; Phantoms and Monsters: Pulse of the Paranormal

samedi, décembre 31, 2022


An Indian investigative journalist writes about hairy hominids said to exist throughout India, Asia, and the sub-continent. He also notes the legends of Forest People and Fae in those regions.

"I'm from India and a trained financial news journalist for a multinational mainstream news company. Let me start by confirming what many people may already know Bigfoot is present worldwide. The problem is most people hear about the sightings in North America because information gathering and flow is very advanced there compared to the rest of the world. But while Americans and Canadians struggle with the government's ignorance and denial of the existence of Sasquatch things have been different here in India.

In 2019 the official handle of the Indian Army Twitter page posted a few pictures (attached) of police-shared footprint photos which they said belonged to the Yeti aka Abominable Snowman. The Yeti has the same characteristics as the North American Bigfoot including the color. Sir Edmund Hillary, who was one of the first two men to climb the world's highest mountain Mount Everest, claimed to have seen this being. The Yeti is also respected by the Buddhist monks in the region and their history goes back thousands of years. I'm trying to track down some Indian Army personnel who've had sightings.

While the Yeti is the most famous there are other beings as well in northeast India. There was a being called Mande Barung who is a bit shorter but has brownish and orangish hair. There was a report once where a villager said that they had killed and eaten one of these beings and some scientists have tried to investigate. In Bangladesh, there's a creature known locally as Ban-manush which translates to 'apeman.' There's another similar being in Pakistan called Barmanou. Lastly, in China and central Asia, people will tell you about the Yeren and Almas respectively. Unfortunately, most of southeast and central Asia has little or no access to the internet, and news reports are extremely rare, so it's very difficult to sketch a broader picture of what's happening here

There are several other such beings in southeast Asia and many more that we may have not even known about because the flow of information is disabled in this part of the world. I'm trying to start an organization that can collect stories and information like this around the region as I believe it's essential for this global community and these beings.

I want to know your thoughts about the little Forest People or the Fae. Yes, I'm talking about fairies, elves, goblins, gnomes, etc. some of your recent shares have been about them but unfortunately, I've not yet seen an extensive and serious discussion regarding these beings. Even some people interested in the paranormal dismiss the Fae. I am a trained journalist and hence take an investigative approach to things. The legends and stories of little Forest People are found in every culture and region of the world. They are more prevalent than maybe even Sasquatch. There are several stories of little people in India too. In fact, there's a place called Fairy Hill in the country. I'll be visiting an area that has some evidence of the possible existence of these beings soon and will write to you in more detail on this broad topic."

Transcribed Source: The Round Table Of Knowledge By HTH

Have you had a sighting or encounter?
Contact me by email or call the hotline at 410-241-5974
Thanks. Lon

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Welcome to Phantoms & Monsters 'Personal Reports' - cryptid & unexplained accounts directly from the archives of Phantoms & Monsters, and the Phantoms & Monster Fortean Research team. Narrated by Lon Strickler. Join us in the chat, discuss, and ask me questions about the accounts.

Featured in this edition:

A Morea, Pennsylvania resident reports a recent sighting of an 8+ foot tall black upright canine observed by their sister and son. The witnesses state that the beast howled as it crossed the road in front of them.

Also, In the late 18th century, the Pennsylvania Dutch started to settle on the other side of the Mason-Dixon Line in Carroll, Frederick & Washington Counties. Not long after setting down their new roots, tales of the Hexenwolf started to circulate. The description of this beast was similar to the Dwayyo, 'a mammalian biped with features similar to a wolf, but the stance and stature of a human.'

During the last Personal Reports show, there were several requests that I recount my personal Bigfoot encounter. I will describe the incident in detail and answer all questions.

Please join us in the chat!




We are asking the worldwide public to come forward with your sightings & encounters. Contact us by email - Thanks. Lon

Have you had a sighting of a winged humanoid or huge bat-like creature in the Chicago, Illinois metro area / Lake Michigan region? The entity has also been referred to as the 'Chicago Mothman', 'Chicago Owlman' & 'O'Hare Mothman.' - Chicago / Lake Michigan Winged Humanoid Regional Interactive Map - Please feel free to contact me at lonstrickler@phantomsandmonsters.com - your anonymity is guaranteed. Our investigative group is conducting a serious examination of his phenomenon. We are merely seeking the truth and wish to determine what eyewitnesses have been encountering. Your cooperation is truly appreciated.





If aliens contact humanity, who decides what we do next?

Strange Beam Of Light Captivates People In Japan




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Please use the PayPal donation buttons on the blog site. You can also go directly to Phantoms & Monsters donation. Thanks again for your loyalty and continued support. Lon

This blog and newsletter are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Work 3.0 United States License.

Registered trademark PHANTOMS AND MONSTERS ® / PHANTOMS & MONSTERS ® - USPTO #90902480 - Lon D. Strickler

© 2005-2022 Phantoms & Monsters - All Rights Reserved

Large 'JEEPERS CREEPERS' WINGED HUMANOID Encountered in Garland, Texas

A Garland, Texas father, mother, and son experience sightings/encounters with a large winged humanoid in their residential neighborhood. They also observe unexplained lights in the sky.

I recently received a telephone call from 'RC' and his wife who live in a residential neighborhood in Garland, Texas.

They described 3 different sightings/encounters with a winged humanoid near their home between May 2020 to November 2020. They stated that the winged humanoid had a build similar to the 'Jeepers Creepers' film character but much larger. Each sighting was observed from outside their home.

They described it as a thin dark-colored human-like body with legs and large bat-like wings that had a total span of over 15 feet. The head was not distinct and seemed to be part of the upper body. On one occasion the winged humanoid flew above them at a short distance, approximately 50 feet or so. They both felt a 'strange pressure' that emanated from the being. They never heard any sounds associated with the winged creature. They did see it fly into a neighbor's tree during one of the sightings but it totally disappeared. They have not seen it since.

When they attempted to tell friends, family, and neighbors they were totally rebuffed. RC did mention that they are Hispanic and that many of the people around them are very superstitious when it comes to supernatural and unknown creatures.

During the same period, they encountered an unexplained series of lights and anomalies one evening. Both of them work late shifts and are home in the early morning. They usually enjoy taking late-night walks around the neighborhood.

One night, they heard loud shrill screams coming from down the street. As they were walking in the direction of the sounds (at approximately 2AM) they both observed the erratic movement of blue and red orb-like lights in the sky. As they continued to watch the lights, a huge 'dome of light' filled the sky. They then heard what they described as 'mechanical sounds.' They never did find out the source of the screams, but believe it was associated with the unusual lights.

NOTE: It has become apparent, not only in the Chicagoland incidents but also throughout North America, that a large percentage of the witnesses are of Hispanic descent. We have never disclosed this component before, but feel that it should be noted as part of the record. Lon

Have you had a sighting or encounter?
Contact me by email or call the hotline at 410-241-5974
Thanks. Lon

If you wish to comment on this Phantoms & Monsters post, please go to Phantoms & Monsters Post Comments


Welcome to Phantoms & Monsters 'Personal Reports' - cryptid & unexplained accounts directly from the archives of Phantoms & Monsters, and the Phantoms & Monster Fortean Research team. Narrated by Lon Strickler. Join us in the chat, discuss, and ask me questions about the accounts.

Featured in this edition:

A Morea, Pennsylvania resident reports a recent sighting of an 8+ foot tall black upright canine observed by their sister and son. The witnesses state that the beast howled as it crossed the road in front of them.

Also, In the late 18th century, the Pennsylvania Dutch started to settle on the other side of the Mason-Dixon Line in Carroll, Frederick & Washington Counties. Not long after setting down their new roots, tales of the Hexenwolf started to circulate. The description of this beast was similar to the Dwayyo, 'a mammalian biped with features similar to a wolf, but the stance and stature of a human.'

During the last Personal Reports show, there were several requests that I recount my personal Bigfoot encounter. I will describe the incident in detail and answer all questions.

Please join us in the chat!




We are asking the worldwide public to come forward with your sightings & encounters. Contact us by email - Thanks. Lon

Have you had a sighting of a winged humanoid or huge bat-like creature in the Chicago, Illinois metro area / Lake Michigan region? The entity has also been referred to as the 'Chicago Mothman', 'Chicago Owlman' & 'O'Hare Mothman.' - Chicago / Lake Michigan Winged Humanoid Regional Interactive Map - Please feel free to contact me at lonstrickler@phantomsandmonsters.com - your anonymity is guaranteed. Our investigative group is conducting a serious examination of his phenomenon. We are merely seeking the truth and wish to determine what eyewitnesses have been encountering. Your cooperation is truly appreciated.





If aliens contact humanity, who decides what we do next?

Strange Beam Of Light Captivates People In Japan




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Your financial support of Phantoms & Monsters and our other pursuits is much appreciated. This all depends on you, the readers & followers.

Please use the PayPal donation buttons on the blog site. You can also go directly to Phantoms & Monsters donation. Thanks again for your loyalty and continued support. Lon

This blog and newsletter are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Work 3.0 United States License.

Registered trademark PHANTOMS AND MONSTERS ® / PHANTOMS & MONSTERS ® - USPTO #90902480 - Lon D. Strickler

© 2005-2022 Phantoms & Monsters - All Rights Reserved

vendredi, décembre 30, 2022

UNEXPLAINED HUMANOID Recorded in Thailand Mountains Near Hua Hin (VIDEO)

Two young men were bike riding in the mountains near Hua Hin, Thailand. When they stopped to explore their camera picked up an unexplained humanoid creature among the trees.

In early 2015, Damien Mink and his friend went on a bike ride in the mountains of Thailand, near the city of Hua Hin. Damien, a Belgium native, had been living and working in Thailand since late 2014 and spent much of his free time taking in the sights. When they reached a cliff, they stopped to take a break and enjoy the view.

“Once we arrived at the top of the mountain, we had a GoPro on the helmet, so we stopped at a viewpoint. We admired the view, took off the helmet, and put the helmet on the rock.”

Damien then noticed a strange sound. “It was a very strident sound, almost like a woman screaming for help.”Swinging his camera around in the direction of the sound, Damien managed to capture something out of this world. “I was not sure what it was. I saw something moving. At first, I thought it was someone, but then I saw, like... It didn't seem like a person. I mean, it had the form a little bit like a person, but it was, like, green-colored. Also, you couldn't see it well because it was, like, matching the color of nature. I didn't even notice it until it was moving... Meant that its camouflage reflex was very good. And as it sank down, I still had a hard time separating it from the background. The motion was the only reason I was able to track it. It's amazing this thing was caught on video for just those few seconds. That thing looked bizarre. It looked like something out of this world. I couldn't explain what it was. Like, even the hands look like... It was like frog hands or something. It was... what was it? This thing was definitely not human, but it was alive.”

Damien and his friend immediately rushed to the spot but found nothing there. There was no trace of it at tall. “We ran to see what it was, but when we arrived there, there was nothing. It was gone... You know, it happened so quickly, and we didn't really have a confrontation, so I didn't feel danger. I think it was scared and ran away, so I think it felt more in danger than we did... We were, like, very excited to come back and play the image back and slow it down, and when we slow it down, and we saw that it was like, "Oh, my god. What is that?

Author and researcher Brian J. Cano, one of the hosts of 'Paranormal Caught on Camera', noted of the creature captured by Mink: “It's weird. It has a reptilian face. It seems to have scales. It has this large hand, long fingers.”Another thing not mentioned by Cano is that the creature actually seems to fade out as it moves down out of frame as if turning on some kind of invisibility technology.

Over the years, there have been some very interesting reptilian humanoid creatures documented, as well as other hard-to-define cryptids, like the Ewok beings that were captured on camera by tourists several years ago. Damien eventually moved to Hua Hin and has gone on numerous trips back into the mountains looking for what he saw on that day. To date, he has come up empty-handed. “I try tried to look for some clues or o look for some clues or for some leftovers or some skin or anything, but I couldn't find anything.

”While the case is undated, Damien noted in his 2020 Skype interview with 'Paranormal Caught on Camera', that the video was recorded “five years ago”, and the first known upload of the video was January 8, 2015.

Some skeptics have attempted to explain it away as merely a lizard and/or pareidolia. Even more ironic, those who demand proof are quick to, without any proof, claim that Mink and his friends were running around in lizard costumes, completely ignoring that the creature in the video appears to fade out on camera something that a person in a costume could not do. The  lazier skeptics just claimed that the video was “fake” without a hint of evidence to back up this claim. At least one pointed out that the creature seemed to have antlers.

Source: Paranormal Caught on Camera, Season 2, Episode 7 “Reptillian Creature inThailand and More” Episode aired Jun 24, 2020

Have you had a sighting or encounter?
Contact me by email or call the hotline at 410-241-5974
Thanks. Lon

If you wish to comment on this Phantoms & Monsters post, please go to Phantoms & Monsters Post Comments




We are asking the worldwide public to come forward with your sightings & encounters. Contact us by email - Thanks. Lon

Have you had a sighting of a winged humanoid or huge bat-like creature in the Chicago, Illinois metro area / Lake Michigan region? The entity has also been referred to as the 'Chicago Mothman', 'Chicago Owlman' & 'O'Hare Mothman.' - Chicago / Lake Michigan Winged Humanoid Regional Interactive Map - Please feel free to contact me at lonstrickler@phantomsandmonsters.com - your anonymity is guaranteed. Our investigative group is conducting a serious examination of his phenomenon. We are merely seeking the truth and wish to determine what eyewitnesses have been encountering. Your cooperation is truly appreciated.





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Please use the PayPal donation buttons on the blog site. You can also go directly to Phantoms & Monsters donation. Thanks again for your loyalty and continued support. Lon

This blog and newsletter are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Work 3.0 United States License.

Registered trademark PHANTOMS AND MONSTERS ® / PHANTOMS & MONSTERS ® - USPTO #90902480 - Lon D. Strickler

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