; Phantoms and Monsters: Pulse of the Paranormal

mercredi, octobre 12, 2022

Huge JET-BLACK SASQUATCH Threatens Northern Utah Hikers

A Utah couple is hiking in the Uinta Mountains on the Jardine Juniper Trail when they encounter a huge jet-black Sasquatch that is hurling rocks at them. They barely escape without injury.

"My wife and I are both extremely outdoorsy people. I'm from a remote area in the north slope of the Ute on the north slope of the Uinta Mountains of northern Utah. We had been hiking in the Jardine Juniper Trail a lot last year as well as other trails in northern Utah to get ready for hunting season. The Jardine Trail is one of our favorites and we spent a lot of time there.

In August of 2021, we started hiking in the evenings because it was so hot in the daytime. We've done a couple evening hikes in the first part of August with no problems whatsoever. Usually, we would make it back to the truck by dark. On the night that it happened, which I believe was August 10th, I lost track of time. We got a little bit of a late start.

We're above the main switchbacks which are about three miles in when it gets dark on us so we decided to turn around. We're both working full-time and we're hiking this area about three times a week at this point so we do not always do the full route each time, usually just a five to seven-mile power hike round trip. We passed by a couple of bikers on the way out. We were moving fast and quiet as we were making our way down the switchbacks just enjoying the late summer stillness. In the large timber, the slope is steep but the trail winds through the large trees nicely and gives you glimpses of the basin below and high peaks above.

It was twilight maybe 15 minutes or so until we needed headlamps to see. We came around the slight turn in the trail right before the large hairpin turn at the bottom of the slope and almost as if caught by surprise, I saw this massive jet-black figure go from standing to crouching through a small gap in the timber about 50 yards ahead and just downslope of the trail. Looking back I'm surprised that I did not freeze or turn my back to my wife to confirm what I saw. All that crossed my mind was that's weird. Without pause, we kept moving briskly. It was too dark to see detail but light enough to see our surroundings quite well. Sometimes you think your mind plays tricks on you in the twilight hours, especially in timber with so many shadows.

It seemed like just seconds after seeing the creature I heard a loud crack against a prominent large tree directly upslope from us on our left. There may have been two cracks I really cannot remember. I turned around thinking that my wife was messing with me and throwing rocks as I turned my eyes caught hers I could tell she was not throwing anything as we were both tired. My mind started racing a million miles an hour trying to figure out what animal could do that. We were frozen there trying to figure out what was going on. I know a rock flew directly over us and this time I saw it smack the same tree with unbelievable force. You could feel the air from it as it zipped by. It reminded me of my baseball days hearing the seams of a fastball whizzing through the air.

I think I quietly mumbled someone's messing with us. The mind does funny things when full of adrenaline. I could tell that we were hit with the realization that at the same time without saying a word just by looking at her facial expression which was, 'Oh we are not alone and it isn't human.' I do not feel in danger but needless to say, the feeling was to get going which we obliged. I ripped my hand down out of my pack as we move but it was as if my arm was paralyzed at my side with the gun pointing down to the ground. I felt helpless even with a 10-millimeter in my hand. It was strange. I am the firearms department head for one of the largest gun dealers in Utah. I feel more comfortable with my gun in my hand than most. I probably have more trigger time than your average person.

We moved almost to the point of running until we popped out of the timber and it opened up a bit, still feeling uneasy as we had a long way to go in the dark. We briefly had to stop and put our headlamps on, not saying a word other than that's weird the whole way up my mind kept trying to reason with what had happened. I did not put two and two together until we were back at the trailhead. What I saw seconds before it happened was the being that threw the rocks. It was getting dark when I saw its blackness almost radiating against the dark shadows of the forest. So many emotions were going through me. Confusion, anger, intrigue, and curiosity. I kept thinking why us.

I had a couple of guys I worked with go back up there with me two nights later. We stopped at the same gap in the timbers so I could better gauge its size by seeing the pocket where it stood in better lighting. It had to have been massive. The interesting thing is when we were right next to this thing the foliage was too thick to see anything. I also had the guys throw similar size rocks as hard as they could at point-blank range at the tree in the same area to compare sounds. My blood ran cold as I heard their rocks make little ping sounds compared to the loud cracks from two nights previous. The realization was creeping in that these things are real and what we had encountered was, in fact, a Sasquatch." JG

Transcribed source: The Facts By Howtohunt.com

Have you had a sighting or encounter?
Contact me by email - Thanks. Lon

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In this episode of Phantoms & Monsters Radio, we present paranormal experiencer Alice Jackson and investigator John Bullard. The documentary film 'The House in Between' and the subsequent follow-up release detailed Alice's personal ordeal in which her Mississippi dream home turned into a nightmare after a life-changing supernatural incident. 

Alice refused to spend another night at her house unless someone proved to her what she experienced had a natural explanation.

Paranormal investigator John Bullard was part of the initial team that started looking for answers. After many years, directors Steve Gonsalves and Kendall Whelpton headed to Mississippi with their camera crew to document the real-life effects of a homeowner’s mission to get her house back from this terrifying nightmare. 

The approach was much like a detective chasing down leads and connecting the dots. With a no stone left unturned mindset, utilizing real scientific data via physicists, field experts, and deep accurate research. The filmmakers were also adamant their film crew be very experienced in the field of paranormal research because of the sensitive nature of this case. The directors hand selected each film crew member not only for their respective production expertise but also for their dedication to the documentation of real paranormal research.

Please join us in the chat, so that you may ask questions. Don't miss this opportunity.


Welcome to Phantoms & Monsters 'Personal Reports' - cryptid & unexplained accounts directly from the archives of Phantoms & Monsters. Narrated by Lon Strickler. Join us in the chat, discuss, and ask me questions about the account.

Featured in this edition:

From the pages of my book 'Alien Disclosure: Experiencers Expose Reality.' A young Eastern Washington school teacher lives at home with her mother. They begin to observe strange orbs that infest their property. Soon after, they hear noises and movement on the roof and in the attic. That's when they call me.

Also...the eyewitness recalls his abduction by a menacing winged humanoid during his childhood. The incident occurred on the night of October 27, 1969, in Rolling Prairie, Indiana. He screamed and tried to fight off the beast, but no family members came to his aid!




We are asking the worldwide public to come forward with your sightings & encounters. Contact us by email - Thanks. Lon

Have you had a sighting of a winged humanoid or huge bat-like creature in the Chicago, Illinois metro area / Lake Michigan region? The entity has also been referred to as the 'Chicago Mothman', 'Chicago Owlman' & 'O'Hare Mothman.' - Chicago / Lake Michigan Winged Humanoid Regional Interactive Map - Please feel free to contact me at lonstrickler@phantomsandmonsters.com - your anonymity is guaranteed. Our investigative group is conducting a serious examination of his phenomenon. We are merely seeking the truth and wish to determine what eyewitnesses have been encountering. Your cooperation is truly appreciated.





Scientists Have Detected a ‘Completely Unprecedented’ Burst of Energy in Space





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