; Phantoms and Monsters: Pulse of the Paranormal

mercredi, septembre 14, 2022

When Bigfoot Stalk Elk, Hunters Beware!

A US Army Sergeant, stationed at Fort Carson, Colorado, decides to go turkey hunting and observes a Bigfoot. He later tells a Private about his experience. He is then told a very interesting account.

"From 2005 to 2008 I was stationed at Fort Carson, Colorado. While there my family and I enjoyed spending time hiking and venturing all over. We encountered several beautiful native critters including mountain lions and bears.

During the spring of 2006, I thought I would give it a go and try to turkey hunt near the base. I found a spot in an open unit and had several reports of good toms in the area. I got to the parking lot a little after dawn with just enough light to make my way through the brush without the use of a headlamp. I found what seemed like a good spot to set up, facing part of the Cheyenne Mountain range south of Pikes Peak.

As the sun rose I began calling and had a few turkeys gobbling their response. Unfortunately, where I was, I couldn't tell exactly where they were because of the way the mountain made everything echo. There's an old gravel road to my left about 300 yards.

At about 0840 am I heard a vehicle coming down the road and glanced over and saw a red pickup with at least two guys in it bouncing down the gravel road driving west through a pass. As they approached the pass I caught movement out of my right eye. I could see a large dark-colored thing moving north away from the road. I picked up my binoculars and I found it again as it began to scramble up one of the draws. I watched it move from my left to right covering a great distance in almost no time. Just before it began scrambling up the rocky draw I saw it turn and look back at the truck. In my mind, I first saw it as a bear. However, after a few minutes, I realized it was on two legs and not four running across the ground about 300 yards from me. It covered about 500 yards of brush and rocky terrain way quicker than a bear or anyone could have. As it scrambled up the draw I could see it reach out with its hands to grip and pull itself up. It seemed like in the blink of an eye and it was up and out of the sight behind the trees and brush.

I was trying to wrap my head around what I had just seen. I finally gather my gear and gun and began moving back to my truck. It hit me about the time I reached my truck exactly what I just witnessed. Whoever was in the passenger seat of the other truck I believe saw it too because that is what directed my attention to the movement. They had pointed quickly and the brake lights of the truck had tapped just before I saw the movement.

As I loaded my gear into the truck I began shaking with excitement, similar to after shooting a deer and processing what just happened. At the same time though I did not want to stick around. Later I looked up on the web and found there had been several sightings reported in and around the area.

Later, speaking to one of my soldiers from the area (who was from Alamosa), I told him what I'd seen. He said that they're here, they're all over the place.

He said that he and his uncle were elk hunting about five years ago. "My uncle pointed to the opposite ridge. He said, 'we're not the only ones hunting today.' I picked up my rifle and looked through the scope when my uncle smacked me on the head. He said, 'Don't do that. You'll p*ss them off!" He handed me his binoculars and I saw a large hairy man tracking the elk just like we were from the opposite ridge. That's when my uncle told me it was time for us to go and that I needed to be extremely careful when elk hunting in the area. He said if you're ever by yourself in here and you come across one of them tell him that you're just leaving and back away slowly. If he rushes you, because some of them will try to hurt you, do not hesitate. Shoot and don't stop until you see him drop. Don't ever speak of it.

I told my grandpa when we got home. He confirmed he had several sightings out while elk hunting there. He also confirmed to leave. But if attacked, shoot until all your bullets are gone. "So, yeah, I know what you saw. Welcome to the family Sergeant."

Transcribed source: The Facts By Howtohunt . com - "There Was A Large Hairy Man Stalking The Same Elk We Were"

Have you had a sighting or encounter?
Contact me by email - Thanks. Lon

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Prior to pursuing his dream of becoming a full-time author and musician in 2015, Joshua Cutchin served as Public Affairs Director of the University of Georgia Hugh Hodgson School of Music for three years. During his tenure at UGA, Joshua authored over one hundred articles, press releases, and blog posts.

Joshua Cutchin has appeared on countless paranormal programs discussing his work, including Coast to Coast AM, Mysterious Universe, Binnall of America, Expanded Perspectives, Radio Misterioso, and the Gralien Report. He has been featured on the hit History Channel television show Ancient Aliens, and is a recurring roundtable guest on the Where Did the Road Go? podcast.

He is the author of seven critically-acclaimed books: 2015's A Trojan Feast: The Food and Drink Offerings of Aliens, Faeries, and Sasquatch (translated into Spanish as Banquete Troyano); 2016's The Brimstone Deceit: An In-Depth Examination of Supernatural Scents, Otherworldly Odors, & Monstrous Miasmas; 2018's Thieves in the Night: A Brief History of Supernatural Child Abductions; and 2020's Where the Footprints End: High Strangeness and the Bigfoot Phenomenon, Volumes I & II, with Timothy Renner. In 2022, he released his two-part masterwork: Ecology of Souls: A New Mythology of Death & the Paranormal.

2023 will see the release of Fairy Films: Wee Folk on the Big Screen, a collection of essays for which he is the editor and a contributor.

He also appears alongside coauthor Timothy Renner in the 2023 documentary 'I Believe in Bigfoot.'

Join us on Friday, September 16th at 9PM ET / 6PM PT





We are asking the worldwide public to come forward with your sightings & encounters. Contact us by email - Thanks. Lon

Have you had a sighting of a winged humanoid or huge bat-like creature in the Chicago, Illinois metro area / Lake Michigan region? The entity has also been referred to as the 'Chicago Mothman', 'Chicago Owlman' & 'O'Hare Mothman.' - Chicago / Lake Michigan Winged Humanoid Regional Interactive Map - Please feel free to contact me at lonstrickler@phantomsandmonsters.com - your anonymity is guaranteed. Our investigative group is conducting a serious examination of his phenomenon. We are merely seeking the truth and wish to determine what eyewitnesses have been encountering. Your cooperation is truly appreciated.









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