; Phantoms and Monsters: Pulse of the Paranormal

lundi, janvier 09, 2023

The Venus Gospel: An Account of George Adamski’s 1963 Visit to Denmark and Belgium - Part IV


The Venus Gospel:  An Account of George Adamski’s 1963 Visit to Denmark and Belgium - Part IV

By Raymond A. Keller, Ph.D., a.k.a. “Cosmic Ray,” the author of the international awards-winning Venus Rising Series, published by Headline Books and available on Amazon.com, while supplies last.

Venus Rising: A Concise History of the Second Planet

Final Countdown: Rockets to Venus

The Vast Venus Conspiracy

Lady Columba Venus Revelations

Flying Saucers and the Venus Legacy

Adamski on Religion in the Age of Flying Saucers

The Southern California contactee, George Adamski, during his keynote speech to the Scandinavian UFO Information (SUFOI) assembled in Denmark on 5 May 1963, lamented that since the dawn of the Age of Flying Saucers, “opportunists have made a new religion out of these important events (UFO sightings and encounters) with instructions given by supposed space people and spirits.”  His reasons for this critique follow below in Section IV:

Section IV

Adamski was emphatic that, “The space people are no more spooks and spirits than we are here.  They have been made so by mysticism and that has hurt the program far more than even the other type of propaganda (government disinformation).  Their program is purely scientific and has nothing to do with any religion.  You do not have to change your belief to learn about the program any more than you have to change when you go to a university to study for an engineering degree.

“The program and the things that are happening in the sky belong to the population of the world, which is three billion people (in 1963, a little over eight billion today in 2023).  They all must be informed if the true benefits are to be enjoyed.”

Importance of Philosophy to Science and Religion

Many of Adamski followers wondered why he spoke so often of the space people’s philosophy, in contrast to their science or religion.  “You might ask why I have put so much of their philosophy in my book,” the contactee declared, further elaborating, “Well, philosophy is more scientific than anything else, as science is founded on philosophy, and so are religions.  So, one cannot talk about hardly anything without implicating philosophy; and that is why it was included in the books.  And the philosophy in Inside the Space Ships (1955) was not given for anyone to accept against their will.  But I have been asked, ‘What kind of life do thy lead?’ and ‘Do they believe in God?’  And the answers were put into the book.  But that does not mean that we have to accept their way of life, unless we want to.  If we think it is better, we, without any fear, can change if we want to; but I did not suggest in the book any religion that we have, or any other.”

Some Catholic Hierarchy Receptive

Adamski was raised in the Roman Catholic tradition, although his Uncle Sydney in Dunkirk, New York, early on in the young George Adamski’s life, beginning at the age of three, exposed him to the teachings of Helena Blavatsky and the leading lights of the Theosophical Society.  As a baptized Roman Catholic, however, Adamski took the opportunity to visit the Vatican when he lectured in Rome during his first European excursion four years earlier, in 1959.  Of his meeting with the Catholic hierarchy and their reception the space people’s cosmic philosophy, the contactee, noted: “The program is not religious at all, yet when I lectured in Rome in 1959, those who really understood the problem, like the forty cardinals (ecclesiastical leaders), accepted it on scientific grounds.  For they knew that humankind must progress and new things must come up, even in religious talks.  Humankind must be progressive and we are progressing towards a wonderful goal if we will survive the present uncertainty.”

Who’s blessing who?  George Adamski maintained that the cardinals at the Vatican accepted the Venusians’ cosmic philosophy on “scientific grounds,” after he thoroughly explained it to them back in 1959.   Photo credit:  Daily Beast, 12 July 2017

(Cosmic Ray’s Commentary:  There is little doubt that the Bible and other sacred texts are replete with passages that attest to the presence of unusual visitors to the Earth, coming from the Celestial Realms, in times past.  These sacred accounts describe contacts between human beings and supposedly supernatural entities such as “angels,” “devils,” “ghosts,” “gods,” etc.   For the most part, these entities conform to an anthropomorphic body type, in their outward appearance, at least.  Given the extraordinary powers attributed to these beings from beyond Earth, it is not unreasonable to assume that some of these may, in fact, exist in a semi-material state.  This is evidenced by their alleged materializations and dematerializations and the working of miracles.  

In the majority of cases, these entities present themselves as peaceful messengers in service to humankind.  With the exception of the demons or devils, these entities have generally followed the verse of Hebrews 13:2 in the King James Version of the Bible: “Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares.”  In other words, angels are working on our behalf from behind the scenes, revealing themselves only when necessary. In this context, one could speculate that the terms “angels” and “aliens” are synonymous.  And with this acceptance, comes a knowledge and an understanding, or “gnosis,” that a true cosmic philosophy would concede a true spiritual component to the extraterrestrial hypothesis, i.e., the existence of intelligent life beyond the Earth that has been interacting with humankind since at least the beginning of our recorded history, if not since the very beginnings of life on this planet.

When taking into account the spiritual component in the Age of Flying Saucers, it becomes clear that the seeker of enlightenment in matters pertaining to this phenomenon, need not look to any specific religion or to give up their own religious belief system.  The student of cosmic philosophy can readily see the interventionist hands of the extraterrestrials in the formation of many religious systems that have helped to spur the evolutionary thought processes taking place in humankind down through the ages.  According to Dr. Marco Aurelio de Seixas, M.D., a Brazilian researcher into the extraterrestrial influence on the development of religions, “Extra-planetary people have always been in contact with humans.  This assertion is easily extracted from the argument that an abstract force, like a celestial being who descended to Earth to teach humanity, requires a philosophical reasoning unlikely to exist in an uneducated community of thousands of years ago and probably in many people today.”  (Hence, the need for contactees like Adamski to enlighten us and spread the gospel of our space brothers and sisters.)

Dr. Aurelio de Seixas continued, “To accept as true the universality of the evolutionary principle and the law of progress, it is much easier to accept the idea that other communities may have already reached a stage of unimaginable technological development that allows them to make long trips through the cosmos.” 

As to the opportunists, or UFO cultists, there is little doubt that Adamski’s warnings have come true.  The Heaven’s Gate group, led by the mysterious “UFO Two” a.k.a. Bonnie Nettles (1927-1985) and Marshall Applewhite (1931-1997), was the saddest and deadliest example of just such a cult.   And then there was the unauthorized UFO Education Center, with chapters in California, Mexico and Wisconsin, headed up by one-time Adamski associate Charlotte Blob, that came under intense scrutiny and prosecution for cult activities in many venues.  Many of the members had to be abducted and deprogrammed.  Should Adamski have lived a little longer, he surely would have opposed Blob’s efforts to organize this religious cult based on some of his more esoteric teachings. The reader is invited to see my chapter, “Beware of Flying Saucer Cults” in my seventh book in the Venus Rising series, Flying Saucers:  From Venus They Come (Terra Alta, West Virginia:  Headline Books, 2022), 138-144. 

George Adamski warned that the time would come when opportunists and cultists would usurp the message of the friendly space brothers and sisters.  Above:  Bonnie Nettles (L) and Marshall Applewhite (R), a.k.a. the “UFO Two,” Heaven’s Gate cult leaders attempt to recruit Southern Californians into their deadly ranks.  Photo credit:  Los Angeles Times

It is important to keep in mind that Adamski never started a religion or even advocated for his own Roman Catholicism.  He also never asserted any exclusivity to his message or philosophy, rather stating that it was for all of the Earth’s population.  He also never derided any of the other contactees, and frequently shared the same platform with many of them on several occasions.  There is no doubt, however, that there is a spiritual component to all of Adamski’s philosophy, and that of our space friends, as well, as espoused in all of his books.  Being a true Theosophist, it seems that this Southern California contactee adhered strongly to Helena Blavatsky’s second object of the Theosophical Society’s program: “To encourage the comparative study of religion, philosophy, and science” among all of those that counted themselves his disciples.  

As for myself, in book four of my Venus Rising series, The Vast Venus Conspiracy (Terra Alta, West Virginia:  Headline Books, 2021), in “Chapter 1:  On the Book of Abraham and the Plurality of Gods,” pages 11-20, I look at the impact of angelic extraterrestrials in the formation of the Latter-day Saints restoration movement (Community of Christ, Independence, Missouri) from my own religious background and unique perspective.


(Editor’s Note:  Stay tuned to this website for the continuation of Adamski’s keynote speech in Denmark in Part V of Cosmic Ray’s article, “The Venus Gospel:  An Account of George Adamski’s 1963 Visit to Denmark and Belgium,” where the California contactee and UFO prophet outlines the economic system of the extraterrestrials and the hope we all share, thereby, in the superabundant and paradisiacal world of tomorrow. - Lon)


Welcome to Phantoms & Monsters 'Personal Reports' - cryptid & unexplained accounts directly from the archives of Phantoms & Monsters, and the Phantoms & Monster Fortean Research team. Narrated by Lon Strickler. Join us in the chat, discuss, and ask me questions about the accounts.

Featured in this edition:

The 'Chicago Mothman' is back! A Little Village woman and her father had just left a grocery store and crossed the street when they observed a red-eyed bat-winged humanoid looking directly at them. They fled in terror. This is the 10th winged humanoid incident reported in Chicago's 'Little Village' community.

Also, a Memphis, Tennessee police officer recalls his bizarre encounter with a 'lizard humanoid' while on a special assignment in the late 1980s. A very interesting and detailed description of the creature. As well, San Bernardino County, California residents are now coming forward with their personal upright Dogman encounters.

I have received several requests for me to recount my 1988 red-eyed winged humanoid encounter at Camp Conewago in south-central Pennsylvania. I will describe the incident in detail and answer all questions.

Please join us in the chat!


In this episode of 'V' host, Vincent Richardson welcomes UFO, cryptid, & paranormal researcher & investigator Bryan Bowden to the show. We hope to see you in the chat. Please like, subscribe, and comment.

As a child, Bryan experienced some unusual events that drove his curiosity and would later propel him into becoming a boots-on-the-ground UFO, cryptid, and paranormal researcher and investigator. Since 1977 he has used his spare time to explore those areas of interest, traveling the world in pursuit of the Truth, His experiences in the paranormal realm cover the gambit of the goblin universe, from encounters with Sasquatch, Dogman, and spirits to several UFO experiences, each has been the driving force in his quest for more knowledge and ultimately Answers. 

He is the Chief Information and Technology Officer and Director for the Bronxville Paranormal Society BPS and has brought an entirely fresh perspective and process to the paranormal field and investigations culminating in revolutionary results. 

Bryan is the creator, producer, and co-host of the critically acclaimed "Beyond The Realm" Radio Show; He started the Paranormal Center and is a former member of the board for the Pine Bush UFO Festival and Conference. He has conducted several successful CE-5 events, all of which have brought contact to the many who attended.

Bryan is currently a member of IRVA the International Remote Viewers Association; the Founder and Director of the NYSUFOP - New York State UFO Project, NYSSO - New York State Sasquatch Organization; and the  NYSDP - New York State Dogman Project. He was the former Director of the North American Dogman Project - New York State Chapter; and is The North American correspondent for Outer Limits Magazine.  He is the co-host of “Inside The Goblin Universe” radio program with Ronald Murphy, and host of NoBoBuMe (which stand for -Nobody But Me). He also has several appearances on Dave Scott's Spaced Out Radio SOR, and also has appeared in numerous newspaper articles, independent films, television series, and a variety top tier podcasts.

Bryan Bowden has been a speaker and presenter at many conferences throughout the United States. He has appeared in a season of Red Earth Uncovered, (a Canadian series) and also appeared on Into the Unknown, (Jersey Devil episode) hosted by Cliff Simon, He filmed for the UFO documentary “Star Children of Pine New York”; along with filming for a 2-hour UFO Special for the Travel Channel and Discovery+ called “Alien Invasion Hudson Valley UFO” and is on Season 2 of UFO WITNESS.

Please join us in the chat!


In this episode of Phantoms & Monsters Radio, we welcome paranormal investigator, intuitive, & writer Richard Moschella. Please like, subscribe, and comment.

Richard Moschella is a paranormal investigator, intuitive, and writer from Morris County, New Jersey. He is the owner and team leader of the New Jersey Paranormal Project an organization he founded back in 2007, his goal was to research and investigate spirit. Though the New Jersey Paranormal Project has gotten to work with some of the best experts in the paranormal field, spiritualists, and mediums. 

The New Jersey Paranormal Project can be seen on YouTube and anyone can view the case files and be a part of the investigation. Richard is also a writer, author, and lecturer. His latest book is titled 'Case Files of the Paranormal.'

Richard's website can be found at www.RichardMoschella.com

Please join us in the chat!


A Paranormal Life welcomes Lily Nova, who is an Astrophotographer, UFO / alien contactee, & experiencer. Bernadette McDaniel (Host)

Lily Nova's journey as an Astrophotographer turned from fueling her love for space by taking photos of the night sky, to being visited by extraterrestrials, and documenting close encounters with UFOs.

UFOs began visiting Lily Nova during COVID while she was out shooting astrophotography. She began documenting these close encounters with her camera, accumulating evidence, and investigating the phenomena.

Since then, she has been exploring the universe in ways she could never imagine possible. Lily now initiates contact with these otherworldly beings and has become a channel for their messages. They have taught her many curiosities about the universe, spirituality, how to develop psychic gifts, and what it truly means to be human. Lily has discovered so much about who we are, and where we are heading as a species.

Lily's website can be found at lilynovaspaceart.com

Please join us in the chat!




We are asking the worldwide public to come forward with your sightings & encounters. Contact us by email - Thanks. Lon

Have you had a sighting of a winged humanoid or huge bat-like creature in the Chicago, Illinois metro area / Lake Michigan region? The entity has also been referred to as the 'Chicago Mothman', 'Chicago Owlman' & 'O'Hare Mothman.' - Chicago / Lake Michigan Winged Humanoid Regional Interactive Map - Please feel free to contact me at lonstrickler@phantomsandmonsters.com - your anonymity is guaranteed. Our investigative group is conducting a serious examination of his phenomenon. We are merely seeking the truth and wish to determine what eyewitnesses have been encountering. Your cooperation is truly appreciated.





Mysterious Encounters with faceless humanoid creatures

Mysteries revisited: the chilling A70 alien abduction incident




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