; Phantoms and Monsters: Pulse of the Paranormal

mercredi, décembre 07, 2022

Amazing BIGFOOT ENCOUNTER Ends Oklahoma Fisherman's Love For the Outdoors!

An Oklahoma man recalls his remarkable encounter with a Bigfoot while fishing at Beavers Bend State Park. The experience literally changed his desire to be an outdoorsman.

"My name is Charles and you can use my name if you wish. I have nothing to hide or be ashamed of and I'm too damned old to be worried about what some non-believers might think. I'm of Native American and German heritage, precisely, Cherokee and Choctaw with a small amount of Irish, Scottish, and Bohemian thrown into the mix.

I've always loved the outdoors whether it be camping, hunting, fishing, or hiking. That is until this damn creature took it all away from me. I worked as an oil well service operator in a Texas oil field for 25 years and then went to work for the United States Postal Service, retiring in 2017 after 23 years of service.

My encounter happened in 1974 and I was 21 years old. I never told anyone about this encounter. I'm still dealing with some PTSD. I planned a vacation to Beavers Bend State Park in southeast Oklahoma during the first week of March 1974. My pregnant wife was six months and I planned a tent camp on the Mountain Fork River below the dam on Broken Bow Leg for four days. So I rented the farthest south tent site which was only 30 yards from a cement dam on the river. This made the upper portion deeper for swimming, kayaking, and fishing. We had beautiful weather in the low to mid-50s and highs of 65 to 70 degrees. The first or two days were just terrific. We had fresh fish for breakfast and dinner.

On the morning of the third day, I got up at 5 AM and made a pot of coffee. I had one cup and then grabbed my tackle box, rod, reel, and a five-gallon bucket to put my catch in and then walked down to the cement dam where I'd fished the first two days. I've been fishing for about 25 minutes. I had a three-pound smallmouth bass and two rainbow trout about two pounds each. I planned to catch one more fish and then call it quits. I went to make another cast and my lure hung up on what I thought was a tree limb. So I turned to look up to see where my lure had caught the limb and then all I could see was a wall of cinnamon-brown hair about four feet from me. Oh my God! My lure had hung up on the upper left chest of something that I did not know existed. It was at least 10 to 11 feet tall,l five feet wide across the shoulders and at least one thousand to eleven hundred pounds. Its biceps were as big as my waist. My eyes moved up to its face. It had a conical head. The eyes were as big and red. It was looking down at me and snarling its teeth, which were as big as a horse's and had only slightly pronounced eye teeth. Its head looked two and a half times the size of mine.

I could not move. I could feel and hear a very low growl that seemed to rattle my bones with a pressure all over my body that I can't explain. I truly believe that my life was over. I couldn't speak or scream. But I remember thinking, 'Oh my God. I'm so sorry for hurting you.' Then like turning off a light switch everything went black. I evidently passed out. I believe that was about 6:30 AM when I woke up. I felt so drained of energy and I had a terrible headache. I sat up looked around and saw that my tackle box had been smashed flat, my rod was broken into four pieces and the three fish that I caught were taken out of my bucket.

After regaining my composure I found two footprints that were huge where the beast had been standing. I had a measuring tape, so I measured both prints at 22 and a half inches long and 10 inches across the ball of the foot, six inches across the heel. Damn! I'd never seen a footprint that huge. Then I realized that I had to get the hell away from there. I picked up all my broken fishing equipment and carried all of it to a trash bin. I walked back to camp, poured myself another cup of coffee, and waited for my wife to wake up. I poured her a cup of coffee and she asked how was the fishing this morning. Well, I told her that during the night someone had come into our camp and taken all of my fishing gear. Oh, she was pissed. But that was way better than me trying to explain what I had actually seen and what transpired down at the river.

I was feeling very lucky to still be breathing. So, add one more cup of coffee and then told my wife that I wasn't feeling quite up to par and that I was just ready to go home.

I can't help but believe that this creature had been watching me fishing and wanted my fish. To this day I still can't believe how it snuck up behind me. I've given away most of my fishing gear only within the last couple of years. I had an interest in finding out more about what took my love of the outdoors away.."

Transcribed Source: The Round Table Of Knowledge By HTH

Have you had a sighting or encounter?
Contact me by email or call the hotline at 410-241-5974
Thanks. Lon

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Welcome to Phantoms & Monsters 'Personal Reports' - cryptid & unexplained accounts directly from the archives of Phantoms & Monsters. Narrated by Lon Strickler. Join us in the chat, discuss, and ask me questions about the account.

Featured in this edition:

An eyewitness describes his observations in reference to a Bigfoot that was struck & killed on an Ontario, Canada highway. The beast was nearly decapitated by the impact. He was later interrogated by a MIB-type individual.

Also, Russian Navy divers encounter several 10-foot-tall aquatic humanoids while conducting underwater training on Lake Baikal. In addition, an Amarillo zookeeper confirms the sighting and security camera capture of an apparent werewolf.

In this episode of 'V' host Vincent Richardson welcomes UFO researcher & Marley Woods Project investigator Thomas Ferrario to the show. We hope to see you in the chat. Please like, subscribe, and comment.

Thomas M. Ferrario has worked as a divemaster, machinist and electrical engineer on projects in the United States, Red China and Bermuda. Has been an independent UFO researcher since 1969 to 1998 at which point Walt Andrus founder of MUFON asked him to become a section director for MUFON. Later he would go on to be assistant state director for Missouri MUFON. He then co-founded the MUFON dive team with Debbie Ziegimeyer. Thomas then joined Ted Phillips as his assistant in 2006 and later became part of Ted's S.I.U team. He assisted Ted Phillips on his Marley Woods Project and the Tetra Mountain Moon Shaft project.

Please join us in the chat, so that you may ask questions. Don't miss this opportunity.


In this episode of Phantoms & Monsters Radio, we present an Alien Abduction Roundtable with guests Preston Dennett, Lynn Wallington, & Dolly Safran. Please like, subscribe, and comment.

Preston Dennett began investigating UFOs and the paranormal in 1986 when he discovered that his family, friends, and co-workers were having dramatic unexplained encounters. Since then, he has interviewed hundreds of witnesses and investigated a wide variety of paranormal phenomena. He is a field investigator for the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON), a ghost hunter, a paranormal researcher, and the author of 28 books and more than 100 articles on UFOs and the paranormal. Several of his books have been Amazon UFO bestsellers.

He has appeared on numerous radio and television programs, including Midnight in the Desert with Art Bell, Coast-to-Coast AM, and also the History Channel’s Deep Sea UFOs and UFO Hunters. His research has been presented in the LA Times, the LA Daily News, the Dallas Morning News, and other newspapers.

 His website can be found at www.prestondennett.weebly.com


Lynn Wallington lives a life amidst the strange and unusual. Her first paranormal experience happened at a young age, where she saw her great grandmother sitting at the edge of her bed one night, only to find out the next morning that she had passed away.

Her interest in the paranormal and how it affects people led her to get a degree in Psychology from the University of Massachusetts. After Lynn graduated, she worked for Harvard Medical School doing research and working with clients who had Schizophrenia and other forms of psychosis.

In her 30’s Lynn had her first experience with a UFO, and shortly after had an experience with a mantis being. Her interest in the field of ufology was sparked. Using her own experiences and her background in Psychology, she helped to develop and run the Support Program for experiencers.

Lynn is also certified as a Regression Therapist and has worked with experiencers to help recover memories and understand the role these experiences have played in their life.


In January 1973, fourteen-year-old Dolly Safran gazed out the window of her home near the Florida Everglades. Without warning, a UFO dropped from the sky and hovered in her backyard. To her shock, Dolly could see thin, gray-skinned figures with large dark eyes staring back at her. Frightened, she dived under her bed to hide. At that moment, her bedroom filled with a blazing blue light. The next thing she knew, morning had arrived. She was lying on the floor wearing somebody else’s pajamas. She had been taken, again. This was not her first episode of missing time. It had happened many times before. Only this time, something different happened. Dolly remembered. In fact, she remembered everything.

Over the next few days, Dolly recalled being taken onboard the craft, where she was examined by Gray ETs. She then had a long conversation with them, was given a tour of the craft, and was told she would soon be contacted again. Only a few days later, the ETs returned and took her onboard again. Dolly had no fear as she spoke with the grays, who reminded her that she had been contacted many times before. She was asked if she would like to work with them and learn from them, and what she would like to learn? Amazed by the opportunity, Dolly chose to learn how to pilot the craft. The ETs agreed.

So began Dolly’s lifelong experiences with the extraterrestrials. She recalled all of her earlier childhood experiences and finally understood what had been happening to her. She remembered being taken to another planet where she and other children were taught by the grays about a wide variety of subjects: science, history, philosophy, spirituality and more. More encounters followed.

Please join us in the chat, so that you may ask questions. Don't miss this opportunity.


A Paranormal Life welcomes Anna Maria Manalo, a paranormal author, screenwriter, & storyteller. Bernadette McDaniel (Host)

Filipina-American Anna Maria Manalo was raised in suburban San Juan, an hour north of metropolitan Manila. During childhood, her neighborhood was an active hotspot for ghosts, apparitions and other entities. These experiences led to her interest in the supernatural after her father’s tragic death from a demonic infestation in their home.

Anna is an author of paranormal suspense memoirs and anthologies. She specializes in hauntings brought about by catastrophic events such as WWII, acts of human violence, odd and strange entities that appear in remote, isolated or abandoned places or beings created by human thought called Tulpas. Anna believes the entities that appear in Filipino folklore have been on earth eons before the appearance of human civilization.

A therapist by profession, Anna began writing in her spare time as a screenwriter. She has placed in several screenplay competitions for her highly atmospheric and suspenseful scripts.

Now an author, Anna writes creative nonfiction memoirs and anthologies based on first-person accounts garnered from people she has interviewed all over the globe as a travel photographer and antique collector. Anna’s books are all rated at 4.4 to 5.0 on Amazon.

With a cinematic storytelling style and characters based on real-life witnesses, Anna creates books that fully immerse readers in the experience of the phenomena as she takes them into terrifying landscapes. Her writing style has been likened to Chilean author Isabelle Allende and Nobel Laureate and Holocaust survivor Elie Wiesel.

Please join us in the chat, so that you may ask questions. Don't miss this opportunity.




We are asking the worldwide public to come forward with your sightings & encounters. Contact us by email - Thanks. Lon

Have you had a sighting of a winged humanoid or huge bat-like creature in the Chicago, Illinois metro area / Lake Michigan region? The entity has also been referred to as the 'Chicago Mothman', 'Chicago Owlman' & 'O'Hare Mothman.' - Chicago / Lake Michigan Winged Humanoid Regional Interactive Map - Please feel free to contact me at lonstrickler@phantomsandmonsters.com - your anonymity is guaranteed. Our investigative group is conducting a serious examination of his phenomenon. We are merely seeking the truth and wish to determine what eyewitnesses have been encountering. Your cooperation is truly appreciated.





Why Archaeologists Are Not Looking For Atlantis

Levitation Breakthrough Achieved in New Study of Acoustic Radiation Force Phenomenon




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