?' He said, 'Well, I don't know but you better get moving, you're gonna be late for school.' I said, 'It's Saturday morning. Dwight was killed on Thursday. It was in Friday's paper. It's Saturday morning.' He said, 'It's Friday morning and you better get moving because you're gonna be late for school.'

I couldn't believe it. I thought I'll go check it out. We got the Chicago Tribune. It got delivered in the morning. I tore down those stairs and opened the Chicago Tribune, which said Friday morning. Then I rushed back to the den to open the paper in which his picture – Dwight's picture would have been and it said Thursday. So Friday was starting all over again. In 1956, this was before 'The Twilight Zone,' such things weren't usually discussed openly amongst people of that time.

The first two periods went totally different than what happened my first Friday, the day before, and in Drama class. I asked if anybody had seen Dwight. Someone said, 'Yeah, he was in the second period.' So this second Friday happened without that incident registering and I was so relieved. I saw him in the cafeteria lunch line and I rushed up to him and said, 'Dwight, you have no idea how glad I am to see you because I don't know how to explain it. I don't know if it was a dream but yesterday you were dead.'

Yesterday's Friday. So, I had two Fridays. And it was a full Friday. I know everybody right away wants to say you just dreamt it but it was a full Friday with every second in it. Two Fridays in a row. One tragic. One that cleared everything up.”T



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Thanks for joining us on Phantoms & Monsters Radio. Tobias Wayland, Manuel Navarette, & Lon Strickler discuss the Chicago / Lake Michigan Mothman updates. Join us in the chat, and ask us questions about the phenomenon.

Featured in this edition:

It has recently been a busy time for the investigators. The team will be together in the Chicagoland area during the next few weeks to begin a new project. So hop into the chat and have your questions answered.


Welcome to Phantoms & Monsters 'Personal Reports' - cryptid & unexplained accounts directly from the archives of Phantoms & Monsters, and the Phantoms & Monster Fortean Research team. Narrated by Lon Strickler. Join us in the chat, discuss, and ask me questions about the accounts.

Featured in this edition:

At the end of 2019 & in early 2020, it was apparent that O'Hare International Airport was becoming an important location in the Chicago winged humanoid phenomenon. Cargo truck drivers, security officers, airline pilots, & airport workers were coming forward with reports of sightings & encounters with red-eyed, bat-winged humanoids throughout the property.

In this episode, I will describe the early reports and incidents at O'Hare in detail and answer all questions from the chat room.




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National Archives Releases UFO Artifacts Images Collected During Project Blue Book

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Have you had a sighting or encounter?
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Thanks. Lon

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