; Phantoms and Monsters: Pulse of the Paranormal

dimanche, avril 23, 2023

Extremely Thin 'MEN IN BLACK' Confront & Question USPS Delivery Person

A USPS delivery person describes their encounter with bizarre & thin 'Men in Black' while working in Washington D.C. There was a confrontation and questions asked. 

This report was originally forwarded to me about a decade ago. Because of new information, I have updated the content:

"Hello, I had an extremely frightening experience not long ago. I had no idea what was going on, but when I happened to run across a description of the MIB (which I had never even heard about except for passing references to the Will Smith movie), I suddenly realized this is extremely similar to what I experienced. My mouth dropped open at the similarity.

What happened was, I used to be a postal delivery person in Washington, D.C. One of the buildings I delivered mail to on my route was this huge building. One day I paused to eat an apple outside the building, and not seeing a trashcan anywhere, I just threw the core onto the ground. When I walked into the building to deliver the mail, I was angrily confronted by the head security guy who asked me why I was littering. I was a little taken aback and asked him how he knew I had thrown the apple core on the ground. He told me that these whole premises were under video surveillance, including not only all sides of the building but even the grassy areas around it. It was then that I suddenly realized this building had really unusually tight security. Even when I went inside to deposit the mail, the mail room was open to me, but the rest of the building was inaccessible. I could only go into the main room, deposit the mail, and leave. I had to ring a buzzer to be let into the building each time I delivered.

Anyway, a few weeks later, I was on my way to deliver the mail as usual to the building, and as I was nearing the building, I saw three figures crossing the street on their way towards the building. At first glance, I thought they were normal. But as I looked closer I was shocked at how strange they were. They were extremely thin, and they didn't walk by putting one leg in front of the other, but sort of waddled by moving their whole bodies from side to side, lifting one foot off the ground, then the other foot in a sort of whole-body side-to-side waddle. It's hard to explain what I mean, but it was not the way any normal person would walk unless they were unable to move any joint in their legs.

But as strange as this was, this was not what frightened me. What frightened me was that they were absolutely thin. It was like they were as flat as a set of clothes that had been ironed. Their faces and bodies were entirely flat - no contours. The nose did not jut out, nothing. And they were also extremely thin. The best I could describe is if you saw a suit hanging from a clothes hanger, that would be about the same thickness. It was like no thickness at all, just clothes hanging from a hanger. All three were dressed in black suits. They all had black sunglasses.

I saw them walk up, ring the buzzer, and be let into the building. I was absolutely scared sh*tless as I had just been about to enter that very same building. I really wasn't sure what to do, but I kind of steeled myself, and slowly forced myself to ring the buzzer and enter the building, figuring, hey, I might have imagined this, in any case,e I should force myself to go through my routine until I can think this thing out. When I entered the main room, there were like 10 (normal) men standing there, just looking at me. It was really intimidating. They asked me if I had seen anything. I was kind of speechless for a second, not knowing how to respond. And then one of THEM walked right up to me from the side and from slightly behind me. I could tell it was one of the same types of things that I had seen crossing the street. It walked right up to me and I was too afraid to turn my head to the side and look at it. I am very scared just typing this right now, remembering it. It didn't say anything, it just got right up close to me, and I had a feeling of fear so intense, I felt as if my heart had just frozen and was going to fall out of my body onto the ground. Again, they asked me, "Did you see anything? What did you see?" I just shook my head and stammered, "No, I didn't see anything." Unless they were all retarded there is no way they couldn't have noticed my extreme fright. I thought they might hold me there and not let me go. But finally, they said, "Okay, leave now."

The MIB that was to my side and a little behind me, kind of took a step back to make way, and I had to steel myself to actually walk past it on my way to the door and I was out of the building. it is the bravest thing I've ever done in my life

At the time I had never heard of the MIB, I had no idea what this thing was or what the government was doing. All I knew was that I was dealing with something far more powerful than me. I thought maybe it was some new type of robot and the government was doing test runs on them, but why that would be done in broad daylight I could not and still do not understand. To give you an understanding of how frightening it was, the first thought that came to my mind was that I needed to leave the country - to find some way to get the h*ll out of the country and go somewhere else - but then it occurred to me that if I started to act strangely, they might get suspicious and kill me or something. I realized the best thing I could do was act as normally as possible and pretend nothing had happened.

Later the next week, my supervisor at the post office told me I had been suddenly reassigned from my old route to a new one, something that was unexpected. He asked me if I had encountered any problems on the route - I think even he may have been a little confused at why I was being reassigned. But I said I had no problems and I was very quiet about it. So eventually I got reassigned. After what I thought was an appropriate amount of time continuing to work at the post office, I quit my job and now I work at an airport. I am telling this story now because five years later I need to get this off my chest. I doubt they will come after me now but if they do, I can't avoid my fate. I've never seen any sort of alien or had any sort of unusual life event of any other kind, nor do I believe that there is such a thing as a devil or demons or anything. So I really don't know what to believe now. There is no doubt whatsoever the building was under the control of the government, with normal human beings. I still think it was some sort of cyborg experiment, and on occasion, I still am tempted to just leave the country to get away from all this."

NOTE: This is not the only time I have read a MIB described as thin and having a strange side-to-side gait. I went through some notes and found the notation of an incident that occurred in the early 1990s when I lived in Baltimore, MD. There had been an automobile accident on I-95 not far from downtown near the Washington Blvd. exit where a witness described a similar looking 'person' (thin, dressed in a black suit, fedora, and sunglasses) 'who waddled back and forth like a penguin' away from a black Crown Victoria that was stopped near the scene. This 'person' got to the guard rail and hopped over it with ease and disappeared. The local news didn't make note of this 'person' though it was reported in the local 'City Paper' a week after the accident. I searched for other references to this incident but was never successful. Lon



Have you had a sighting or encounter?
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Thanks. Lon

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A Paranormal Life welcomes Steve Stockton, paranormal researcher and author. Bernadette McDaniel (Host)

Steve Stockton is a veteran outdoorsman and paranormal researcher, who puts together collections of terrifying, odd, and strange encounters. He also references his own personal encounters with the unexplained. Steve studied English language at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, and lives in Portland, Oregon. His books include 'Strange Things In The Woods: A Collection of Terrifying Tales' & 'My Strange World'. His most recent series is titled 'National Park Mysteries & Disappearances.'

From his early years, Steve has had what can be called strange and, oftentimes, frightening experiences with the paranormal and unexplained. These encounters led him to search for the answers, only to discover the truth isn’t easy to find. His book 'My Strange World' is a collection of Steve’s encounters from his personal life, as well as his life as a renowned paranormal researcher. If you like scary stories and to take a trip down the road of the unexplained and bizarre, then buckle up and get ready to dive into the strange world of Steve Stockton.

Please join us in the chat, so that you may ask questions.


Welcome to Phantoms & Monsters 'Personal Reports' - cryptid & unexplained accounts directly from the archives of Phantoms & Monsters, and the Phantoms & Monster Fortean Research team. Narrated by Lon Strickler. Join us in the chat, discuss, and ask me questions about the accounts.

Featured in this edition:

In mid-2017, and then continuing into 2018,  various neighborhoods in Chicago (EX. Little Village & Lincoln Park) begin to experience multiple sightings & encounters. As the incidents start to spread throughout the Chicagoland region, more reports of high strangeness come to light. This presentation will cover the bizarre characteristics of these winged humanoids. The following video (next week) will detail synchronicities & more curious aspects of the phenomenon that continued in 2018.

The winged humanoid was first dubbed the 'Chicago Phantom,' but the media and the internet preferred the moniker 'Chicago Mothman.' 

I will describe the reports and incidents in detail and answer all questions from the chat room.






County in Washington officially declared 'refuge for Sasquatch'

US Navy fighter pilot said he saw UFOs 'pretty much daily' while on duty

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Have you had a sighting or encounter?
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Thanks. Lon

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